SOP-42Q-SFDC0008 SFDC Generic Custom Command Appendix
- 1 Table of Revisions
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.1.1 Activity Commands
- Check Unit Failure (CHKFAIL)
- Count the number of times a board passes a process (CHKPASS13)
- Check the most recent pass/fail activities (CHKPROCP)
- Check Pass Count (CHKPASS)
- Check Process Quantity (CHKPROCQ)
- Clock an employee into a work order (CLOCKIN)
- Clock an employee out of a work order (CLOCKOUT)
- Cycle Count (CYCLECOUNT)
- Notification & Escalation Event (NOTIFY)
- Verify Quantity (VERQTY)
- 1.1.2 Attribute Commands
- 1.1.3 AutoSFDC-Related Commands
- 1.1.4 Component Commands
- Add MAC Address (ADDMACID)
- Add Sub Component (ADSCMP)
- Change Tracked Component ID (CHGID60)
- Change SN to Match a Component (CHGIDREF)
- Check Component Shop Order Number Unit Serials(CHKCMPSO)
- Component Tree Reference Designator (COMPTREEREF)
- Create Component ID (CRE8COMP)
- Create MAC Address (CRE8MAC)
- Generate a specified number of MAC IDs (CRE8MAC2)
- Generate a specified number of MAC IDs (CRE8MAC3)
- Find Components (CMPIDREF)
- Print Component List (COMPLST)
- Check for Component Duplicates (DUPCHK)
- Check for Component Duplicates (DUPCHKE)
- Add or Reuse 12-Character Mac IDs (MACCOMP2)
- Add or Reuse 16-Character Mac IDs (MACCOMP216)
- Reload the FIO list from e-trav SDR records or traveler configuration (RELOADCMP)
- Reload FIO List from Configuration (RELOADCFG)
- Remove Component By ID (RMCMPRD)
- Remove all active components with this reference designator (RMCMPRDALL)
- Remove Components from Status 60 Parent (RMFROM60)
- Remove Tracked Component (RMVTCOMP)
- Replace Component By ID (RPCMPRD)
- Generate a TSID Value and Assign as Component (TSIDCOMP)
- Verify Component (VERCMPB)
- Verify Component (VERCMPC)
- Verify Component (VERCMPD)
- Verify Component Not in List (VERCMPNO)
- Verify Component String (VERCMPSTR)
- Verify Component (VERIFCMP)
- Verify Component/Three Attempts Allowed (VERIFOCMPE)
- Attach a batch serial number created in SIT (SITBATCH)
- 1.1.5 Container Commands
- Check for Open Container (CHK4CNTNR)
- Check for Multiple Open Containers (CHK4CNTNRM)
- Check for Lot/Container (CHK4LOTCNT)
- Container Quantity (CNTQTY)
- Remove Units from Container/Move to Location (DUMPCNTNR4)
- Fix Container Status (FIXCNTST)
- Fix Lot Status (FIXLOTST)
- Tag containers for FTP to Oracle (TAGSKID4ORA)
- Remove Unit from Lot (REMOVEFROMLOT)
- 1.1.6 Customer Specific Commands
- Count the number of components assigned to a serial number (CHKCMPQT)
- Combine a scanned PN and SN to create a custom Lot Number (DENSOLOT)
- Record a comment for a container serial record (RPTCNTNR)
- Find a component with matching refdes assigned to unit (UNITMAC)
- Timestamp record for serial (XIOTECH_SN_SEND)
- 1.1.7 Label Commands
- 1.1.8 Move Commands
- Move by Defect (MOVEBYDEFECT)
- Move From Hold (MOVEFROMHOLD)
- Move if Reference Designator (MOVEIFREF)
- Move if No Reference Designator (MOVEIFNOREF)
- Move to Location (MOVE2HERE)
- Move to Hold (MOVETOHOLD)
- Return to Failure Location (RETURNTOFAILURELOCATION)
- Moves the unit to location specified in the moveloc param (MOVEIFATTDATA)
- 1.1.9 Part Number Commands
- 1.1.10 Serial Number Commands
- Add Comment to Status 30 Serial (ADCMNT30)
- Add Comment to Sub Component (ADCMNTSUB)
- Change Serial Number by Algorithm (CHGIDALG)
- Change Serial Number to New Serial Number (CHGSNTS)
- Compare SN to Scanned Value (CHECKSN)
- Check Defect Quantity (CHKDFCQTY)
- Count the Number of Fails at a Location (CHKFAIL3)
- Create/Start Serial Number with PN by Alogrithm (CRE8SER)
- Create/Start Serial Number w/PN & REV by Alogrithm (CRE8SER2)
- Compare Current Serial Number to Traveler Serial Number (FRANK1)
- Compare Current Serial Number to Unit Serial Number (FRANK2)
- Compare Current Serial Number to Box Label Serial Number (FRANKG)
- Generate Serial Number from Algorithm (GENALGOSN)
- Generate Serial Number from Alg using parent (GENALGOSN2)
- Parent Serial Number (PARENTSN)
- Rescan serial number (RESCAN)
- Send Serial Number File by Email (SENDSERIALFILE)
