SOP-42Q-SFDC0010 Shop Floor Control SDE

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Shop Floor Control SDE
Version MES 15.83
Revision G1




SCIPCC lines determine PCC port usage, type of data collector, and baud rate used.

SERIAL lines allow the creation of new serial number records by SFDC. They define the usable serial number formats and provide the serial-to-product interface.

Note: SERIAL lines are generally not required or recommended for serials created by Order releases. However, they may be required for various CONSOLE functions, such as changing a serial number of a unit.

PANEL lines define products to be tracked as a multi-board panel.

NAME lines assign routes and assembly groups to products.

PROMPT lines redefine the prompt messages used at input workstations.

ERROR lines redefine the error messages used at input workstations.

NETDOWN lines control the ability to create new serial number records and split multi-board panels. While SFDC is unable to communicate with the network database server.

Note: NETDOWN lines with YES are not recommended, as this can cause duplicate serial issues.

DEVICE lines define multipass data collection locations and identify Employee Login requirements.

PRODCHG lines allow strict control of part number changes done at the data collection location.

AUTOCMD lines configure commands to be performed automatically at specified locations. Auto command lines may also contain macro names.

MACRO lines issue strings of defined commands and parameters when entered at a data collector.

CONSOLE lines limit shutdown and data changes made on the SFDC PC, including overriding passwords set through the SFDC PC.

OPTIONS lines make assignments of several other system settings.

PREFIX lines define prefixes required when entering data into specified data fields.

SCIPCC lines

See '''Configuring PCC Usage 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

In the lines below:

board=n is the PCC board defined.

port=n is the PCC port defined and is a number from 1 to 10, where ports 1-5 are on board 1.

type=SCI is required as the protocol is available.

Baud=19200 defines the baud rate for the port. 19200 is the recommended baud rate for CS9400 data collectors.

Note: There are optional custom settings available to tune a PCC port for best performance. This information is in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''.

  # PCC Ports SCIPCC board=1 port=1 type=SCI baud=19200   # (01-32) SCIPCC board=1 port=2 type=SCI baud=19200   # (33-64) SCIPCC board=1 port=3 type=SCI baud=19200   # (65-96) SCIPCC board=1 port=4 type=SCI baud=19200   # (97-128) SCIPCC board=1 port=5 type=SCI baud=19200   # (128-160) SCIPCC board=2 port=1 type=SCI baud=19200   # (161-192) SCIPCC board=2 port=2 type=SCI baud=19200   # (193-224) SCIPCC board=2 port=3 type=SCI baud=19200   # (225-256) SCIPCC board=2 port=4 type=SCI baud=19200   # (257-288) SCIPCC board=2 port=5 type=SCI baud=19200   # (289-320)  

SERIAL lines

See C'''reating New Serial Numbers 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

SERIAL lines should normally not be used when serial records are created through Shop Orders. Also, SFDC will process serial input records in the order they appear, and uses the first matching record, so there is no reason to repeat a sim value in the editor.







Note: CHANGE and CREATE control whether SFDC will allow a serial number of this format to be changed and whether SFDC will create a serial of this format. If these options are not included, the default for each is YES. These settings provide protection against unwanted serial number creation when a Serial Input line must be included to allow serial changes and visa-versa.

INPUT=sim is a serial number mask defining the serial number format described by this line. The serial number mask is made up of the character masks defined in the INPUT MASK section.

SERIAL=sbm is optional as the serial BUILD MASK is applied to the scanned value. The sim is checked before producing a substring with SBM. If SBM is not used, the serial number is recorded exactly as entered by the operator. The format is [starting position (beginning with 0), number of chars].

PRODUCT=pbm is a product number build mask defining the format of the product numbers of new serial records affected by this line.

ASKFORPROD=pim is a product number mask defining the format of the product numbers of new serial records affected by this line. This optional parameter tells SFDC to prompt for the product number the first time the serial number is entered into the system. Used when multiple products with the same serial number mask are being tracked.

CHGPROD=AUTO will automatically change the product number of a serial if there is a matching PRODCHG line. Very limited applications for this.

CHANGE=NO is used to prevent operators from changing a serial number.

