SOP-5-I-MES0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance

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CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance
Version Cirrus
Work Instruction

This Work Instruction is Sanmina's corporate standard.
This document is under revision control. The latest revision is located on SanminaNet.
Once printed it is an uncontrolled copy. All alterations to this work instruction require approval.
Contact the IT Global Education and Training Department to submit suggested alterations and or updates.

This edition applies to Cirrus and all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new revisions.

CMMS Work Order

The main purpose of the CMMS - Work Order portlet is to create a work order containing as much data as necessary to perform tasks.

1. To access Work Order Maintenance, navigate to Production > CMMS - Work Order and then select the Work Order icon.

Figure 1: Work Order Maintenance

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2. The Work Order List main page displays:

Figure 2: Work Order List Page

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3. From the Work Order List main page, the following features can be selected:
  • Filter: Filter and search the list on the page.
  • Add: Add a Work Order.
  • Edit: Edit a Work Order from the list.


The filter feature can be used to narrow the list that is displayed on the main Work Order List page. This can be useful if the user wants to look at information pertaining to limited entries. Filters can be selected at the top of the Work Order List page.

Figure 3: Search Work Order List

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1. To filter the Work Order List, select one or more of the following filters:

  • Number: WO number.
  • PM Number: Identification of the part number that is in production.
  • Department: The department where the problem asset is located.
  • Status: Corresponds to the WO status. Provides a quick view if the WO is opened or closed.
  • Production Line: Name of the production line that is affected by the problem.
  • Start Date and To: Date range when the WO was created.
  • WO Type: Defined as Repair or Downtime.
  • Requester Group: A group of users that is responsible for the registered occurrence.
  • Requester: The user that registered the occurrence.
  • Assignee: The user that has been assigned to fix the problem.
  • Assigned Group: A list of users who are responsible for fixing the problem.
  • Problem Type: Identified during WO execution.
  • Problem: Configured problem identified in the WO.
  • Problem Category: The category to which the problem has been assigned.
  • Asset ID: Code identification for the Asset.
  • Asset Name: Configured name for the asset.
  • Machine Type: The type of machine affected.
  • Summary: Brief description of the WO.
  • Priority: Priority of the WO. P1, P2, or P3, where P1 is the most important and P3 is the least important.
  • Project: Configured project identified in the WO
  • Scope: The scope of the status of the WO. The Scope field options are:
  • OPENED: consider all WO opened (status in Assigned, WIP, Waiting for parts, Waiting for buy off, or Rejected).
  • MY groups: consider WO assigned to the current user’s groups and with status in Assigned, WIP, Waiting for parts, Waiting for buy off, or Rejected.
  • MY submissions: consider creator user by the current user and with status in Assigned, WIP, Waiting for parts, Waiting for buy off, Rejected.
  • Assigned to me: should consider WO assigned to the current user and with status in Assigned, WIP, Waiting for parts, Waiting for buy off, Rejected.
NOTE: WO with Status CLOSED/CANCELED will be displayed in the list just if the user select ALL in the field Scope.
2. Select Filter to display the results.

Add a Work Order

A work order is a job order that is created to perform any equipment related tasks, such as maintenance, repair, calibration, and scrap. Any CMMS user can create a work order.
1. To create a new work order, select Add from the Work Order List main page.
2. A WO Type pop-up will display. Select either REPAIR or DOWNTIME to define the Work Order Type.

Figure 4: Add a Work Order Main Page

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Add Repair WO

For the Repair Work Order Type, only one machine (PN or SN) has a problem. This type of WO will not affect the entire production line. The Work Order ID is generated automatically. The Work Order ID will be a sequential six digit number.
1. The Add Work Order form displays after selecting Repair as the WO Type.

Figure 5: Add a Work Order - Repair

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2. The following fields are available for entry:
  • Machine Down Date and Time: Enter the Date and Time the machine went down. (These fields are mandatory) The Machine Down Date and the Machine Down Time cannot be a date in the future. Only current and previous dates and times are allowed.
  • Requester: The currently logged-in user is displayed as the requester by default. To change to a different requester, select from the drop-down list provided.
  • Requester Group: Select from the drop-down list provided. This field displays all available user groups from the local system. The currently logged-in user will be displayed as the requester by default. To change to another requester, make a different selection from the drop-down list. (This field is mandatory)
  • Priority: Select a priority level from the drop-down list provided. The priority selections are organized in descending level of importance: P1, P2 or P3. The default value is P1. (This field is mandatory)
  • Prod. Line: Drop down list that is populated from the production line configuration that is active. This represents the production line from the asset. Once a line is selected, the Asset (below) drop-down list menu is populated with a list of the assets from that respective line. There is no default value or list provided.
  • Asset Department: Department from the asset. Select the asset department from the drop-down provided. The list is populated with all of the active departments that are available. The selection results restrict the Asset drop-down list (below) to those that belong to the specified department.
  • Asset: Dependent upon the production line and department selected above. The drop-down list contains the assets that are in use (field STATUS = in use). There is not a default value provided, so the system will ask the user to select one. (This is a mandatory field)
  • Assign Group: This drop-down list displays all groups available that are. (This is a mandatory field)
  • Summary: A brief description of the work order. Free text/static format. (This field is mandatory)
  • Project: Drop-down list with all projects that are active. If a selection is made, the email escalation process for the work order will operate according to the parameters of the project selected. If no selection is made, escalation will be performed according to the default settings.
  • Production WO: Production work order number.
  • Production PN: Part number that is being produced.
  • WO Qty: Work Order Quantity (allow numbers >0).
  • Standard Output: Rate/Numbers
  • Description: More information if necessary. Free text/static format. Once the description is added and saved, it cannot be edited.
  • Attachment: This field is not mandatory, but if an attachment is included, then a file name is mandatory.
NOTE: For the Repair type of WO, the Asset is required.
3. Enter information into the mandatory and optional fields (if needed). If there are attachments that need to be included in the work order, select Add from the Attachment tab and upload the file(s).
4. Select Save. The new work order will be displayed on Work Order List page.
NOTE: The system saves the WO status as ASSIGNED when the WO is successfully created.

Attachment Tab - REPAIR
1. To add an attachment to the new work order, select Add from the Attachment tab.

Figure 6: Add a Work Order - Attachment Tab

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2. The following fields are available in the Add Attachment form:

  • Name (Mandatory): Name of the Attachment.
  • File (Mandatory): select the file to add.
  • Description (optional): A brief description of the attached file.
NOTE: An attachment is not mandatory, but if an attachment is included, then a name is mandatory.

Figure 7: Add Attachment Form

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3. After providing a name for the attachment, click on the Select a File icon, locate a file on the local drive to attach to the work order and open it (file max. size is 2M).
4. Provide more information about the attachment file in the Description textbox if needed.
5. Select Save to attach the file and it will be displayed under the Attachment tab. Attachments can be deleted from the Attachment tab by clicking on Delete or downloaded by clicking on the Download button.

Add Downtime WO

For the Downtime Work Order Type, multiple machines (PN or SN) have a problem. This type of WO will affect the Production Line.
It is not allowed to open more than one WO Downtime for the same Production Line (considering Status: Assigned, WIP, RESOLVED).
1. The Add Work Order form displays after selecting Downtime as the WO Type.