- Show Unit Comment (SHOWCOMMENT)
- Restore Archived Serial Number (XFERSNARCHIVE)
- 1.1.11 Shop Order Commands
- Add Unit to Next Shop Order (ADD2NEXTSO)
- Add Unit to Shop Order (ADD2SO1)
- Add Unit to Shop Order from Location (ADD2SO2)
- Change Shop Order (CHGSO)
- Change Shop Order from Location (CHGSO3)
- Delete Serial Number from Shop Order (DELSNFSO)
- Delete SN from Non-complete Shop Order (DELSNFSO2)
- Delete SN from Shop Order & Create New SN (DELSNFSO3)
- Display Shop Order Number (SHOWSON)
- Pass by Shop Order Number (PASSBYSO)
- Release Units Not in Given Shop Order (VERIFYSO)
- 1.1.12 Time and Timestamp Commands
- 1.1.13 User-Defined Field Commands
- 1.1.14 Work-In-Process (WIP) Commands
- 1.1.15 Obsolete Commands
- 1.1.1 Activity Commands
- 1.2 Document Revision History
- 1.1 Introduction
Table of Revisions
Date: | Author: | Description: |
6/23/04 | Karen Ellington | Initial release of document to website. |
7/1/04 | Karen Ellington | Updated the SAMPLE command to include descriptions for all error messages encountered during processing. |
8/5/04 | Karen Ellington | General edits and format clean up. |
12/9/09 | Keith Fuqua | Addition of new commands. |
10/29/10 | Keith Fuqua | Addition of new commands. Removal of obsolete commands. |
01/04/11 | Keith Fuqua | Updates reflecting medically validated commands (BLUE). Addition of Label commands section. |
01/25/11 | Keith Fuqua | Update to addmacid command. Additional, optional, parameter added for mask. |
02/18/11 | Jack Kaufman | Update to chgso3.p command. |
06/13/11 | Keith Fuqua | Updates, addition of new commands, updates reflecting additional medically validated commands (BLUE) |
01/06/12 | Keith Fuqua | Updates to modified commands. Added new command RMVTCOMP. |
02/10/12 | Keith Fuqua | Added new command ADD2NEXTSO. |
05/17/12 | Keith Fuqua | Added new commands MACCOMP2, and MACCOMP216. |
07/06/12 | Eric Moldenauer | Added new command ADDMACID2. Updates for SFDC 6.1 |
11/13/13 | Elaine Fonaro | Added new section for Obsolete Commands. Added new !!commands for Specific Customer section; |
03/07/14 | Elaine Fonaro | Added new command: Show Unit Attribute (SHOWATT) |
08/18/14 |
Ashley Martin |
Added New Command:Check Components Equal by Reference Designator (CHKCMPEQ) |
09/16/14 |
Ashley Martin |
Updated Command:Check Components Equal by Reference Designator (CHKCMPEQ) |
02/23/15 |
Dane Parker |
Updated defcode parameter definition. |
08/14/15 | Ashley Martin | Added new command: Combine a scanned PN and SN to create a custom Lot Number (DENSOLOT) |
06/16/17 | Martha Jordan | Added note about genser2 command, CRE8SER command, and CRE8SER2 command. |
06/19/17 | Martha Jordan | Changed XFERSEN-ARCHIVE to XFERSENARCHIVE |
06/19/17 | Martha Jordan | Changed ADDCMNTTOP to ADMNTTOP |
06/19/17 | Martha Jordan | Changed LABELENG to LABENG |
07/20/2017 | Lucas Hopkins | Added MOVEIFNOREF, NOTIFY, and PASSBYSO |
This document provides descriptions for the !! custom commands used to perform tasks such as maintenance, query, analysis, and move functions.
Many custom commands are entered at the Menu Selection prompt. These commands operate against the current scanned serial number. A custom menu command consists of the characters !!1 (referred to as bang-bang-one) followed by the name of the custom command. The name may be followed by a period and one or more parameters. Parameters are separated by a period.
For example:
Some custom commands are entered at the Serial Number prompt. These commands do not check product flow against a route. A custom command issued at the Serial Number prompt consists of the characters !!2 (referred to as bang-bang-2) followed by the name of the custom command and one or more parameters. Some will prompt for the serial number to run against.
An example of a !!2 command is:
Optional Parameters
Parameters inside brackets [ ] are optional. Some commands contain multiple optional parameters, or they are placed before mandatory parameters in the command string.
For example:
SFDC versions through 6.0 do not support optional parameter fields in command strings if prior to other mandatory parameters.
