SOP-42Q-MES0160 Unit Status Definition Work Instruction

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Shop Floor Data Collection
Operations Manual
Revision G
Work Instruction 


This Work Instruction is 42Q's corporate standard.
 This document is under revision control. The latest revision is located on Intranet.
 Once printed it is an uncontrolled copy. All alterations to this work instruction require approval.
 Contact the IT Global Education and Training Department to submit suggested alterations and or updates.


Unit Status Definition 


The following table provides a list of available unit status settings and their definitions. 

SeeLocations Maintenance for more information.


Unit Status (Numeric Value)


Released (10)

Definition: Refers to Travelers being finalized.  

Traveler Printed (15)

Definition: Used when a Traveler for a serial number is printed. Also used for Shop Order status when a serial number is assigned to a Shop Order but not scanned at an SFDC location yet.  

On the Line (20)

Definition: Used at any location that is a part of the normal manufacturing process or product flow.  

In Repair (25)

Definition: Used at any location that is not considered part of the normal manufacturing process. In creating routes, any unit with a defect is failed to a location with an In Repair status. Unless overridden by an Options setting in Setup Data Editor, the unit continues to have this status until all defects are repaired. A unit cannot be manually moved from a Data Collection Location with an In Repair status to a location with On the Line status. A unit cannot pass from this status to a Finished status.  

Outside Processing (26)

Definition: Same as On the Line Hold, but this status is used to define units that require outside processing. When a unit has this status, the serial record is removed from the SFDC PC and stored on the plant server. It does not appear as part of the SFDC Work-In-Process report, but it does appear on the MDS WIP report.  

In Repair Outside Processing (27)

Definition: Combines the In Repair Hold status with the secondary functions of the Outside Processing status. This status is used to define units that require repair at an outside processing location.  

On the Line Hold (28)

Definition: Same as On the Line with the added ability to allow the unit to move from one SFDC PC to another within the same database. Also used to move from one route to another. When a unit has this status, the serial record is removed from the SFDC PC and stored on the plant server. It does not appear as part of the SFDC Work-In-Process report, but it does appear on the MDS WIP report.  

In Repair Hold (29)

Definition: Combines the In Repair status with the secondary functions of the On-Line Hold status.  

Finished (30)

Definition: Defines the unit as complete. Unless the product will be installed into an upper-level assembly, the route ends by passing a unit to a location with a Finished status. Neither SFDC nor MDS WIP reports include Finished status locations.  

Container Open (34)

Definition: Defines a container that is being fulfilled.  

On Skid - Container Close (35)

Definition: Defines a closed container or lot assumes the container is full or partially full.   

In Container (36)

Definition: Defines a unit that has been added to a container successfully.  

Shipped (40)

Definition: Defines a Serial that has been shipped in ERP or moved manually to a location with status 40.

Killed (50)

Definition: Used to kill a serial number not to be shipped. Adapted for use in  SFDC. When used, the serial number cannot be scanned by  SFDC.  

Pulled (55)

Definition: Another form of killed status, which can be assigned to a unit only by moving it to a location at this status.  

Unit Component (60)

Definition: Defines a unit when it is a tracked component and has not been properly removed from the Top Level assembly. Requires a special Option line to be scanned again.  

Unit Old ID (62)

Definition: Defines a serial number that was changed to another serial number. All history is moved to the new serial number.  

Batch Old ID (63)

Definition: Defines a batch serial number that no longer has unit serial numbers attached (empty batch sn). Empty batch serial numbers cannot process in  SFDC. Once a batch serial number has had all unit serial removed, it cannot be used again.  

Unit Skeleton (64)

Definition: Defines a unit serial number used for temporary copies of a real serial number.


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