Figure 8: Add a Work Order – Down Time

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2. The following fields are available for entry:
  • Downtime/Downtime Hour: These fields are read-only and are populated automatically with the current date/time.
  • Requester: The current logged-in user should be displayed as the requester by default. To change to another requester, select a different user from the drop-down list provided.
  • Requester Group: Select a Requester Group from the drop-down box provided. (This field is mandatory)
NOTE: Requester Group, Assign Group, Production Line, and Problem should be active in the configuration. These options cannot be left inactive.
  • Priority: The priority levels are organized by descending level of importance (P1, P2, and P3) in the drop-down list provided. The default value is P1. (This field is mandatory)
  • Prod. Line: Select from the drop-down list that contains all active production line configurations. Selection should represent the production line that is facing the downtime. (This field is mandatory)
  • Assign Group: Select from the drop-down list that contains all available active lines. (This field is mandatory)
  • Process: Enter the process used in the Production Line (free text). (This field is mandatory)
  • Problem: Click into the Problem field and an Add Problem pop-up will display. A list with all available problems in the system, whose Category is Manufacturing Downtime, will display. Select a folder from the Problem Category list and then select the Problem Code from the list on the right. Select Save to add the problem code into the Problem field.
  • Summary: Add a brief description for the work order. Free text/static format. (This is a mandatory field)
  • Production WO: Production work order number.
  • Production PN: Part Number that is being produced.
  • WO Qty: Work Order Quantity (numbers > 0).
  • Standard Output: Rate/Numbers
  • Description: More information if necessary. Free text/static format. Once the description is added and saved, it cannot be edited.
  • Attachment: This field is not mandatory, but if an attachment is included, then a file name is mandatory.
3. For a Downtime WO, Production Line is a mandatory field. Once the Production Line is selected, the system should look for groups related with the following lines:
  • Has default? Yes. Automatically filled in, but user changes are accepted.
  • Has default? No. Is there a list? Yes. Present this in the combo box.
  • Has default? No. Is there a list? NO. Do the same (all three steps) for the Location.
  • Location doesn’t have Default or list: combo should be empty.
NOTE: When a user registers a new Work Order, the fields WO Requester and WO Assign should be automatically populated with the default group (excluding ASSET information because it does not exist in this type of WO).
4. Enter information into the mandatory and optional fields (if needed). If there are attachments that need to be included in the work order, select Add from the Attachment tab and upload the file(s).
5. Select Save. The new work order will be displayed on Work Order List page.
NOTE: The system saves the WO status as ASSIGNED when the WO is successfully created.

Attachment TAB - DOWNTIME:

1. The following fields are available in the Add Attachment form:

  • Name (Mandatory): Name of the Attachment.
  • File (Mandatory): select the file to add.
  • Description (optional): A brief description of the attached file.
NOTE: An attachment is not mandatory, but if an attachment is included, then a name is mandatory.
2. For more information on how to add an attachment to a work order, please see

Edit Work Order – Repair

The edit function is a mandatory step immediately after adding a new work order in CMMS. In order to proceed with the work order, resources need to be assigned to handle the work order.

For a Repair work order, only one machine (PN or SN) is affected; therefore the required information needed to create the work order is limited. Because of this, the available tabs and fields in the Edit Work Oder form differ from those in a Downtime work order.

1. To assign resources to a Repair work order, select the newly created work order from the Work Order List page and then select Edit.

2. An Edit Work Order form displays:

Figure 9: Edit Work Order Page

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4. The following read-only fields display:

  • Number: The unique work order number auto-generated by the system when created.
  • Create Date: The date when the work order was created.
  • Requester: The requester of the work order.
  • Requester Group: The group to which the requester of the work order belongs.
  • Machine Down Time/Date: The time at which the machine went down.
  • Machine Up Time/Date: The time the machine came back up. This item can be edited by the requestor and supervisor of the request group. Once the work order has entered Assigned status, the requestor cannot edit it.
5. There are several tabs in the Edit Work Order form according to the type of WO. The General tab will be displayed by default, allowing the requester to perform resource assigning and to provide further details of the work order if necessary.

General Tab

The following fields are displayed in the General tab:

  • Non-Stop: When checked, this setting allows the machine to continue producing despite the problem being reported.
  • Production WO: This field is for providing the Oracle/SFDC work order ID that was given when the requester was presented with the original problem. This can be edited by the request group if the Requestor field is empty.
  • WO Qty: Defined by the requester. This can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Standard Output: Defined by the requester. This can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Project: Defined by the requester. This can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Summary: A brief description of the work order. This can be edited by the Request Group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Description: Additional details for the work order. This can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Production PN: Can be edited by the request group if the Requestor field is empty.
  • WO Type: This field is automatically generated. There are three work order types that may be listed in this field:
  • Emergency Work Order- Generated when a critical event occurs, such as a shutdown of the entire production line.
  • PM Work Order- Generated during preventative maintenance.
  • Work Request- Generated for unremarkable accidents. They are sent for approval whenever a new Work Request is created; upon approval a work order is created.
  • Asset Department: Read-only item.
  • Line NO.: Name of the line of the work order.
  • Priority: Displays the priority level of the work order. This item is editable to anyone who is involved in the work order.
  • Problem: Can be edited using a special pop-up form. Only problems related to the WO’s machine type should be listed. If there is no relation, the problem pop-up will be empty.
  • Asset ID: Displays the equipment to which the work order is related. This is a read-only item.
  • Asset Name: Read-only item.
  • Category: Displays the category to which the work order belongs. This item is editable to anyone who is involved in the work order.
  • Assign Group: Only displays groups with WO assigner’s category from the WO’s ASSET (rather than from the WO’s Prod Line or from the WO’s Location). The user can select more than one.
  • Assigned User: Dependent on the group selected. Should present all users from those groups. It can be edited by the requester and the user of the selected group.
  • Problem Type: Displays all available problem types of the selected category. Select a problem type from the drop-down list provided. This item is editable to anyone who is involved in the work order.
  • Status: Change the status of the work order here. The user’s permissions to change the status correlate with the user’s role (Requester or Assignee). Please take the following notes into consideration when changing the WO’s status:
  • Only Requesters and Requester Groups are allowed to change the status of the work order from Assigned, Cancelled, Working in Progress, or Waiting for Parts, and from Waiting for Buy Off to Closed or Rejected.
  • Assignees can only change the status to Working in Progress, Waiting for Parts, or Waiting for Buy Off.
  • Users cannot reject or close work orders when they are assigned, and a work order cannot be cancelled when it is waiting for buy off. Also, Labor Hours must be entered by the assignee before the status can be changed to Waiting for Buying Off. A work order cannot be cancelled when it is in "Waiting for Buy Off" status.
  • Rejected work orders can be reopened by changing status to WIP. Rejection Remarks must be completed prior to changing the work status to Rejected.
  • When a user changes a WO status to closed, Machine Time Up also needs to be entered by the user and changed to CLOSE. The following History Status fields inside Asset Configuration, will be populated automatically:
  • Start Date/Time should receive Machine Down Date/Time.
  • End date/time should receive Machine UP Date/Time
  • Status: Breakdown
  • Problem Type: Should be populated with Problem Type related to WO’s Problem. Possible flows:
  • Assigned-> WIP-> WFB-> Closed
  • Assigned-> WIP-> WFB-> REJECTED
  • Assigned-> WIP-> WFP-> WFB-> Closed
  • Assigned-> WIP-> WFP
  • Corrective Actions: Enter the actions performed to correct the Work Order.
NOTE: Once the work order is given Assigned status, only the request group and assigned group may edit this field.
  • Root Reason Description: Enter description of the root reason.
NOTE: Once the work order is in the Assigned status, only the request group and assigned group may edit this field. To change status to Waiting for Parts, a Root reason is required ("Please fill in the Root Reason Description when you change the work order status into Waiting for Parts"). To change the status to Waiting for Buy Off a WO, problem, root reason, and Corrective Action are required ("Please choose a problem", "Please fill in the Root Reason Description and Corrective Actions when you change the work order status into Waiting for Buy Off").
  • Root Cause: When WO type is Downtime, only root causes with the Downtime field inside the configuration marked, should display.
  • Rejection Remarks: Enter the justification for rejection of the work order. This must be completed prior to changing the work status to Rejected.
NOTE: Once the work order is given Assigned status, only the request group and assigned group may edit this field.
  • Completion Text: Enter the completion notes here once the work order has been completed. This item is editable only to assignee(s) of the work order and the selected group supervisor.
NOTE: Once the work order is given Assigned status, only the request group and assigned group may edit this field.