SFDC v6.1 has been enhanced to support optional parameters that precede other parameters. When an optional parameter is to be excluded from a !!command string, it may be necessary to input a placeholder where the parameter would normally be. Use a period "." in place of optional parameter values when they precede other parameters.
For example:
When excluding optional parameters that are at the end of a !!command string, these placeholders are not needed.
For example:
The commands are divided into sections based on functionality:
- Activity
- Attributes
- AutoSFDC-Related
- Components
- Configuration
- Container Activity
- Employee-Related Miscellaneous
- Labor Tracking
- Move Activity
- Part Numbers
- Sampling
- Serial Number
- Shop Orders
- Time and Timestamp
- User-Defined Fields
- Weight
- Work-In-Process (WIP)
Note: Medically validated commands are marked in Blue.
Activity Commands
Check Unit Failure (CHKFAIL)
Counts the number of times a board fails. If the fail count is equal to or greater than the set fail limit, the command moves the unit to a specified Fail location and records a 2250 defect code against the serial number.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKFAIL command line, specifying a fail limit and Move To location.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
faillimit | Minimum number of failures allowed against a board. |
moveto | Move To location for the unit. |
The command operates from the previously scanned serial number. It checks to see if the serial number is ambiguous or unavailable and displays an error on either condition.
If the serial number is valid, the command checks the scan location. If unavailable, an error displays.
Next the command checks the Move To location specified by the moveto parameter in the command line. If the Move To location is unavailable, the LOCATION not found message displays.
If the serial number and locations are valid, the command checks the Number of failures recorded against the serial number. If unknown or less than 1, the command displays INVALID FAILD COUNT.
If the number of failures is less than the limit set by the faillimit parameter in the command line, the command displays OK and exits.
If the number of failures is equal to or greater than the faillimit parameter, the command records defect 2250 against the serial number and moves the unit to the specified Move To location.
Count the number of times a board passes a process (CHKPASS13)
Counts the number of times a board passes a process-matching scan location. If the pass limit count is reached the command: 1) displays ’Reached Pass Limit’, 2) moves the unit to the specified location (if provided) or sends RLSE back to SFDC to release the unit.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
passlimit | Minimum number of passes before sending the unit to the Move To location. |
moveloc | Optional location to move batch serial number, if passed. |
Check the most recent pass/fail activities (CHKPROCP)
Checks the most recent pass/fail activities at all locations for a group of processes. The command requires a string specifying the processes to be checked. If there is a pass activity for each process of the group, and if the most recent pass/fail activity for each process of the group is a pass, then no action is taken. Otherwise, an error message is displayed, a comment activity record is created, and the unit is moved to the location specified by the moveloc parameter.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
procstr | String of processes to count. To allow for procstr containing spaces, use \B as a space. |
moveloc | Optional location to move batch serial number, if passed. |
Check Pass Count (CHKPASS)
Counts the number of times a board passes a process-matching scan location. If the pass limit count is reached, the command moves the unit to the specified location.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKPASS command line, specifying the pass limit, a defect code, and a Move To location.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
passlimit | Minimum number of passes before sending the unit to the Move To location. |
defcode | Defect code to assign. |
moveloc | The Move To location for the unit. |
The command uses the scanned serial number. If the serial number is invalid, AMBIGUOUS SN displays on the data collector. If the serial number is unavailable, SN not found displays.
If the serial number is valid, the command checks to make sure the scan location is valid. If it is not, an Internal Error 1 message displays on the data collector.
The Move To location specified by the moveloc parameter must be long enough to uniquely identify a location on this line. If the location is not available, a Bad Location error message displays.
If the defect code specified by the defcode parameter is invalid, a Bad Defect Code message displays.
Next the command checks the number of times the unit has passed the scan location. If the pass count is unknown or less than 1, the Bad Pass Count error message displays.
If the pass count is less than the pass limit set by the passlimit parameter, the command terminates with an OK message.
If the pass count reaches the specified passlimit parameter value, the command moves the unit to the Move To location. The defect code specified by the defcode parameter is recorded against the unit.
Check Process Quantity (CHKPROCQ)
Checks the quantity of pass/fail activities at all locations for a group of processes. The command requires a string specifying the processes to be checked. If the quantity of pass and fail activities equals or is greater than the value specified by the moveqty parameter, the unit is moved to the location specified by the moveloc parameter.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKPROCQ command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
procstr | String of processes to count. To allow for procstr containing spaces, use \B as a space. |
moveqty | If the pass/fail count is greater than or equal to this value, the unit moves to moveloc. |
moveloc | First 4 characters of the Move To location, where the unit is moved if it reaches the moveqty count. |
DEBUG | Optional. Specified by .DEBUG in the command line. If SFDC is in DEBUG mode, logs the number of locations found for procstr. |
Note: If the procstr parameter is contained anywhere in the process_name of a location, that location is considered in the counts. For instance if you specify TEST, it would match on process_name "TEST1" and "FTST functional test".