CREATE=NO is used to prevent scans at a start step from accidentally creating a serial record.

PANEL lines

See '''Configuring Multi-Board Panels 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.



PRODUCT=pbm is a product number build mask defining the format of the product number of multi-board panels affected by this line.

SERIAL=sim is a serial input mask defining the serial number formats of multi-board panels affected by this line.

QTY=num is the standard boards/panel quantity.

SINPUT=sbm is optional as the serial INPUT MASK for serial numbers of boards split from the panels. Required if the panels will be split.

SSERIAL=sbm is optional as the serial BUILD MASK for the serial number input for split boards is not used, the split serial number remains as entered. The SINPUT parameter must precede SSERIAL.

SPROD=pbm is optional as the product number build mask defines the format of the product number of boards split from the panels. If not used, any split boards take the same product number as the panel. The SINPUT parameter must precede SPROD.

Note: in SFDC v6.1, and higher, the part number is verified prior to creating the record. If the part number does not exist, the "Invalid Entry" message is displayed upon attempting to split from the panel.

NAME lines

See '''Assigning Route and Assemblies 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.



Assigns products to routes without using the Product Route Table, and assigns the assembly steps for partabc to these products.


Automatically assigns revision to these products when serials are created (at initial scan). This feature can not be used if creating serials by order releases.

PRODUCT=pim is a product number mask defining the product numbers affected by this line. PBM (product build mask) may also be used.

ASKFORREV=revmask is a revision mask defining the revision of the products affected by this line. This optional parameter tells SFDC to prompt for a revision the first time the product is entered into the system. Note: In SFDC V5.12.02g and V6.1 or higher, the system will verify the correct revision is entered prior to creating the serial record in MDS.

ROUTE=rname is optional as the route name assigned to the product numbers affected by this line. Only used when the route is not assigned in the Part/Route table.

Note: Use quotation marks where spaces exist.

ASSEMBLY=aname is optional as the assembly name (part number) of the Assembly table assigned to the product numbers affected by this line.


PROMPT and ERROR lines

See C'''onfiguring Error and Prompt Messages 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

PROMPT NUM=num TEXT="prompt text"

For example: PROMPT NUM=23 TEXT="Employee ID?"

ERROR NUM=num TEXT="error text"

For example: ERROR NUM=2 TEXT="SN Not Found"

In both examples above:

NUM=num is the standard prompt or error message number to be customized.

TEXT="text to use" defines the replacement text. Use quotation marks for text with spaces.


See '''Creating Serial Number Records with Network Down 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

Use of YES is not recommended by the FES Development team, as this can cause duplicate serial issues.



CREATE=yes/no is optional. YES allows SFDC to create new serial number records while the network is down.

SPLIT=yes/no is optional. YES allows SFDC to perform Split operations while the network is down.

DEVICE lines

See the following section in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual 'for more information:

Configuring Employee Login at Data Collector Locations



NUM=nnn is the device number of the data collector, ranging from 1 – 160 for 1st PCC board, 161 – 320 for the 2nd PCC board.

EMPLOYEE=nnnnn is an authorized employee number 4-12 alphanumeric characters in length. Only one employee number per DEVICE line, but there can be multiple DEVICE lines per data collector.

EMPLMASK=nnnnn is an employee number mask 4-12 alphanumeric characters in length. Only one employee mask per DEVICE line, but there can be multiple DEVICE lines per data collector.

PASSWORD=xxxxx is the employee password, 2-6 alphanumeric characters.

TIMEOUT=nnn is optional as the timeout value in minutes. If there are multiple DEVICE lines for a specific data collector, the TIMEOUT in the first line applies to all DEVICE lines with the same device number.

TYPE=n is optional as the type of device.

Type 0 is the default, which is CS9400. No need to specify this type.

Type 1 is an AutoTester; include msg numbers, exclude beep messages.

Type 2 is an AutoTester; do not include msg numbers or beep messages.


Device Number, Employee Number, Password specific to one employee at one device.


Sets the option for STOP_ON_ERROR for a particular device number. See the description for the option STOP_ON_ERROR for more information.

