42Q-MES0085-C Conduit Command Appendix

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Conduit Command Appendix
Version MES15 Portal 1.10
Work Instruction


This Work Instruction is 42Q's corporate standard.
This document is under revision control. The latest revision is located on Intranet.
Once printed it is an uncontrolled copy. All alterations to this work instruction require approval.
Contact the IT Global Education and Training Department to submit suggested alterations and or updates.


This edition applies to MES15 Portal 1.0 and all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new revisions.




Command Appendix Registry

The commands defined within the Conduit Command Registry represent the core functionality of the Conduit system. Unlike with legacy systems, Conduit commands are full words, generally Pascal case (though technically command names are case insensitive.)

In addition to the more extensive names, Conduit Commands tend to be more focused toward a single concept. Most Conduit commands expect all of their data to be provided up front, leaving the work of gathering that data to the various client implementations in conjunction with the CCRS.

The commands referencing Assembly or Defined components and attribute respectively are designed for use with the Scanning Template mechanism in Conduit. The basic concept is that the actual command to use (tracked, unique, nontracked, etc.) will be provided by Conduit. Individual clients only need to prompt for the appropriate piece of data to satisfy the scan template then construct a Client Command from the Scan Template + user input.

The full list of commands and a short explanation of each are given below:





Add Attribute does not have an equivalent in SFDC. It is effectively the equivalent of ADCMP2 but for an attribute. It allows adding an attribute for which a definition did not already exist.


Adds an attribute to the specified unit serial number. This command will produce an error if the attribute already exists, no replacement will occur. Similar to ADCMP2 for non-tracked components in SFDC this command does not require an existing attribute definition


Adds a comment checked against an optional mask to the scanned unit.  Add Comment is equivalent to ADCOMMENT in SFDC.


Adds a comment checked against an optional mask to the specified unit. Equivalent to ADCOMMENT in SFDC.


Add Defined Attribute is equivalent to ATTADD in SFDC. Unlike SFDC it is designed to be used with the Conduit “Scanning Template” construct for units that have active / unreconciled Assembly / Attr_Def entries. AddMeasurementKey Add Measurement Key is equivalent to MEASKEY in SFDC.


Adds a measurement key to the scanned unit. Equivalent to MEASKEY in SFDC.


Adds a measurement key to the specified unit. Equivalent to MEASKEY in SFDC.


Add Nontracked Assembly Component is a “Scanning Template” specific command for adding a non-tracked component based on an unreconciled assembly record for a unit. It is equivalent to ADCMP


AddNontrackedComponent is very similar to ADCMP2 command in SFDC, in that an assembly record is not used. It adds the component and only updates the old component record from 'removed' to 'replaced' if it finds a removed nontracked component with the same ref_designator on the serial.


Adds a non-tracked component to the specified unit. It is exactly the same as AddNonTrackedComponent, except that it does not require a scanned unit, only a serial number.

Warning: Using either of these AddNontrackedComponent/To commands multiple times for a given serial and ref_designator can result in multiple active components with the same ref_designator. In order to remove and replace an existing component for a serial/ref_designator, so that only one is active, you must use the ReplaceNontrackedComponent/To the version of these commands. 


Adds the scanned unit serial number to the specified lot.


'A'ddTrackedComponent is very similar to ADCMP3 command in SFDC, in that an assembly record is not used. It adds the component and only updates the old component record from 'removed' to 'replaced' if it finds a removed tracked component with the same ref_designator on the serial.


Adds a tracked component to the specified unit. It is exactly the same as AddTrackedComponent, except that it does not require a scanned unit, only a serial number.

Warning: Using either of these AddTrackedComponent/To commands multiple times for a given serial and ref_designator can result in multiple active components with the same ref_designator. In order to remove and replace an existing component for a serial/ref_designator, so that only one is active, you must use theReplaceTrackedComponent/To the version of these commands. 


Adds a non-tracked component to the specified unit. Unlike Add Non-Tracked Component this does not require a scanned unit. This command will not replace an existing unremoved component with that component id but it will mark a previously removed component as replaced.


Add Unique Assembly Component is the unique component version of the Scanning Template enabled ADCMP command in SFDC. AddUniqueComponent Add Unique Component has no corollary in SFDC today. It is designed to add a unique component without a predefined assembly record just like ADCMP2 (non-tracked) or ADCMP3 (tracked). AddUnitToContainer Add Unit To Container has no equivalent command in SFDC. SFDC Containerization essentially does the same thing via complicated mini-sessions executed after NEWCNTNR / OPENCNTNR.