The command first checks to see if the scanned serial number is valid and available for processing. If not, the command displays the APP ERROR 1 message.
Next the command checks the current unit location. If it is not available, an APP ERROR 2 message displays.
If the serial number and location are valid, the command checks the Move To location specified by the moveloc parameter. If the location is invalid or not available, the INVALID MOVELOC message displays.
The command checks the processes specified by procstr. If no location matches are found, the command displays NO LOCS MATCH.
If DEBUG was specified in the command line, the command displays the number of locations using the specified processes.
If the command calculates that the moveqty is reached for the unit, it moves the unit to the Move To location.
Clock an employee into a work order (CLOCKIN)
Clocks an employee into a work order or activity. This command records the clock-in time for the employee and updates the SFDC Labor Tracking application.
Command format:
Clock an employee out of a work order (CLOCKOUT)
Clocks an employee out of a work order or activity. This command records the clock-out time for the employee and updates the SFDC Labor Tracking application.
Command format:
Cycle Count (CYCLECOUNT)
Counts the number of times the unit has passed through a specific location. If the qty paramater is met or exceeded then the unit is moved to the location specified by the move2loc parameter.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CYCLECOUNT command line.
Command format:
!!1 1CYCLECOUNT.location.qty.move2loc
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
location | The SFDC routing location (ie: HASS, ICT1, etc.). |
qty | The maximum number of time the serial number is allowed to be scanned through the specified location "location" |
move2loc | The SFDC location to move the serial unit to if the count "qty" has been reached |
The command operates using the previously scanned serial number. If the serial number is ambiguous or unavailable, an error displays.
If the serial number is verified, the command checks the parameters. If a parameter is an unacceptable value, the "PARAM ERROR!" message is displayed.. The command then checks the location parameter and the message "LOC NOT FOUND!" is displayed if it fails. The qty parameter is then checked. It must be greater than 0 (zero) or the message "MAXQTY PARAM ERR" is displayed. Lastly, the move2loc parameter is checked and it an error occurs, the message "TO LOC NOT FOUND!" is displayed.
Notification & Escalation Event (NOTIFY)
Creates a Notification & Escalation (siren) event. Creates an event for the rule specified by _rulekey parameter. Passes sfdcid, location, employee as parameters to the NEcreateEvent function. When run as a !!1 it also passes part number and serial number as NEcreateEvent parameters. Additionally passes any parameters defined in _paramstr. The format of paramstr is any number of <name=value> pairs delimited by semicolon (;).
Command format: !!1NOTIFY.<rulekey> [ .<paramstr> ] !!2NOTIFY.<rulekey> [ .<paramstr> ]
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
rulekey | Generated for the Notification & Escalation Event |
paramstr | The maximum number of time the serial number is allowed to be scanned through the specified location "location" |
move2loc | An optional semicolon-delimited (';') list of name=value pairs.
(example: what=screws;when=Now) |
NOTE: Algorithm with cust_seq = 1453 must exist for Siren
Verify Quantity (VERQTY)
Counts the number of serials (matching the scanned part number) at the specified location. If meets or exceeds qty, RLSE sent to leave unit at previous station.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the VERQTY command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
qty | Maximum quantity of serial numbers with the same part number as the scanned serial that are allowed. |
loc2verify | The SFDC location to check the quantity of serial numbers for the scanned part number. |
Attribute Commands
Show Unit Attribute (SHOWATT)
Displays the attribute, for a specified attribute name, of the unit serial.
At a Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the SHOWATT command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
attr-name | attribute name in the attribute name table. |
unit-serial | unit serial being tested for the attribute name.Invalid for !!1. Optional for !!2. |
First, the SHOWATT command will determine if "attr-name" is a valid name on the attribute name table (there must be one and only one instance of "attr-name" on the attribute name table). If it is not valid, SHOWATT will display one of the following error messages--"MISSING ATTR NAME", "ATTR NAME NOT FOUND", or "MULTI ATTR NAMES"--and the command will terminate.
If SHOWATT is run as a !!2 command--and if "unit-serial" is not provided with the command--SHOWATT will return the prompt "Unit S/N?". The user must provide a unit serial in response to this prompt. Note that the command may be terminated, at this point, by providing a non-blank-but-invalid unit serial value.
After the unit serial has been found to be a valid unit on the serial table, SHOWATT will determine whether "attr-name" is a valid attribute name of the unit serial. If it is not (or if the attribute name exists more than once on the unit serial), SHOWATT will display one of the following error messages--"ATTR NOT FOUND" or "MULTIPLE ATTRS"--and the command will terminate.
If "attr-name" is a valid attribute name of the unit serial, SHOWATT will display the attribute value for the attribute name. The command will then terminate.
