SOP-5-I-42Q-MES0099-C Mask Characters

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42Q Home > Tools > Mask Characters




Mask Characters
Version MES 15.71
Revision 15.71


This SOP is 42Q's corporate standard.
 This document is under revision control. The latest revision is located on Intranet.
 Once printed it is an uncontrolled copy. All alterations to this work instruction require approval.
 Contact the IT Global Education and Training Department to submit suggested alterations and or updates.

This edition applies to SFDC Version 6.1 and all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new revisions.



The following mask characters and their respective definitions apply to Assembly, Attribute Definition Maintenance, and SDE (sub)modules.

Mask Character Glossary


Represents an alpha character.
The mask character a means that users will have to enter one alpha character (uppercase or lowercase) from A to Z.

Any uppercase alphabetic character represents that very character.
The mask character A means that the users will have to enter the letter A, it can’t be letter a, due to a is a reserved character in the mask to represent alpha characters.

The attribute mask: Aaa means that the users will have to enter the letter A, and then, enter two alphabetic characters. For example: ADR or Adr.



Represents a numeric character.
The mask character n means that users will have to enter one number from 0 to 9.

Any numeric character represents that very number.
The mask character 1 means that the users will have to enter the number 1, it can’t be any other number, due to n is a reserved character in the mask to represent numeric characters.

The attribute mask: 1nn means that the users will have to enter the number 1, and then, enter two numeric characters. For example: 146 or 154.



Represents any hexadecimal character (0-9 and A-F).
The uppercase letter H represents that very letter.
The mask character H means that the users will have to enter the letter H, it can’t be letter h, due to h is a reserved character in the mask to represent  hexadecimal characters.


Represents any alphanumeric character.


Represents any alphanumeric character, and all symbols and special characters, except for the double quote character (“).


A dollar sign is a valid character to use in a mask, or as an input value with $ or @ in the mask. However we want to caution you that inputs which contain $ will cause problems if scanned in as data for some !! commands, as $ represents a break for a data prompt to SFDC. Its best to avoid $ in any data scanned into SFDC.

. (period/dot)

Indicates that characters following this point in the input data are optional. It is valid for the input data to end anywhere from the period to the end of the input mask.


aaa.nn would mean 3 alphas, or 3 alphas and one number, or 3 alphas and 2 numbers.

[ ] [brackets]

Any number of mask characters can be enclosed in square brackets. This indicates that the character at this point in the input data must match at least one of these mask characters. Multiple (comma separated) character sets within square brackets, (1, for mask matching. If there is only one character set within the brackets, i.e. no commas, then it still matches one single character from the set. If there are multiple character sets, i.e. at least one comma, then the input must match completely with one of the character sets. Nested square brackets (brackets within brackets) are supported.


  • [1234]will match a single character which is either 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • [(3)n,ABCD] will match either 3 numeric digits or "ABCD".
  • [1234[XY],ABCD] will match either "1234X", "1234Y" or "ABCD".
  • a[123]aa would mean an alpha, followed by 1, 2, or 3, followed by two more alphas.

( ) (parentheses)

A number enclosed in parentheses serves as a repeat count for the next item in the input mask.


  • a(5)n is equivalent to annnnn




The c character indicates the system to compare this position in the input string to the code 39 check character calculated for the previous characters.


,! (comma and exclamation point)

AND NOT operator for use in input masks. This operator is a comma followed by an exclamation point (,!). Where the OR operator (,) separates either/or masks, the new AND NOT operator (,!) begins an AND NOT mask rather than an OR mask. Like the OR operator, the AND NOT operator is valid both inside and outside of square brackets. The sequence of OR and AND NOT masks is of no consequence. The input string, or portion of the input string, as the case may be: Must match at least 1 OR mask, and must not match any AND NOT masks.


  • (5)n,!9999n,QSYS(5)n,@@@ABC@@@,!@@Z(5)@
  • QSYS[@@@@,!7011,!7012]@001
  • QSYS[701n,!7011,701B,!7012]@[nnn,!000]



, (comma)

A comma outside any brackets is used as a mask separator. Masks between commas are considered complete masks. Comma represents an OR function.


  • [1234], a[234] will match a single character which is either 1, 2, 3, or 4, or will match any alpha character and 2, 3, or 4.
  • (3)n, ABCD will match either 3 numeric characters or ABCD.