Adds provided unit serial number to the scanned container serial.


Add Unit To Lot has no equivalent command in SFDC. SFDC “Lotization” is handled via cumbersome sessions within NEWLOT / OPENLOT.


Ends up to <unit limit> units for the supplied shop order number at the provided workstation. Units are chosen in FIFO order for the specified workstation. This command can be executed without a transaction unit.


Apply Meo is equivalent to ADMEO.


Assign the specified set of unit serial numbers to the oldest eligible shop orders.




Change Part Number is equivalent to CHGPN.


Change Revision is equivalent to CHGREV.


Change Serial Number is equivalent to CHGID.


Clear Matching Attributes is designed to remove attributes that match a particular input. It is equivalent to CLRATT.L.


Clear Non-Matching Attributes is designed to remove attributes that do NOT match a particular input. It is equivalent to CLARATT.R.


Close Container is equivalent to CLOSECNTNR.


Close Lot is equivalent to CLOSELOT.


Consume non serialized batch consumes non serialized batches.


Consume the specified quantity from the provided Sit Batch serial and add a non-tracked component matching the sit batch serial number to the scanned unit at the specified reference designator.


Creates a Batch Serial number with the provided serial number, batch quantity and shop order number. Can be executed in place of a transaction unit. Roughly equivalent to CRE8BSN in SFDC.


Create Container creates a container serial number. Unlike NEWCNTNR it does not immediately initiate prompting for container units. It only creates a container.


Creates a batch serial using the supplied quantity and shop order number. The actual batch serial number will be generated using provided algorithm. Can be executed in place of a transaction unit.


Create Lot creates a lot serial number. Unlike NEWLOT it does not initiate prompting for lot units. It only creates a lot.


Create Unit is a command used to create a new unit.



Deallocate any material for the specified part number at the specified location or the scanning location.



End is effectively identical to END in SFDC.



Identify the active shop order for the mfg line associated with the location.


Finds client stations.


Finds the oldest unit at a station matching an optional part number and shop order number. The most recent unit at a station can be returned if LIFO (Last in, First out) is specified for the final parameter. 


Identify the printers currently available to the label engine.


Attempts to find the unit activity for the provided serial number and optional part number.


Find an attribute matching the specified name for the scanned unit. By default not finding the attribute is an ERROR condition but that can be overridden via parameter



Links a media reference identifier to an existing activity for a serial number.



Merge the provided batch serial number into the scanned batch unit.


Effectively identical to MOVE in SFDC.



Changes the status of a container to Open. Does not initiate container serial scanning like OPENCNTR.


Changes the status of a lot to Open. Does not initiate lot serial scanning like OPENLOT.



Depending on the type of unit provided either create a container and add the specified unit to it or open the container in preparation for adding more units. This command can be supplied in place of a transaction unit. 


Print a demo label name for the currently scanned unit serial number to the specified print queue.


Print HPE label.

Print Legacy Label

Prints MES labels.



Traverses the entire component tree and checks to see if a component serial is on hold. RecordDefect Records a defect against a unit. Equivalent to RCDFC in SFDC.


Records a defect against the scanned unit. Equivalent to RCDFC in SFDC.


Records a media activity against the scanned unit with the specified media reference identifier.


Applies the provided regular expression to the specified value returning OK if it matches and either or NO-OP as specified.


Replaces substrings that match the regular expression with the replacement string.


Moves scanned unit to the relevant failure location if any unrepaired defects exist on that unit at all, otherwise, do nothing. 


Fails a unit that is missing the provided attribute. Equivalent to VERATT.LIST.


Fails a unit that is missing any configured attributes. Equivalent to VERATT.ALL.


Fails a unit that is missing any assembly components. Unlike VERCMP this command has to be provided with a failure location just like Reject if Missing Attribute[s] (VERATT).


Fails a unit that is missing any attributes matching the current scanning location’s process. Effectively equivalent to VERATT.PROC.


Removes all components from a unit. Equivalent to RMCMPALL.


Removes an attribute. Similar to ATTREMOVE but the specific attribute must be provided.


Removes a component. Similar to RMCMP2.