DEVICE NUM=nnn LOC=xxxx LOC=xxxx LOC=xxxx

Defines Multipass locations. Can also be used to assign specific processes to allocated CS9400s.

See the following section in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual 'for more information:

Defining Multipass Data Collection Locations'''.

NUM=nnn is the device number with which the locations defined on this line are associated.

LOC=xxxx are the first four characters of the name of the location associated with the data collector. No limit exists for the number of locations listed.


See '''Setting Autologin 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

Provides an Autologin for the specified device. If a DEVICE line for the device exists with TYPE, TIMEOUT, or STOP_ON_ERROR settings, the AUTO_LOGIN setting must be placed on the same line.

nnn is the device number and xxxxxx is the login number of 4-12 alphanumeric characters.


See '''Changing a Product Number 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.


pim is a product number mask.


See '''Creating Auto Commands 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

AUTOCMD LOC=xxxx [ LOC=xxxx ] PRODUCT=pim CMD=cccccccc AUTOCMD PROCESS="process_name" PRODUCT=pim CMD=cccccccc
A single $ symbol is a separator between commands, and between the parameters for the sfdc internal commands on the command line. A double $$ tells SFDC to wait for input from the data collector. If the input causes an error, the remaining commands are not executed. LOC=xxxx specifies the first four characters in the data collection location name. No limit exists for the number of locations that can be specified on the command line. All locations must precede the CMD parameter. PROCESS="process_name" is optional as the process name. Cannot use LOC and PROCESS together on an Autocmd line. PRODUCT=pim is optional as the product mask used to limit the Auto Command to certain products. CMD=cccccccc specifies the command (either single or macro). There is no limit to the command name length. For example: AUTOCMD LOC=S001 CMD=!!1SAMPLE.AT2.AT3.AT4 For example: AUTOCMD LOC=ATT2 CMD="!!1LABGEN.1$END"

MACRO lines

See '''Creating Named Macros 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

MACRO NAME=xxxxxx CMD=cccccccc

NAME=xxxxxx specifies a name for the macro. Do not use MDS data values – such as defect code or part number – as the macro name.

CMD=cccccccc specifies the command (either single or macro).



Prints a component list at the data collection location.


Prints a unit history at the data collection location.


Removes per reference designator ("\b"=space for this function only).


Runs the Verify Component command.


Executes the Record Defect command which waits for the defect code to be input from the data collector before executing the MENU and END commands.


See '''Controlling Access to SFDC PC Activities 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information.

Note: CONSOLE lines only work in SFDC version 3.55 or earlier (SFDC1).

CONSOLE EMPLOYEE=eeeeeeeeeeee PASSWORD=pppppppppppp

EMPLOYEE=eeeeeeeeeeee is an employee number 4-12 characters in length.

PASSWORD=pppppppppppp is a password 1-12 characters in length and case-sensitive.

Overrides the SFDC PC Set/Change Password functionality. See the SFDC Operations Manual for more information on this functionality.


See '''Setting Options 'in the '''SFDC Configuration Manual'''for more information on any of the OPTIONS lines described in this section. Options in RED are potentially dangerous; use with caution and only when necessary.


Tells SFDC to accept Tracked components at Start stations when attached to top level units.

If set to YES and a tracked serial number this is part of another serial number is scanned at a Start station, SFDC accepts the serial number into WIP, but does not remove it from the owner unit, and there is no indication in the history of the owner serial! This should not be used in a normal production environment.

If not used or set to NO, SFDC reports a Status Error 60.



Replaces a component, at the original Assembly table Location, when a component from the Assembly table was removed.

If set to YES, SFDC prompts automatically at appropriate stations for any sub-assemblies to replace in the Assembly table after a component was removed.

If not used or set to NO, no automatic prompting for removed components will occur.


Automatically expands assembly sequences to all locations with the same process name.

If set to YES, Step X in a new assembly sequence works for any location having the same process name. The sfdcdnld serverside code will convert all locations in the assembly steps to process names. If that conversion produces duplicate records, then the download will fail.

If not used or set to NO, no changes in the processing occur.

It is not recommended to enable ASM_BY_PROCNAME unless also enabling ROUTE_BY_PROCNAME.