AutoSFDC-Related Commands
Show Data (SHOWDATA)
Displays data for a serial number on data collector LCD. Mandatory parameter dtype contains the type of data to display. !!1SHOWDATA.ALL will display all datatype and associated data. Initial supported data types are: CNTNR,LINE,LOC,LOT,PART,REV,ROUTE,START,STATUS,SHOP,UDEF - The optional 2nd and 3rd parameters allow adjusments to the messages displayed on the data collector.
At the Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the SHOWDATA command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
dtype | Type of data to display, as int or string as below: 1 CNTNR - skid s/n unit is attached to 2 LINE - location.line of serial current location 3 LOC - location.workstation or workstation and line if on different sfdc pc 4 LOT - lot s/n serial is attached to 5 PART - part.part_number 6 REV - serial.revision 7 ROUTE - 8 START - date of first activity record 9 STATUS - serial.unit_status-key 10 SHOP - shop order unit is on 11 UDEF - serial.user_defined 99 ALL |
label | Optional: (NOTE: for DTYPE ALL, LAB is the default, NUM is only other option) NO - just display data without label. NUM - display Snn: as the label for the data LAB - display the char string as listed here with colon (e.g. CNTNR:) no value - display the char string as listed above, with colon (e.g. PART:) any other value - use as label (e.g. !!1showdata.1.SKID would display SKID: before displaying container number. |
nodatamsg | Optional: NO - display nothing if the data field is not populated no value - display default message _MISSING if not populated any other value - use as message to display if not populated: (e.g. NODATA) |
Show Part (SHOWPART)
Displays data for a serial number’s part on data collector LCD. Mandatory parameter dtype contains the type of data to display. !!1SHOWPART.ALL will display all datatype and associated data. Initial supported data types are: PART,DESC,MODEL,MODDESC,PRODINT,PRODLINE,PRODNUM,PRODOPT,UPC,EAN,GRAPH,LABEL,COUNTRY,QTY,GENPART,FAMILY,WCODE,EXTPART,UNITID,LENGTH,WIDTH,HEIGHT,WEIGHT,VOLUME,SKIDQTY - The optional 2nd and 3rd parameters allow adjusments to the messages displayed on the data collector.
At the Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the SHOWPART command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
dtype | Type of data to display, as int or string as below: 1 PART - copics part number 2 DESC - part description 3 MODEL - model number 4 MODDESC - model description 5 PRODINT - product internal 6 PRODLINE - product line_id 7 PRODNUM - product number 8 PRODOPT - product option 9 UPC - upc number 10 EAN - ean number 11 GRAPH - graphic 12 LABEL - label data 13 COUNTRY - country 14 QTY - quantity 15 GENPART - generic part 16 FAMILY - family 17 WCODE - warrany code (from a1) 18 EXTPART - extended part number (from a2) 19 UNITID - unit_id (from a6) 20 LENGTH - length 21 WIDTH - width 22 HEIGHT - height 23 WEIGHT - weight (from weight_dec) 24 VOLUME - volume 25 SKIDQTY - skid quantity 99 ALL |
label | Optional: (NOTE: for DTYPE ALL, LAB is the default, NUM is only other option) NO - just display data without label. NUM - display Pnn: as the label for the data LAB - display the char string as listed here with colon (e.g. PART:) no value - display the char string as listed above, with colon (e.g. PART:) any other value - use as label (e.g. !!1showpart.23.LBS: would display LBS: before displaying weight. |
nodatamsg | Optional: NO - display nothing if the data field is not populated no value - display default message _MISSING if not populated any other value - use as message to display if not populated: (e.g. NODATA) Examples: !! - displays graphic field value without label; displays nothing if no data. !!1showpart.model.ORDPART: - displays ORDPART:xxxx if data, displays ORDPART:_MISSING if no data. !!1showpart.2..NODATA - displays MODEL:xxxxx if data, displays MODEL:NODATA if no data. |
Unit Data w/Process instead of Workstation (UNITDATA3)
Builds a string containing unit data with the @ symbol as a field separator. The data is sent to the data collector display to be accessed by Auto SFDC. Supports most types of serial build masks in setupdata editor (when unit barcode does not match recorded serial number). The exported data format is as follows:
At the Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the UNITDATA3 command line.
If at the Serial Number prompt, scan the !!2 version of the UNITDATA3
command. The command prompts for the Serial Number.
If at the Menu Selection prompt, scan the !!1 version of the UNITDATA3
command. The command uses the serial number currently in the data
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
SCAN | Returns process_name of the scanning location. |
WORK | Returns workstation rather than process_name. |
SHOP | Returns shop order number after the process_name or workstation. |
Optional parameters added in 2010 to allow unitdata3 to behave as unitdata or unitdata2: With no switches returns process_name of the serial’s location.