Attachment Tab

The Attachment tab can be used to provide attachments for the created work order. WO Attachment functions include Add, Delete, and Download attachment. Entries in the Attachment list are organized by Name, File, and Description.

Permission Notes:

  • If there is a work order requester, only the Requester User and the Assigned User can add and remove attachments.
  • If there is not a work order requester, only the users associated to the Requester Group and the Assigned Group can add and remove attachments.

Figure 10: Attachment Tab

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Adding an Attachment

1. To add an attachment, select Add from the Attachment menu. An Add Attachment pop-up window appears.

2. Click Select a File to select an attachment from the local drive.

3. Enter a brief description of the attachment in the Description box.

4. Select Save to complete the process or Close to abort.

Figure 11: Add Work Order Attachment

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 11.png

Deleting an Attachment

1. To delete an attachment from the Attachment tab, select an attachment from the list and click Delete.

2. Select Yes to complete the process or No to abort.

Figure 12: Delete Work Order Attachment

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 12.png

Downloading an Attachment

1. To download an attachment from the Attachment tab, select an attachment from the list and then select Download.

2. Select the local path to save the attachment.

Figure 13: Delete Work Order Attachment

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Asset Attachment

Under the Asset Attachment tab, users can view any attachments that were applied to an asset when the asset was created or modified from the Asset module. The Asset Attachment tab does not provide functions that allow the user to perform any changes. However, the user can download the asset’s attachment if this is preferred. Entries in the Asset Attachment list are organized by Name, File, and Description.

Figure 14: Asset Attachment

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Work Log Tab

The Work Log provides a means for users to enter comments concerning work completed for the given order. Once a labor entry is added, it cannot be removed.

1. The work log can be accessed by selecting the Work Log tab.

Figure 15: Work Log

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 15.png

2. Select a recipient from the Send To drop-down list. Secondary recipients can be selected in the Copy To drop-down list.

3. Enter a message in the message box to send to the selected recipients. If desired, use the provided options from the formatting menu to enhance the organization and appearance of the message.

4. Select Save to send the message to the designated recipients.

5. The message history can be viewed in the lower box. Prior messages are organized by Sender, Log Content, and Date.


  • It is not mandatory to insert a comment, but all mandatory fields should be populated to send a comment.
  • Sender and Copy to (if populated) should have a correct email address format.
  • After the user submits a message, the system will send an email and the information and will create the date (yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss).
  • After the user submits a message, the system will save the created user (user logged in).
  • Email TOP format:
  • TO: [list of users selected in the TAB]
  • Subject: [WO#]

WO BOC (Bill of Component)

Since one asset could be associated to a machine type, after inserting the BOC in the machine x BOC TAB, this will be presented in the WO considering the Asset/Machine Type filled in the WO.

Under the BOC tab, users can view any part numbers that were applied to a machine type when the machine type was created or modified within the Machine Type configuration. This tab lists component information (Part Number, Quantity) for the Asset ID of the selected Work Order.

1. The Bill of Components can be accessed by selecting the BOC tab.

Figure 16: Edit Work Order BOC Tab

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Labor Tab

The Labor tab allows labor to be assigned to a work order. The following functions can be performed from the Labor tab:
  • Add Labor
  • Edit Labor
  • Delete Labor

Figure 17: Labor Tab

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Any items that appear in the Labor list are organized by User Name, Description, Used Hours, Start Date, End Date, and End Hour.
NOTE: Depending on the status, the following fields are displayed as read-only:
  • ASSIGN: Corrective Action, Root Reason Description, Rejection Remarks, Completion Text and also Labor TAB
  • CANCELLED: All tabs, except Attachment, are read only and the Save icon is disabled.
  • CLOSED: All tabs, except Attachment, are read only and the Save icon is disabled.

Adding Labor
1. To add labor to the work order, select Add from the Labor menu.
2. An Add Labor Element window displays:

Figure 18: Add Labor

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 18.png

3. Enter the Start Date and Start Hour, End Date and End Hour, and any other information into the Description box.
4. Select Save to complete the labor entry or select Close to abort.
NOTE: It is not allowed insert a future date/time.

Edit Labor
1. To edit a labor entry, select a labor entry from the list and then select Edit.
2. The Edit Labor Element form displays.
3. Edit any of the fields provided.
4. Select Save to finish or Close to abort.
NOTE: It is not possible to edit the Labor for a WO in the following statuses:

Delete Labor
Please confirm the labor deletion before beginning, or cancel the process. Labor can only be deleted for the user who is logged into the system.
1. To delete a labor entry, select an entry from the list and then select Delete.
2. The entry is deleted from the Labor list.

Edit Work Order – Downtime

The edit function is a mandatory step immediately after adding a new work order in CMMS. In order to proceed with the work order, resources need to be assigned to handle the work order.

For a Downtime work order, multiple machines (PN or SN) are affected; therefore more information is required to create the work order. Because of this, the available tabs and fields in the Edit Work Oder form differ from those in a Repair work order.

NOTE: Only active items can be used in a Downtime WO.
1. To assign resources to a Downtime work order, select the newly created work order from the Work Order List page.
2. An Edit Work Order form displays:
NOTE: Requesters can edit work orders in the status assigned or resolved, and assignees can edit work orders in the status assigned, WIP, or resolved.

Figure 19: Edit Work Order Page – General Tab

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3. The following read-only fields display:

  • Number: The unique work order number auto-generated by the system when created.
  • Create Date: The date when the work order was created. Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
  • Requester: The requester of the work order.
  • Requester Group: The group to which the requester of the work order belongs.
  • Downtime Date/Time: The date and time at which the Production Line went down.
  • Uptime Date/Time: The date and time the Production Line came back up.
4. There are several tabs in the Edit Work Order form according to the type of WO. The General tab will be displayed by default, allowing the requester to perform resource assigning and to provide further details of the work order if necessary.