This OPTIONS line is used only for Serialized Batch processing. When enabled, this OPTIONS line defines the maximum batch quantity size. The default maximum batch size is hard-coded at 150.

MAX_QTY=nnn is the maximum number of units to allow when creating a batch.

PRODUCT=pbm Mandatory. Where PBM is the product MASK defining the product number to have a defined maximum batch size.


(SFDC V6.0 or higher)

This OPTIONS line enables the automatic execution of the ADMEO and/or ADCOMMENT commands following the execution of a CHGRV command. Each command can be enabled or disabled individually. Either or both can be used. If both are enabled, then ADMEO will be run first. After execution of the CHGRV command, SFDC will automatically run the next enabled command (ADMEO / ADCOMMENT).




Defines the unit status of a tracked component, where nn is the appropriate unit_status (most commonly set to 30 when used).

For Conduit, this option value (when defined) is used as a rule for an acceptable tracked component when the Component location field of the Assembly table is blank.   The assembly table Component Location takes precedence. 

For SFDC, this option value (when defined) indicates the status of an acceptable tracked component.  The Component Location in the Assembly table is ignored when this option is defined.   



(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

By default, the units in a container must have the same revision if any, and the same product type or part number. In SFDC version 5.22 and higher, the option to allow multiple revisions of the same part number to be added to a container exists. If set to NO, then SFDC will not require the revision of a part number being added to an SFDC container to match. Only the part number must be the same.

If not used or set to YES, there is no change in processing (revision must match).

Reference Containerization and Lot Tracking for more information.



If this option is set to YES, SFDC will create a new serial record even if the serial number was archived (has an entry in the catalog table).

It creates an activity record showing the CD number where it was archived previously and deletes the entry from the data table.

If not used or set to NO, the handling of the serial record remains unchanged.



Allows the SFDC admin to set a certain defect code for the specified workstation in order to avoid recording an incorrect defect code(s) by the production operator.

CODE=CODEn is the defect or repair code(s) that will be limited for use.

PRODUCT=pbm Optional. Where PBM is the product MASK defining the product number which is limited. No PRODUCT means all product numbers will be limited. A product number that has special characters same as MASK DEFINING can be used with “” (quotations) masks placed.

LOC=LOCn Optional. Where LOC is the location where the operation will be limited to. No LOC means all locations can be used.



(added V3.55 of SFDC, not available SFDC2 v4.01 or earlier)

Used when anything entered as a reference designator for a defect must match the specified mask.  The mask can be any length, limited only to the maximum size of the setup data.  The reference designator is limited to 20 characters.

If using this option and the data collector should also accept N/A at the reference designator prompt, include N/A as a valid entry for the mask.

For example:




Used when a lot/container is closed and empty.

If set to YES, any empty container is deleted.

If not used or set to NO, the processing is not changed.



When enabled (set to YES), this command will prevent the use of the MOVE command at data collector locations.  The password can be 1-12 alphanumeric characters.  When a MOVE command is entered, SFDC will prompt for the password.  If the correct password is entered, the MOVE will be performed.  Enabling the OPTIONS line, moves performed as part of a custom command (!! command) or other background operation will not be affected.  Only uses of the MOVE command through MACROS or manually entered are affected.  Password is hidden in data collector displays and in the message.log.



Limits data collector location access to designated employees with defined passwords.  These are global settings.

<mask> is a global employee number mask.

<password> is a global password, 2-6 characters in length.

This OPTIONS line is intended for employee logins at any data collector not having a DEVICE line set with EMPLOYEE and PASSWORD.



This option line is optional and if enabled, will automatically log out all devices that have an employee validation controlled process assigned.  The logout time is determined by the shifts defined in the Miscellaneous Configuration module in MDS.



This option line is optional and if enabled, will automatically log out all devices that have an employee validation controlled process assigned.  After the defined amount of time has passed without any activity (scanning) has passed the device will be logged out.

TIME=nnn is the amount of time in seconds.



This option line is used to specify a product mask for products to be controlled by employee validation.  The mask can be a specific part number, somewhat specific to limit control to a group of products, or made generic to include all part numbers.  This option line is mandatory.  If EV is to be used, some kind of product mask must be defined and the option line enabled.