Validate Part Number Field (VALPARTFLD)
VALPARTFLD validates that a given field in the unit serial part record contains a specific value. "test-value" is the string that will be compared with the value in "part-field-name".
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the VALPARTFLD command line with the part-field-name to use and the test-value to use for comparison.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
part-field-name | Name of the part field in the part record for the scanned serial number. |
test-value | String value to compare to the value stored in the specified part field. |
Part Field Name | Part Field in dpart table |
PART | part number |
MODEL | model number |
MODDESC | model description |
PRODINT | product internal |
PRODLINE | product line_id |
PRODNUM | product number |
PRODOPT | product option |
UPC | upc number |
EAN | ean number |
GRAPH | graphic |
LABEL | label data |
GENPART | generic part |
FAMILY | family_id |
WCODE | warranty code (from A1) |
EXTPART | extended part number (from A2) |
UNITID | unit_id (from A6) |
VALPARTFLD looks for "test-value" in "part-field-name" of the part record. If the field contains the value "test-value", then VALPARTFLD terminates by sending the "RLSE" command to SFDC. If the field does not contain the "test-value", then VALPARTFLD will send "INVALID ENTRY" to SFDC, followed by the "RLSE" command. This will cause an error condition and return to the Serial Number? prompt. In either case, a comment is written to the database, indicating success or failure.
Component Commands
Add MAC Address (ADDMACID)
Adds a component(s) to the active serial number with reference designator MACn, where n is the specified quantity that is a parameter of the command. (ie: QTY=3, ref_des = MAC1, MAC2, MAC3). The command prompts the operator for the first MAC address to associate as the component ID for the first reference designator. The command will then increment the first component_id by one using base HEX. Component IDs are associated to the required number of components. The quantity parameter accepts values between 0-30.
The command supports 1 or 2 prefix characters which contain the quantity of MAC addresses to add. If the scanned/entered MAC address is greater than 12 characters (13-14) the first 2 characters are assumed to be a quantity prefix. The last 12 characters are assumed to be the MAC address.
MAC address label reads 2000080BE10006
The MAC address is assumed to be 00080BE10006 and the first two characters (20) are assumed to be 20 MAC addresses to be added.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the ADDMACID command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
qty | A qty of zero is treated as a qty of one, unless overridden by a quantity specifier as described |
mask | Optional. Must be exactly 12 characters, consisting of zero to 11 hexadecimal digits followed by enough instances of the character ’h’ to total 12 characters. If the mask does begin with a sequence of hexadecimal digits then the beginning MACID (entered in response to the prompt "MACID?") must begin with this same sequence of digits. Any additional MACIDs generated by incrementing the beginning MACID must also begin with this sequence of digits. Examples of valid mask entries: 1234hhhhhhhh, abcd1234hhhh, abcdef01234h, hhhhhhhhhhhh |
The beginning MACID entered in response to the "MACID?" prompt can be either a hexadecimal string consisting of exactly 12 digits, or optionally, it can be a 1 or 2 decimal digit quantity specifier followed by the 12-hexadecimal-digit MACID. If this quantity specifier is included then the <qty> parameter described earlier must either contain zero or it must agree with the quantity specifier.
Example of beginning MACID with no quantity specifier:
Examples of beginning MACID with quantity specifier:
31234567890ab - quantity of 3
141234567890ab - quantity of 14
Errors are displayed if the serial already has components with ref_designator beginning with MAC ("Component Exists"), if the quantity parameter is out of range ("QTY MUST BE 0-30") or if the provided MACIDs are already assigned to any serial as a component ("Duplicate MAC!").
If unable to create the components for any reason the command issues the RLSE command to SFDC.
Add Sub Component (ADSCMP)
Prompts for and attaches sub component record(s) to status 60 (tracked) attached components associated with the active serial number at the data collection point.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan a top level serial number containing tracked components.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the ADSCMP command line.
Command format:
!!1ADSCMP.ref_des1.ref_des2…. |
Parameters | Description |
ref_des1 | 1st Reference designator. |
ref_des2 | 2nd Reference designator. |
The command will initially display Unit n, where n is the number of the tracked component found attached to the active serial number. The command prompts for the specified reference designator(s). A minimum of one reference designator is required. The command looks for a matching assembly table for the active part number, containing a matching component prompt and reference designator. The location assigned to the assembly table does not matter. If a matching reference designator cannot be found for the specified reference designator, a "BAD REF DESIG!" error is displayed. The command will then exit, returning to the "Menu Selection?" prompt.
The command will prompt for a component_id for each specified reference designator. The entered component_id is checked against the defined input mask. If the scanned component_id does not fit the mask, a "BAD COMP_ID!" error displays.
Scanning MENU or END terminates the command.