General Tab

The following fields are displayed in the General tab:

  • Non-Stop: When checked, this setting allows the machine to continue producing despite the problem being reported.
  • Production WO: number of the Production WO. It can be edited by the request group if the Requestor field is empty.
  • Production PN: Can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • WO Qty: Work Order quantity. It can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Standard Output: Can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty.
  • Process: Can be edited by the request group if the Requestor field is empty, assignees and requester.
  • Summary: Can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty. Otherwise it is read-only.
  • Description: Can be edited by the request group if the Requester field is empty. Otherwise it is read-only.
  • WO type: Presents the type for the WO. (Read-only)
  • Prod. Line: Read-only.
  • Priority: Displays the priority level of the work order. This item is editable to anyone who is involved in the work order.
  • Problem: Can be edited using a special pop-up form. Only problems related to the WO’s machine type should be listed. If there is no relation, the problem pop-up will be empty.
  • Assign Group: Only displays groups with WO assigner’s category from the WO’s ASSET (rather than from the WO’s Prod Line or from the WO’s Location). The user can select more than one.
  • Assigned User: Dependent on the group selected. Should present all users from those groups. It can be edited by the requester and the user of the selected group.
  • Status: Assign (groups and users) or requesters can edit this field. The available Statuses are Assigned, Work in Progress, Resolved and Closed. Please take the following notes into consideration when changing the WO’s status:
  • Requesters and requester group are permitted to change the status of the work order from Resolved to Closed and from Resolved to WIP. (If a Requester was not defined in the WO, all rules are assigned to the requester group). Assignees can only change the status to Working in Progress and Resolved.
  • To change a status to WIP, an estimated time should be entered. To change a status to Resolve, Root Reason and Corrective Actions are required.
  • Labor Hours must be entered by the assignee before the status can be changed to Resolved.
  • Resolved Work Orders can be rejected, by changing the status to WIP.
  • Possible flows:
  • Assigned-> WIP->Resolved-> Closed
  • Assigned-> WIP->Resolved-> WIP
  • Root CAUSE: When WO type is Downtime, only root causes with the Downtime field inside the configuration marked, should display. (Should follow the same access control considering user as Root REASON does).
  • Corrective Actions: Can be edited after the assigned status is restricted to request group and assigned group.
  • Root Reason Description: Can be edited after the assigned status is restricted to the request group and assigned group.
  • Rejection Remarks: It can be edited. After assigned status is restricted to the request group and assigned group.
  • Completion Text: Can be edited only by assignee(s) after assigned status is restricted to the request group and assigned group.
  • Estimated Hours: Should be entered in minutes when the user changes the status to WIP. This will represent how many times the user will need to fix the issue. (Mandatory)

Figure 20: Edit Work Order Page – General Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 20.png

Attachment Tab

The Attachment tab can be used to provide attachments for the created work order. WO Attachment functions include Add, Delete, and Download attachment. Entries in the Attachment list are organized by Name, File, and Description.

Figure 21: Edit Work Order Page – Attachment Tab

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The Attachment TAB list displays the following information:
  • Name: name given to the attachment.
  • Description: brief description of the attachment.
  • File: name and extension of the file.
The Add, Delete and Download functionalities are available, like in the Repair WO.

Adding Attachment
1. To add an attachment from the Attachment tab, select Add from the Attachment menu. An Add Attachment pop-up window appears.
2. Click Select a File to select an attachment from the local drive.
3. Enter a brief description of the attachment in the Description box.
4. Select Save to complete the process or Close to abort.

Deleting Attachment
1. To delete an attachment from the Attachment tab, select an attachment from the list and then select Delete.
2. Select Yes to complete the process or No to abort.

Downloading attachment
1. To download an attachment from the Attachment tab, select an attachment from the list and then select Download.
2. Select the local path to save the attachment.

Work Log Tab

The Work Log provides a means for users to enter comments concerning work completed for the given order. Once a labor entry is added, it cannot be removed.

1. The work log can be accessed by selecting the Work Log tab.

Figure 22: Edit Work Order Page – Work Log Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 22.png

  • The Work LOG List displays the following fields:
  • Sender: User
  • Content: Content of the message.
  • Date: Creation Date

2. Select a recipient from the Send To drop-down list. Secondary recipients can be selected in the Copy To drop-down list.

3. Enter a message in the message box to send to the selected recipients. If desired, use the provided options from the formatting menu to enhance the organization and appearance of the message.

4. Select Save to send the message to the designated recipients.

5. The message history can be viewed in the lower box. Prior messages are organized by Sender, Log Content, and Date.


  • It is not mandatory to insert a comment, but all mandatory fields should be populated to send a comment.
  • Sender and Copy to (if populated) should have a correct email address format.
  • After the user submits a message, the system will send an email and the information and will create the date (yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss).
  • After the user submits a message, the system will save the created user (user logged in).
  • Email TOP format:
  • TO: [list of users selected in the TAB]
  • Subject: [WO#]

Labor Tab

The Labor tab allows labor to be assigned to a work order. The following functions can be performed from the Labor tab:
  • Add Labor
  • Edit Labor
  • Delete Labor

Figure 23: Edit Work Order Page – Labor Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 23.png

Any items that appear in the Labor list are organized by User Name, Description, Used Hours, Start Date, End Date, and End Hour.
NOTE: For the following statuses, the following fields are displayed as read-only:
  • ASSIGN: Corrective Action, Root Reason Description, Rejection Remarks, Completion Text and also Labor TAB
  • CANCELLED: All tabs, except Attachment, are read only and the Save icon is disabled.
  • CLOSED: All tabs, except Attachment, are read only and the Save icon is disabled.
NOTE: Assignees can only change his/her labor.

Adding Labor
1. To add labor time to the work order, select Add from the Labor menu.
2. An Add Labor window displays.
3. Enter the Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) and time, End Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) and time, and any additional information into the Description box.
4. Select Save to complete the labor entry, or select Close to abort.
NOTE: It is not allowed insert a future date/time.

Editing Labor
1. To edit a labor entry, select a labor entry from the list and then select Edit.
2. The Edit Labor Element form displays.
3. Edit any of the fields provided.
4. Select Save to finish or Close to abort.
NOTE: It is not possible to edit the Labor for a WO in the following statuses:

Delete Labor
Please confirm the labor deletion before beginning, or cancel the process. Labor can only be deleted for the user who is logged into the system.
1. To delete a labor entry, select an entry from the list and then select Delete.
2. The entry is deleted from the Labor list.

CMMS PM Reschedule

Once preventive maintenance has been scheduled, it can be rescheduled. This could be the result of a missed grace period, group reassignment, or incorrect entry on the initial request.
CMMS PM Reschedule allows users to view a list of rescheduled preventative maintenance and to reschedule preventive maintenance to be completed for a future planned date.