PRODUCT=pbm Mandatory. Where PBM is the product MASK defining the product number to be controlled by Employee Validation.  



This OPTIONS line turns employee validation on, on the SFDC PC.  In order to correctly control processes, a successful emvdnld command has to run in order for the EV configuration to be downloaded to the SFDC PC.  This is not part of the standard sfdcdnld.

If not used or set to NO, there is no change in processing.



Note: in SFDC and SFDC2, leave out the “OPTIONS” word for FAIL_LIMIT to work.  Use “OPTIONS” for SFDC3.

Determines the number of times a unit can fail based on the normal route.  If the number of failures exceeds this count, the unit fails to the designated location.



Note: in SFDC and SFDC2, leave out the “OPTIONS” word for FAIL_LIMIT to work.  Use “OPTIONS” for SFDC3.

Determines the number of times a unit can fail based on the normal route.

PIM is a specified product number mask to apply to the option

If the number of failures exceeds this count, the unit fails to the designated location.



(added V3.55 of SFDC, not available SFDC2 v4.01 or earlier)

If set to YES, this option overrides existing flow control to allow units to fail to an On the Line (20) or Online Hold status (28) location after recording a defect, but not to a Finished status (30) location. If not used or set to NO, the flow control behavior is unchanged.

Note: Once the unit reaches ONLINE status - even if it has defects - flow control allows passing the unit through the remainder of the route as if it had no defects. However, the unit cannot be passed or moved to a Finished status location.



(added V3.55 of SFDC, not available SFDC2 v4.01 or earlier)

If set to YES, this option forces all input received from the data collector to uppercase.

If not used or set to NO, the input data format is unchanged.



(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

This OPTIONS line, when set to YES, enables the collection of HPU/Cycle time data for product numbers matching the defined product mask.

PRODUCT=pbm Mandatory. Where PBM is the product MASK defining the product number to have HPU/Cycle count data collected for.



(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

This OPTIONS line, when set to YES, will display the location and description from the locations table when passing, failing, or moving a unit.


PASS to ASSY is the normal message displayed.

When enabled, the message is PASS to ASSY Assembly, where the location is followed by the description (maximum of 1 line displayed on data collector) from the location table.

If not used or set to NO, there is no change in processing.



If this option is used AND the VERCMP command runs, the command automatically records a defect and fails a unit if components were removed and not properly replaced.

XXXX is the defect code to record against the unit if components are missing.



(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

This OPTIONS line, when set to YES, calls a vertrace.p procedure on MDS prior to a serial number passing to Finished status (30).  The procedure checks for component traceability requirements, and if found, ensures that there is component data for the required components.  If all the component data is present, OK is returned to SFDC and the serial number will pass to Finished status (30).  If no traceability requirements are found, the OK message is returned by the procedure and the serial number will be allowed to pass to Finished status (30).  If there are traceability requirements, and component data is missing, the Missing Trace data message is displayed.  If the optional defcode parameter is not defined, the serial number is released at the current location.

DEFCODE=xxxx is a valid defect code to log against the serial number when component traceability requirements are missing.  This is optional.  If specified, the unit will be failed to the location specified in the SFDC route.

If not used or set to NO, there is no change in processing.



If set to Yes, units can be manually moved from a Repair status to Online status.

If not used or set to NO, manual moves from Repair status are not allowed.



If set to YES, units can be manually moved to a Repair status from Online status.

If not used or set to NO, manual moves to Repair status are not allowed.



(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

This OPTIONS line, when enabled, prevents units with any unrepaired defect from passing to Finished status (30).  Anytime a serial number has an unrepaired defect and is either On-Line (20) or On-Line Hold status (28) the defect will no longer trigger a failure.  Units are then able to pass to completed status without the defect ever being repaired.

If not used or set to YES, there is no change in processing.



Used when a flow error or status error occurs within the unit history of a serial number.

Flow errors are recorded as activity action code 99.

Status errors are recorded as activity action code 98.

If set to YES, the error is recorded with the unit history.

If not used or set to NO, the error is not recorded.