When the component_id for each specified reference designator has been enter successfully, the command will loop, displaying the next "Unit n" for the next tracked component found, if there is more than one status 60 component. The command will continue to prompt for component_ids for each specified reference designator until each tracked component has a component_id added for each reference designator. The command ends, an "adscmp COMPLETE!" message will be displayed, and the prompt returns to Menu Selection. If the command is terminated early, it can be rerun to resume from the same point at which the termination occurred.
Change Tracked Component ID (CHGID60)
Renames the component identifiers of the first level tracked components (status 60) to the component identifiers of its second level child component, containing the reference designator matching the one in the parameter list of the command, for each reference designator/prefix set in the parameter list.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan a top level serial number containing tracked components. At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHGID60 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ref_des | Reference designator of the sub component to be used as the new serial number for the 1st level tracked component. |
Prefix1toadd | Optional prefix that can be prepended to the component_id. |
The command checks to make sure that there was not an existing serial with a
"prefix" + "component identifier" serial number at the time the command ran if a component name does not appear to change. This command can be rerun multiple times on the same batch unit if terminated early. Type "END" at any point in the command to terminate the command and go to a Menu Selection prompt. The prefix is optional. If no prefix is included, the command uses only the component identifier.
After successfully performing a serial number change, the command will loop to the next tracked component attached to the active serial number. The command will loop until an error occurs or all the tracked components attached to the active serial number at the data collection point, have had the serial number changed to the component_id of the specified reference designator.
Change SN to Match a Component (CHGIDREF)
Verifies one component matching a specified reference designator is assigned to a serial number and runs a duplicate check on the component. If there is a component error, the command records a specified component error defect code against the component. If verified, the command issues the CHGID command to change the unit serial number to the component ID.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHGIDREF command line, specifying a component error defect code and reference designator.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code to use if no match is found. |
refdes | Reference designator. |
The command operates using the previously scanned serial number. If the serial number is ambiguous or unavailable, an error displays.
If the serial number is verified, the command looks for components matching the refdes parameter specified in the command line. If the unit has duplicate components with the specified reference designator, the command records the defect code specified by defcode against the unit.
If only one component matches the reference designator, the unit serial number is changed to the component ID using the CHGID command.
Check Component Shop Order Number Unit Serials(CHKCMPSO)
Validates that the shop order numbers of the serial numbers of all tracked components of a unit serial share the same string of characters (beginning in the same position and for the same length) as the shop order number of the unit serial number. This string of characters will be referred to as the "shop order string".
Command format: !!1CHKCMPSO.start-position.string-length.defect-code[.ref-des]
Parameters | Description |
Start-position | The starting position of the shop order string in the shop order number of the unit serial (and the shop order numbers of the component serials). The "start-position" value must be greater than zero but not greater than the length of the shop order numbers. |
String-length | The length of the shop order string in the shop order number of the unit serial (and the shop order numbers of the component serials). The "string-length" value must be greater than zero but less than or equal to the length of the shop order numbers, minus the "start-position" value plus one. For example, if the shop order number of the unit serial is 10 characters long and the starting position of the shop order string is 5, then the "string-length" value may not be greater than 6 (10 - 5 + 1). |
Component Tree Reference Designator (COMPTREEREF)
Finds all active components of the unit serial, where the component reference designator (at any level) equals the reference designator entered with the command (or where the reference designator begins with that entered with the command, if the command reference designator is prefixed by "BEGINS="). If the optional single character delimiter is not entered, the default delimiter is a comma. The output to the LCD is the reference designator / component ID tree separated by the delimiter.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the COMPTREEREF command line, specifying the reference designator and optional delimiter.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Reference designator for the component. |
delim | Single character delimiter to separate components on output. Default is comma. |
The command first checks for a reference designator. If the refdes parameter is not found the error "REFDES REQUIRED" is displayed.
Output for component of top-level with default comma as delimiter - refdes,compid Output for component of top-level with @ as delimiter - refdes@compid Output for component at one level below top-level - refdes1,compid1,refdes,compid Output for 2 components at one level below top-level - refdes1,compid1,refdes,compid refdes1,compid1,refdes,compid-a
Output if no active component found for refdes - NOCOMPONENT
Output if delimiter found within refdes or compid - BADDELIMITER
Create Component ID (CRE8COMP)
Calls algorithm to generate the next value, then adds it as a component to the serial via ADCMP2, using ref_designator passed as parameter. If any issues with algorithm, it will send RLSE back to SFDC.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CRE8COMP command line, specifying the algorithm-number and reference designator.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algorithm-number | The algorithm number to be used to generate the next serial number. |
reference-designtor | The reference designator to be assigned to the new component. |
The command first checks the active serial number. If an error occurs the error "ERR:NO UNIT S/N" is displayed. The following errors can be displayed depending upon the issue found when checking the algorithm parameter:
The reference designator is checked and the following errors can be displayed:
Create MAC Address (CRE8MAC)
Creates a specified number of MAC ID serial numbers and adds them to the top level serial as non-tracked components. The number of MAC IDs is determined by mac-id-count. The prefix for the MAC ID reference designators is entered by the user in the Serial Number Generator for the serial number algorithm, represented by algorithm-number (the algorithm type must be "cre8mac"; if this algorithm type is not available in the Serial Number Generator, contact IT). The reference designator prefix for each MAC ID will be appended by a number, beginning with 1 and continuing up to mac-id-count.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CRE8COMP command line, specifying the algorithm-number and reference designator.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algorithm-number | The algorithm number to be used to generate the next serial number. |
mac-id-count | The number of MAC IDs to generate. |
The command first checks the active serial number. If an error occurs the error "ERR:NO UNIT S/N" is displayed. The algorithm number is then checked to insure it is an integer value. If not, the error "ERR:ALG NOT NUM" is displayed. The serial count parameter is then checked to insure it is an integer value. If not, the error "ERR:CNT NOT NUM" is displayed. The following errors can be displayed, depending upon the situation that occurs when attempting to generate the MAC ID numbers or associate them to the top level serial number.