1. To access PM Reschedule, navigate to Production > CMMS - Work Order and then select the Reschedule icon.

Figure 24: Preventive Maintenance Access

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 24.png

2. From the Reschedule List main page, users can view and edit rescheduled PM.

Figure 25: Preventive Maintenance Reschedule Main Page

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 25.png

The following fields are displayed in the list:
  • PM ID: the preventive maintenance ID number
  • Repeat: Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Quarterly, Half Year, Special
  • Repeat Every
  • Summary
  • Prod. Line: Production Line associated with the PM
  • Grace Period (’YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm’)
  • Plan Date
  • Reschedule Date (’YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm’):Default ’actual date’
  • Due Date (’YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm’),
  • Status (’Planned’; ’Rescheduled’; ’WO Generated’; ’Cancelled’)
  • Need Confirmation: display Active/Inactive
  • Confirmed: select from Yes, No, or All. All displays all confirmed and non-confirmed PM’s
The initial list submits only PMs with PLANNED and Rescheduled status and the group to which the user belongs. (Groups with category reschedule PM).


The user can filter the PM Reschedule list to easily access the specific PM that needs to be rescheduled.
1. To filter the PM ID list, select the following from the drop-down boxes provided:
  • PM ID - the preventive maintenance ID number.
  • Prod. Line - Production Line associated with the PM.
  • Asset ID - the asset associated with the PM.
  • Confirmed - select from Yes, No, or All. All displays all confirmed and non-confirmed PM’s.
  • Calendar Status - the current status of the PM. (All, Planned, Rescheduled, WO Generated, and Cancelled).
  • Reschedule Scope – My groups or all groups.

Figure 26: Preventive Maintenance Filter

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 26.png

2. Select Filter to apply the selections to the list, or Clear to clear all selections.
NOTE: If the user applies a new filter, a new search is done in accordance with the filter result and can display the PMs that have different statuses, for example WO GENERATED. It is also valid to note that this new search with user-indicated filters, there is no longer a group of restriction. This restriction will be for editing. If the user enters the PM ID, other filters will not be considered in the search.

Edit PM Reschedule

The Edit feature allows users to reschedule PM WO’s from the list or approve them by accessing the PM data to support analysis. The user should have permission for both actions, add and edit.
1. To reschedule a PM WO, select a PM ID from the list and then select Edit.
2. The Edit Reschedule form displays with the following tabs available:
  • Group
  • PM Work Order
  • Reschedule
The top panel of the Edit Reschedule form contains all the basic information for the PM. The following fields provided are read-only:
  • ID: Number of the PM.
  • Repeat: Defines the maintenance frequency.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • Quarterly
  • Half Year
  • Special
NOTE: in CMMS, the user is allowed to schedule a PM procedure with combined periods. For example, it is possible to plan a weekly, monthly, and quarterly PM plan for an asset or a production line. In which case, the user needs to choose "Special" for this field. Once chosen, a "Special Types" field will appear below, where they can add, edit, and delete the type of period and start date for this PM plan.
  • Repeat Every: A number that dictates the frequency indicated in the Repeat field.
  • Start Date: The day when maintenance should begin.
  • End Date: The day when maintenance should end.
  • Start Time: The time the maintenance should start.
  • End Time: The time the maintenance should end.
  • Create WO Before: When the WO should be created (in days) before the maintenance begins.
  • Alert Mail Before: How many days before the maintenance begins should an alert email be sent to inform users about the maintenance.
  • Location: Equipment location.
  • Production Line: Drop-down list of all production line configurations that are active. Represents the production line from the asset. It is dependent on the Location previously selected.
  • Requester Group: Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Group Configuration with the Category PM Requester that is active and to which the requester belongs.
  • Assigned Group: Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Group Configuration with the Category PM Assign that is active.
  • Reschedule Group: The group that should be assigned if the maintenance is rescheduled (same rule as assigned group).
  • Need to Confirm: If selected, a confirmation is needed.
  • Grace Period: Amount of time the assigned group has to perform maintenance.
  • Description: More information if necessary. Free text/static format.
  • Summary: Brief description of the PM. Free text/static format.

Figure 27: Edit PM Reschedule – General Information

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 27.png


Reschedule Tab

The Reschedule tab contains details for the PM if it has been rescheduled. If the PM has not been rescheduled, the Reschedule tab displays the PM’s current status. If the PM has been rescheduled, the Reschedule tab contains the rescheduled date and time.

Figure 28: Edit PM Reschedule – Reschedule Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 28.png

1. The following fields are available in the Reschedule tab:
  • Plan Date (yyyy-mm-dd HH: MM: SS)- is a READ ONLY field and cannot be updated.
  • Reschedule Date (yyyy-mm-dd HH: MM: SS.)- can receive values between the minimum and the maximum (between START DATE and PLAN DATE + GRACE period).
  • Reschedule Time- allows values between 0 and 23h and it uses the Start Time set for the PM by default.
  • Special Types- Read-only field.
  • APPROVED (checkbox) - if selected means that the PM is approved. The Approved field is present only when Information "need approve" contained in the PM list is set to OK, otherwise it is hidden.
3. Select Save to complete the updates.
NOTE: The reschedule/edit function is only allowed if:
  • There are items that are within the period which includes the Start Date and End Date + Grace period.
  • The PM Status is different from the WO generated and CANCELLED.
  • There are users who are associated with the group whose category is PM Reschedule (configured in Group sub module).

PM Work Order Tab

All information in the Work Order tab is read-only and cannot be updated. This list only provides information for the PM WO from one detailed PM.

Figure 29: Edit PM Reschedule – PM Work Order Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 29.png

The PM Work Order tab contains the details of the work orders created for a specific PM. To view the details of the PM Work Order, expand the plus sign located to the left of the Asset ID.
The PM Work Order tab displays a list of ASSETs:
  • ASSET ID: Id from the ASSET.
  • ASSET NAME: Name from the ASSET ID in the Asset Configuration.
  • Assigned Group: Group assigned to the ASSET.
  • Requester Group: Requester Group of the ASSET.
  • Summary: Free text with the summary entered for the PM.
  • Description: Free text with the description for the PM.
Collapsible content from the PM WO:
Each row is expandable and displays a group of checklists with the following:
  • Checklist Name
  • Repeat Every: from checklist
  • Description: from checklist
  • Active: from checklist

Group Tab

This tab contains read-only information taken from the Group Configuration module.

Figure 30: Edit PM Reschedule – Group Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 30.png

PM Calendar

The PM Calendar allows users to view PM and WO distributions within one period (month, week, or day). The calendar view makes it possible to view all scheduled PM to better analyze distribution. The user must have permission to view and edit to be able to properly use the PM Calendar.

1. To access the PM Calendar, navigate to Production > CMMS - Work Order and then select the Calendar icon.

Figure 31: Calendar Access

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 31.png

Available Buttons:
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

Filter Calendar

The Filter feature allows the user to filter PM and WO distribution within a given time period (month, week, or day). Only users with profile permissions to access the CMMS – Work Order Calendar feature can use this feature. The user should also have permissions to view and edit the calendar.