Automatically expands route steps to all locations with the same process name.

If set to YES, Step X in a route works for any location having the same process name.  The sfdcdnld serverside code will convert all locations in the route steps to process names.  If that conversion produces duplicate records, then the download will fail.

If not used or set to NO, no change in processing occurs.



If set to YES, the local SFDC web page will require a password to be entered, in order to access it.  The password is 1-12 alphanumeric characters.  The default page timeout is 15 minutes.  After a timeout, the message "Session Timeout" is displayed and a link to return to the SFDC Index page is included.



If set to YES, this option stops the scanning process when a data collector receives an error message from the server.

The RESETERROR bar code clears the error from a data collector.  If anything else is scanned the data collector beeps and re-displays the same error message.

If not used or set to NO, there is no change in processing.



This OPTIONS line is used only by the Remove/Replace Subcomponent command which removes and replaces a sub-assembly component from the Top Level serial number.

This option line is to allow the SFDC admin to have the defect code that is logged against a sub-assembly component also logged against the top-level serial number. 

Note: The same defect code, reference designator information, and repair logged against a sub-assembly component will be recorded against the top-level serial number.  For example:  If the defect code 0101 was logged against a sub-assembly component and the Ref Des location provided was U1 and YES was recorded as the repair, this would also be reflected in the top-level serial number unit history.

If not used or set to NO, there is no change in processing.



This OPTIONS line is used only by the Remove/Replace Subcomponent command which removes and replaces a sub-assembly component from the Top Level serial number.

This option line allows the SFDC admin to place the removed sub-component in a certain location.

PRODUCT=pbm Optional. Where PBM is the product MASK defining the product number which is limited. No PRODUCT means all products number will be limited. A product number that has special characters same as MASK DEFINING can be used with “” (quotations) masks placed.

LOC=xxxx is the location where the removed component is to be placed.


OPTIONS URL_WEB_SERVICE NAME=xxxx VALUE= http://IP_address:8080/pts/services/PTSService

(added V5.22 of SFDC or higher)

This OPTIONS line is used only to integrate PTS with SFDC.  When enabled, PTS will send the component prompt information to the data collector, and the input data is then sent to PTS for validation and storage. 

NAME=xxxx is a macro name representing the data stored for VALUE.  It is used as a parameter in the PTSSCANB command.  Refer to the SFDC Operations Manual for more information.

VALUE=http://IP_address:8080/pts/services/PTSService where IP_address is the static IP address of the PTS server.  





Conduit Options

This OPTIONS line is used only to enable and disable certain behaviors explained below:



Allows to add/remove serial numbers in a Work Order with a status C (Closed).

By default, this option is set to NO (Disabled). None of the above transactions mentioned will be allowed.

This option needs to be enabled when using the following commands:



Allows scan units with status 50 (killed) the scan must happen in a start location.



Used to state some attributes as ‘Required’.



Enables the creation of a user while scanning.



Keeps a unique component on remove.



Enables password authentication for users.



Disable serial number batch auto-merge.




This value is set to TRUE or NO regardless of the scan mode selected in the Production Workbench configuration option the client id will be displayed preceded by the station id.



Sets a unit located on the scan.


If the value is set to YES, the system will make the attributes mandatory in PWB.

Note:The users must set this value to YES if they want the attributes to be mandatory in the PWB.

PREFIX lines

  See Setting Up Prefixes for Defect Field Input in the SFDC Configuration Manual for more information.

PREFIX lines cut down on the garbage data received as part of data collector input. 

They are reused for defect field input only and prevent random input values.


PREFIX DEFREFDES=<prefix1> Record Defect – Reference Designators

PREFIX DEFPART=<prefix2> Record Defect – Component Part

PREFIX DEFMFR=<prefix3> Record Defect – Manufacturer

PREFIX DEFLOT=<prefix4> Record Defect – Manufacturer Lot Number

PREFIX DEFPIN1=<prefix5> Record Defect – Pin 1

PREFIX DEFPIN2=<prefix6> Record Defect – Pin 2

PREFIX MEO=<prefix7> Record Defect – MEO Number   In each case above, <prefix#> can be any string value.