Removes a component of any type matching the provided <component id> from the specified unit.


Removes any attributes defined for addition at the provided process from the scanned unit.


Removes any components defined for addition at the provided process from the scanned unit.


Removes a unit from a container. Equivalent to RMVFRMCNTNR.


Removes a unit from a lot. Equivalent to RMVFRMLOT.


Signal the label engine service to render a printable label and download it to a local temporary file. Note: the downloaded file is only guaranteed to exist for the duration of the request session.


Repair a defect on a unit. Similar to RCRPR but the defect sequence to be repaired must be provided.


Replace an existing attribute with a new attribute.


Replaces an attribute (if one exists) and adds one to the specified unit serial number. Similar to ADCMP2 for non-tracked components in SFDC this command does not require an existing attribute definition.


Replaces a component at the provided <component id> on the scanned unit with a new component. Equivalent to RPCMP2 in SFDC.


Replaces a component at the provided <reference designator> on the scanned unit with a new component.


Replaces consumed non serialized batches.


Replace a previously existing “Scanning Template” non-tracked component with a new one.


Replace a previously existing non-tracked component; equivalent to RPCMP2.


Replaces an existing non-tracked component with a matching <reference designator> (if one exists) and adds a new non-tracked component.


Replaces an existing non-tracked component on the specified unit serial number with a matching <component id> (if one exists) and adds a new non-tracked component.


Replace a preexisting “Scanning Template” tracked component with a new one.


Replace a previously existing tracked component, effectively equivalent to RPCMP2.


Replaces an existing tracked component with a matching <reference designator> (if one exists) and adds a new tracked component.


Replace a preexisting unique component. SplitPanel Effectively equivalent to SPLTP. ViewComponents Equivalent to VWCMP. ViewDefects Effectively equivalent to VWDFC. ViewHistory Effectively equivalent to VWHST.


Replaces an existing unique component with a matching <reference designator> (if one exists) and adds a new unique component. Because these are unique components the associated serial records will be deleted / created during this operation.



Samples a unit based upon a configured sample master / plan. The unit will either be moved to the sample location if eligible or Ended (passed / failed) to the next location in the route.


Splits the provided quantity number of components from the scanned batch unit. The split batch will be created using the supplied serial number.


Splits the provided quantity number of components from the scanned batch unit. The split batch will be created using a serial number generated from the supplied algorithm.


Splits the scanned unit (panel) using the provided serial number and quantity. Equivalent to SPLTP in SFDC.


Uploads the contents of the specified media file or parameter to the media service for long-term storage.



Returns the unit history for the scanned unit.



Validate the specified date within the specified date range.


Validate the specified timestamp is within the date range.


SFDC data collector formatted components for the scanned unit.


SFDC data collector formatted unrepaired defects for the scanned unit.


SFDC data collector formatted unit history for the scanned unit.

Conduit Command Listing

Every command currently available can be found at the following URL:






Document Revision History

Date Author Title Version Change Reference
01/26/17 Benjamin Cavanaugh Technical Writer A This is the first version of the Conduit Command Appendix.
04/21/17 Benjamin Cavanaugh Technical Writer A1 Command list updated and URL fixed.
06/14/17 Elaine Fonaro Technical Writer A2 Deleted LegacyCustomCommand.
11/06/17 Lucas Hopkins Technical Writer A3 Corrected and updated Revision History to reflect current convention.
04/03/18 Elaine Fonaro Technical Writer B Applied new Template for the format.
05/06/19 Mildred Rodriguez Technical Writer B1 RejectIfDefective command added.
05/26/2020 Marisol Vargas  Technical Writer  B3

Added the following New commands: AssignUnitsToNextShopOrderDeallocateStationMaterial, FindActiveShopOrder, FindPrinters, FindUnitAttribute, LinkMedia, PrepareUnitContainer, PrintLabel, RecordMedia, RegexMatch, RegexReplace, RenderLabel, StoreMedia, ValidateDate, ValidateTimeStamp

09/28/2020 Marisol Vargas  Technical Writer B4 Added the following New commands: AddToLot and FindNextStationUnit
10/15/2020 Marisol Vargas  Technical Writer B5

Updated AddNontrackedComponent and AddNontrackedComponentTo and Warning added

10/30/2020 Marisol Vargas Technical Writer C Updated Revision History