Figure 32: Calendar – Filter

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 32.png

The following fields are available in the Filter panel:
  • Date: The date the PM is scheduled to occur (yyyy-mm format). Current day is the default. (This field is mandatory)
  • Assigned Group: Select the group to which the PM is assigned (when empty, default=All).
  • Machine Type: Select the type of machine to receive maintenance. According to the Machine Type, the system will consider all ASSETS related to the selection to find the PM once the PM doesn’t have the Machine TYPE directly related (when empty, default=All).
  • Department: Select the department to which the asset from the PM belongs (when empty, default=All).
  • Location: Select the PM location of the equipment to receive maintenance (when empty, default=All).
  • Production Line: Select the PM line where the equipment is located. If there is no location selected, this field should be disabled (Active/Inactive).
NOTE: All filters should be applied in the PM search.
The Calendar displays the results depending on the view mode selected in the following ways:
  • in the month that is selected (if month view)
  • in the week that is selected (if week view)
  • on the selected day (if day View)
Colors are provided to aid in the visualization of the scheduled PM (month, week and day). The following colors are available, along with their meanings:
  • Dark blue: Planned (Don’t Need Confirmation) - This status displays when the PM is planned but there is no email confirmation or alert needed once it is complete.
  • Orange: Planned (Need Confirmation) - This status displays when the PM is planned and confirmation is needed once it has completed.
  • Light Green: Rescheduled (Confirmed) – This status displays when the PM has been rescheduled from another date and/or time and has been confirmed.
  • Dark Green: WO generated – This status displays when a work order has been created for the PM.
  • Red: Canceled - This status displays when the PM has been cancelled and will no longer occur.
NOTE: These colors are used with the PM information reflecting the status of the WO.

Month Visualization

Select Month to view the calendar in the month format.

Figure 33: Calendar – Month

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 33.png

A calendar displays with the current month (entire month) as the default. All scheduled PM for the current month displays on the specific day the maintenance will occur. The calendar starts on Sunday and all future weekdays are displayed in white, weekends are displayed in blue, expired days are displayed in gray, and the current day is highlighted in yellow.
Each day contains a list of PMs that have a Plan Date scheduled for that day. If there is no PM at that date, the cell is blank. If there is more PM events than the calendar component can render into a single day, "+(x) more…" will display. When the user selects the "+(x) more…" link, a pop-up displays listing the scheduled time and the name of the PM event.

'Figure 34: '+(x) more… events

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 34.png

Week Visualization

Select Week to view the calendar in the week format. A full week displays starting on Sunday (first column).

Figure 35: Calendar – Week

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 35.png

NOTE: The date format for Sunday (Month/Day/Year) will be different than that of Monday-Saturday (Day/Date).
Each day is divided by hour, and the current day is highlighted in yellow. The scheduled PM is presented by Time followed by the Summary, and the background color of this line represents the status of the WO. Within each hour, the PM hour and summary is displayed.

Day Visualization

Select Day to view the calendar in the day format (the current date is displayed).

Figure 36: Calendar – Day

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 36.png

The current day is highlighted in yellow at the top of the calendar (Format: Day/Month/ Date/Year/Today/Time). On the left of the page, the day is broken into hours. The schedule range presents the time followed by the summary of the PM and the background color of the line represents the WO status.

CMMS Preventive Maintenance

CMMS Preventive Maintenance allows users to create regularly scheduled maintenance to help prevent negative events and to ensure the equipment on the shop floor is in satisfactory operating condition.
1. To access the Preventive Maintenance Module, navigate to Production > CMMS – Work Order > and then select the Preventive Maintenance icon.

Figure 37: Preventive Maintenance Access

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 37.png

2. The Preventative Maintenance List displays:

Figure 38: Preventive Maintenance List

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 38.png

The main purpose of this feature (List PM) is to view the Preventive Maintenance List with all scheduled maintenance orders for the shop floor equipment. By searching all available Preventive Maintenance (PMs), the user is able to view the list of inspections of line equipment on the shop floor.
The list is arranged by most recent start date and descends to the oldest start date.
3. The following information is displayed in the list:
  • ID: PM Number
  • Repeat: How often the maintenance will occur: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Quarterly, Half Year or Special.
  • Repeat Every: Number of repetition times.
  • Summary: Brief description of the PM.
  • Description: Text description of the PM.
  • Location: Location Name.
  • Production Line: Name of the production line.
  • Start Date: Date when PM starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • End Date: Date when PM ends. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Need to Confirm: Additional information (if needed) to confirm the PM or not (same indication used in ACTION field).

Filter PM

The user can search for a specific PM by filtering the PM list. The user can filter by how often the PM repeats, a summary of the PM, the Production Line associated with the PM, or the asset associated with the PM.

Figure 39: Preventive Maintenance Filter

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 39.png

The available fields to be filtered are:
  • ID: Free text format.
  • Repeat: Daily, weekly, Monthly, Half-Year, Yearly, Quarterly, Special.
  • Summary: Free text format.
  • Location: Available locations.
  • Production Line: Dropdown list with NAME.
  • Asset Name: Dropdown list NAME.
None of the filters are mandatory. Some fields allow partial entry (i.e. Summary). If none are selected, the system considers all options in the search.

Creating Preventive Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance helps to ensure all equipment on the shop floor is in satisfactory operating condition. It allows the user to schedule maintenance orders for shop floor equipment to make it possible to detect an equipment problem before it develops into a major defect. Users must have permission to add PM in Preventative Maintenance.
Preventive Maintenance can be scheduled for certain assets or for all the assets on a production line. For all the assets on the production line, the user needs to choose one location from the Location field, and then the Production Line field will list all production lines within that location. For certain assets, the user does not need to enter the Production Line and can select the PM Work Order tab and add, edit, or delete assets. If the Location field is null, the Production Line field will not list any production lines.
NOTE: The user can schedule a PM with combined periods. For example, the user can plan a weekly, monthly and quarterly PM plan for an asset or a production line. In this case, the user needs to choose "Special" for this field. Once chosen, a "Special Types" field will appear below, where the user can add, edit, and delete the type of period and start date for the PM plan.
1. To add Preventive Maintenance, select Add from the Preventive Maintenance List screen.
2. The Add Preventive Maintenance form displays:

Figure 40: Add Preventive Maintenance

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 40.png

3. The following fields are available for entry:
  • Repeat (Mandatory): Defines the maintenance frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Quarterly, Half Year or Special. When repeat is defined as SPECIAL, the Production Line is cleaned and disabled. The System will display a new table with a Special Types field with the options to add and delete. The table also will have one row with the following columns:
  • Special Type: Combo box with the following options (as defined in the "repeat" field):
  • Daily (Default=1)
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Half Year
  • Start Date: Calendar facility (Default=Current Date)
NOTE: It is mandatory to enter information into the rows when type is SPECIAL and the same row cannot be repeated. When this type is selected, the Repeat Every Field should be populated with "1".
  • Repeat Every (Mandatory): Defines the frequency indicated in the Repeat field. Default is 1. (Only numbers >0 are permitted)
  • Repeat Every’s mask = "days (s)" if Repeats = Daily
  • Repeat Every’s mask = "week (s)" if Repeats = Weekly
  • Repeat Every’s mask = "month (s)" if Repeats = Monthly
  • Repeat Every’s mask = "year (s)" if Repeats = Yearly
  • Start Date (Mandatory): The day when maintenance should begin. Date format: yyyy-mm-dd and hh:mm:ss (respecting language format). The time zone is applied to the date.
  • End Date (Mandatory): The day when maintenance should end.
  • Start Time (Optional): The time the maintenance should start. Default=8:00 a.m. The user can change the time by 30 minute increments. (Allowed hours from 00:00 to 23:59)
Note: When the Start Time is entered, the End Time is populated as the start time plus one hour, but this can be changed. The user cannot select less than a one hour span.
  • End Time (Optional): The time the maintenance should end. Default=9:00a.m. The user can change the time by 30 minute increments. (Allowed hours from 00:00 to 23:59)
  • Create WO Before (Mandatory): When the WO is created before the maintenance (Days). Default is 0. Only numbers >0 are permitted. Create WO Before field should be a later date than the Email alert, and the system should guarantee at least one day between the two.
  • Alert Email Before (Mandatory): How many days before the maintenance should an alert email be sent to inform the users. Default is 7. Only numbers >0 are permitted.
  • Location (Mandatory): Equipment location. The user can only select a location from the third level.
  • Production Line: Drop-down list that contains all active configurations for the production line of the asset. It is dependent on the Location previously selected (optional). There is no default data for the Production Line, Location, Requester Group, or Assign Group, therefore the system prompts to select one.
NOTE: When a Production Line is selected, the PM Work Order TAB is not populated by the user, but will be populated by the system where all assets without STATUS obsolete, but with same repetition in the Checklist assigned, will be selected.
  • Requester Group (Conditionally Mandatory): Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Group Configuration, with a Category PM Requester that is active, and to which the requester belongs.
  • Assigned Group: Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Group Configuration with a Category PM Assign that is active (conditional).
NOTE: Requester Group and Assigned Group are disabled unless there is one Production Line selected.
  • Grace Period (Mandatory): The amount of time the assigned group has to perform maintenance.
  • Reschedule Group (Mandatory): The group that is assigned if maintenance is rescheduled. It is the same rule as assigned group.
  • Need to Confirm: Checkbox that indicates if a confirmation is needed. The default value is No (unchecked).
  • Summary (Mandatory): Brief description of the PM. Free text/static format. It is the same size as the summary in the WO.
  • Description (Optional): Additional information (if necessary). Free text/static format.
NOTE: The fields that are extracted from the configuration can only be used as ACTIVE.
4. Select the available tabs and enter information into the necessary fields.\

Group TAB

The Group tab displays a list of Notification Groups extracted from the active Group Configuration with Category PM Alert.

Figure 41: Group Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 41.png

The groups are listed from the Configuration ADMIN> Groups, whose category is PM Notification. If the Location and Production Line fields are populated, they will interfere with the list by adding new groups from the list of the assigned groups inside the Location and Production Line Configuration. If there is not a group in the list, the user should search in the Location configuration and apply the same rule.
NOTE: The user can assign more than one group at the same time.

Work Order Tab

Within the WO tab, the user can schedule maintenance orders for specific equipment to detect a problem before it develops into a major defect. The user should have permission to the Add action.
NOTE: Once a Production Line is chosen or changed, the Add button in the PM Work Order tab will be disabled.

Figure 42: Work Order Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 42.png

When the user adds a new PM without a production line, he/she can enter data in the PM Work Order TAB.
The available fields in the list are:
  • Assigned Group
  • Requester Group
  • Summary
  • Description

Add PM Work Order
A PM Work Order allows the user to create a Preventive Maintenance model to be generated for scheduled maintenance.
This configuration allows the user to Add a new PM WO, Delete a PM WO from the list, Edit a PM WO from the list, Assign checklists, Save or Cancel.
When the Work Order TAB is available to the user, ASSET lists all ASSETs ID without STATUS=Obsolete.

1. To add a PM Work Order, select Add in the PM Work Order Tab.

2. The Add PM Work Order form displays:

Figure 43: Add PM Work Order

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 43.png

3. The following fields are available for entry:
  • Department (Optional): Drop-down tree view of all active departments.
  • ASSET ID (Mandatory): Drop-down list of all asset ID configurations that are active.
  • Requester Group (Mandatory): Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Asset Group Tab Configuration with active Category PM Requester.
  • Assigned Group: Drop-down list that contains the group name provided from the Asset Group Tab Configuration with active Category PM Assign.
  • Summary (Mandatory): Brief description of the PM. Free text/static format.
  • Description (Optional): Additional information if necessary. Free text/static format.
The user must add at least one PM Work Order when the repeat type for the PM is ’Special’. If the system doesn’t find one asset with the checklist repeat type as special, then it will not allow the PM Work Order to be saved.
According to the Asset, the Machine Type is identified and then a list of its Checklists is displayed. After one Asset is selected (by the user or by the system), a checklist will also need to be selected, with last revision of the same repetition (Repeat Type field). The user must select at least one checklist, but more than one can be selected at a time.
Group configurations should adhere to the following rules:
  • As an ASSET is entered, the user should look for groups related to the Asset. If the asset has a list or a default, the user should select it.
  • Verify the Asset’s Production line configuration groups related with this PL. If the asset has a list or a default, the user should select it.
  • If there is no group in the list, the user should search in the Location configuration and apply the same rule.
  • Always consider the Category as PM Requester or PM Assign, according to the field.
When a PM WO is saved, the system receives the last checklist selected with the type "Special" and makes the "Special Types" value of the Checklist as the PM WO "Special Types" value in the Calendar.
With the "Special Types" value in hands, the PM with the type "Special" compares his own "Special Types" with the "Special Types" of the first PM WO. If none of the values in those "Special Types" match, then a warning message is displayed and the PM cannot be saved.
When a PM Work Order is mandatory, and the user tries to save it, the system should display the following: "Since there is no Production Line selected, the PM Work Order must be filled before it can be saved."
The type of repetition of the checklist should be the same repetition defined in the repeat every field. If it is not, the following will display: "The checklist type and repeat every item are not the same as the PM is defined!"

Calendar Tab

The Calendar tab automatically populates from the provided information in the PM WO. The user can view and edit its contents. The user can also schedule maintenance orders, planning for a specific range of time and view dates in a table.

Figure 44: Calendar Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 44.png

This tab allows for the viewing a list of Plan Dates to open PM Work Orders with the following fields:
  • Plan Date: Date and hour when WO is planned. Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss <Week day>
  • Reschedule Date: The date, if there is a rescheduled PM, in the same format as Plan Date.
  • Special Types: Should be separated by commas and cannot repeat the same "repeat type", if a special type exists.
  • Status: Planned, Rescheduled, Cancelled or WO Generated.
The user can perform the following functions from the Calendar tab:
  • Edit Status
  • Edit Planned Date
  • View WO list
The system will populate the calendar automatically after a PM is created, considering the following:
  • First date should be: Date from start date and start time (To start time = 0 consider midnight.)
  • End date should be: end Date both should define the interval from the Schedule.
  • Repeat to Daily: Calendar should be populated each day from First date to end date.
  • to Monthly: Calendar should be populated same day (first date) in each month from First Date to End Date. (Consider Feb/28 when first date is 29, 30 or 31 and when month doesn’t have 31 to repeat, consider 30)
  • to Yearly: Calendar is populated at first date in each year from First date to End Date.
  • to Quarterly: Calendar is populated each day from First date to end date each 3 months.
  • to Half Year: Calendar should be populated each day from First date to end date each 6 months.
The following business rules exist for the Calendar:
  • The user can edit the planned date or the status of the PM in the Calendar TAB.
  • The calendar should display from the Start Date to the End Date (with all planned WO generation or already generated).
  • Plan Date can be changed, if the status is still planned.
  • The user can change the status of a calendar event from Planned to Cancelled or from Cancelled to Planning.
  • The system does not allow repeated events for the same date in the Calendar list. If the user reschedules an event for a conflicting date (an event already exists for the same date), the system will replace the old event with the new one.
  • It is not possible to edit a calendar event (Plan Date, Special Types and Status), when status = WO Generated.
  • When the user changes the Plan Date, only the new date will be updated. The previous time will be maintained.
  • Editing the Plan Date is allowed only to enter one new date inside the previews interval. If there is no interval in the list, the system should consider the Start Date and the End Date as the interval.
  • Editing the Special Type is allowed for one special type if the update and the cell allow the user to select more than one repeat type in the same cell.
  • Is not possible to change the Work Order’s Status.


Notification allows the system to send an email to a group of users to provide the WO’s information each time its status changes.

Input Fields

Status from WO:
  • Assigned
  • WIP
  • Waiting for Parts (WFP)
  • Waiting for Buy Off (WFB)
  • Rejected
  • Closed
  • Canceled
  • Resolved

Output fields

Email to all groups involved with the WO.

Dear Team,
Work Order you had worked on is now in status: Work in Progress
Work Order#: 002228 Requester: fabio_pelissoni
Requester Group: EldoradoTests
Priority: P1
Production Line: Edlteste
Asset ID: Eld
Asset Name: Eldorado tests
Machine Down Time: 05-06 10:50
Assigned Group: EldoradoTests
Summary: teste wip
  • Starting email from a user that was assigned to: You have been assigned to work on this Work Order, the details are as follows:
  • Starting email from a group that was assigned to: Work Order 001284 has been assigned to <group name>


Some Items must be verified:
  • Status: From a new WO when it is saved.
  • Assigned Group: When a new group is defined (in the creation of the WO).
  • Assigned User: When a new user is added to be in charge of the work.
  • Each time a new status is saved to the WO or a new user/group is added, a new email is sent.
  • The email information is sent to all ACTIVE users from the WO’s assigned groups – the selected one.
  • The same email is sent for Repair or Downtime WO.
  • The email can be sent to emails outside of Sanmina, but all parameters are sent by CMMS.
  • Fields without information are sent as blank inside the email.

TOP Format

TO: [list of active users from the assigned group]
Subject: [WO#][ProductionLine][Asset NAME][Summary][DT date and time from downtime]

BODY Format

Dear Team,
Work Order you had worked on is now in status: <status>
Work Order#: [WO#] Work Type: [repair or downtime]
Requester: [requester login]
Requester Group: [name of requester group]
Priority: [priority identification: P1 or P2 or P3]
Production Line: [name of Prod. Line]
Asset ID: [ID from ASSET]
Asset Name: [name of ASSET]
Machine Down Time: [date and time]
Assigned Group: [name of Assigned group]
Summary: [text from Summary]
Description: [text from Summary]
Project: [name of the project]
Process: [name of the process]
Problem: [name of the problem]

Sending Email Due To Escalation

Escalation allows the system to send an email to a group of users to provide the WO’s information when the notification is not received.

Input fields

All information needs to be verified in the Escalation configuration, taking the following into account:
  • Location: should be equal to the WO (determined in the ASSET or Production Line).
  • Project: should be equal to the WO (if is defined one in the configuration).
  • Status: should be equal to the WO.
How to use status information:
  • Machine Down: if the corresponding asset has broken down for more than the specified time (defined in the "Hours" field), send an email to the specific group. WO data: Status different from Cancelled and Closed and Machine down date/time.
  • Assigned: if the specific work order has been in "Assigned" status for more than the specified time, send an email to the specific group.
  • WIP: if the specific work order has been in status "Work in Progress" for more than the specified time, send an email to the specific group.
  • Waiting for Parts: if the specific work order has been in status "Waiting For Parts" for more than the specified time, send an email to the specific group.
  • Waiting for Buy-off: if the specific work order has been in status "Waiting For Buy-off" for more than the specified time, send an email to the specific group


It is sent to the Sanmina’s system in the event "send this after some hours" and is configured in the Email format. An email with the parameters will be sent.
Dear Team,
This Work Order has been in status "Waiting for Buy Off" for more than 0.5 hours.
Work Order#: 001139
Requester: sam_shan
Requester Group: ME1-NSN TOK
Priority: P1
Production Line: Line1
Asset ID: X00004
Asset Name: O-L2
Machine Down Time: 05-06 02:30
Machine Up Time: 05-07 11:00
Group: B1F1 SMT Line Support,A Shift
Project: NSN-TOK
Summary: Broken Machine
Description: During production first shift.


  • Should be considered to machine down setting, WOs whose Status is different from Cancelled and Closed.
  • Requirements Specification
  • An email will be sent to all ACTIVE users to the Escalation Configuration ACTIVE assigned groups.
  • Fields without information will be sent as blank inside the email.
  • To decide the register to be considered:
  • Escalation doesn’t have Location and Project as mandatory, so:
  • If both are empty, all options should be considered.
  • If one is empty, the other one should be considered equal to the WO information
  • If the register has both filled, this one should be preferred if both are the same as the WO information
  • Should be considered Location as the Machine Type’s location.
TO: [list of active users from the assigned group]
Subject: Escalation[WO#][ProductionLine][Summary][DT date and time from downtime]
Subject: Escalation#001099#SMT Line2#test#DT:03-12 16:11
Dear Team,
This Work Order has been in status [status name] for more than [hours] hours
Work Order#: [number of WO]
Requester: [login from the requester]
Requester Group: [nome of the requester group]
Priority: [P1 or P2 or P3]
Production Line: [nome of the Prod Line]
Asset ID: [ID from ASSET]
Asset Name: [nome of the ASSET]
Machine Down Time: [date and time ]
Machine Up Time: [date and time ]
Group: [nome of the assigned group]
Project: [nome of the project] Summary: [text from summary] Description: [text from Description]

Appendix A – Work Order Workflow

Figure 45: Calendar Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 45.png

Figure 46: Calendar Tab

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 46.png

Appendix B - Preventive Maintenance Workflow

Figure 47: PM by Asset Configuration Workflow

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 47.png

Figure 48: PM by Production Line Configuration Workflow

SOP-5-I-MDS0076-C CMMS Work Order & Preventive Maintenance 48.png

Document Revision History

Date Author Title Version Change Reference
10-09-15 Elaine Fonaro Tech Writer V1.0 Initial Version
10-19-15 Elaine Fonaro Tec Writer V 1.0 After one Asset selected (by the user or by the system) should be selected Checklist available and with last revision with the same repetition (Repeat type field)
10-22-15 Ashley Martin Technical Writer V1.0 General review.