If the above parameters are validated and no other errors are encountered, then CRE8MAC will generate a number of MAC IDs equal to "mac-id-count" by using the serial number algorithm associated with "algorithm-number".
For each generated MAC ID, the CRE8MAC command will validate that there is no duplicate component ID on any serial. A duplicate component is defined as one that is active (not removed) and which also has a reference designator that begins with the value found in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool.
If a given MAC ID is not a duplicate, then the MAC ID will be added as a component to the scanned serial. The component ID will be equal to the MAC ID and the reference designator will be equal to the value in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool, plus an integer from "1" to "mac-id-count".
If a given MAC ID is a duplicate, then the error message "COMPNT CONFLICT!" will be returned to the data collector and MAC ID generation will be halted.
Generate a specified number of MAC IDs (CRE8MAC2)
CRE8MAC2 will generate a specified number of MAC IDs which will be added to the unit serial as non-tracked components. The prefix for the MAC ID reference designators is entered by the user in the Algorithm Tool for the serial number algorithm, represented by algorithm-number (the algorithm type must be "CRE8MAC2"; if this algorithm type is not available in the Algorithm Tool, contact IT). The "Reference Designator" field on the MDS Parameters screen must be filled in. The reference designator will be used to look for duplicate component IDs for the MAC IDs that are generated. If no duplicate component IDs are found, then the reference designator will be used to create a new component for the scanned serial number. The reference designator prefix for each MAC ID will have a number appended, beginning with 1 and continuing up to serial-count.
The Label Data field of the part maintenance record associated with the unit serial must be filled in. The Label Data field must contain two entries which are separated by a comma: Entry 1 is called MACRULE and entry 2 is called MACSTEP. For example, the value of the Label Data field might be "0,5".
MACRULE must be a value of "0" or "1".
MACSTEP must be a positive integer, indicating how many MAC IDs to generate.
If MACRULE is "1", then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, starting with the first MAC ID generated.
The Product Internal field of the part maintenance record associated with the unit serial must be filled in ONLY if MACRULE is "0". If MACRULE is "1", then the Product Internal field is not used. If MACRULE is "0", then the Product Internal field must contain one or more entries, each of the same length and separated by commas. For example, "00,08".
Each entry in the Product Internal field indicates an acceptable trailing character (or characters) for the starting MAC ID. The starting MAC ID will be the first MAC ID generated that ends with one of the entries in the Product Internal field. In our example, the starting MAC ID will be the first MAC ID generated that ends with either "00" or "08".
Once the starting MAC ID is determined, then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, including the starting MAC ID.
If MACRULE is "1", then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, starting with the first MAC ID generated. Any value in the Product Internal field of the part maintenance record will be ignored.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
algorithm-number | The algorithm number to be used to generate the next serial number. |
VALIDATE | CRE8MAC3 will examine the MDS parameters and report problems back to the data collector. CRE8MAC3 will also send test emails to the specified email addresses, to insure that the addresses are properly formed. Additionally, the MACRULE and MACSTEP values in the part record will be reported. Note that no Mac IDs are generated during a validate procedure. |
SHOW.MACRULE | Display the current MACRULE value for the part record at the data collector. |
SHOW.MACSTEP | Display the current MACSTEP value for the part record at the data collector. |
SHOW.LATEST | Display the current "Latest Mac ID in Production". |
CLEAR.ALG | Remove the "on hold" status from an algorithm that failed to be released by a previous use of CRE8MAC3. |
If the "algorithm-number" is validated, and if no other errors are encountered, then CRE8MAC2 will generate a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP, using the serial number algorithm associated with "algorithm-number", as well as the value of MACRULE and (possibility) the value of the Product Internal field.
For each generated MAC ID, the CRE8MAC2 command will validate that there is no duplicate component ID on any serial. A duplicate component is defined as one that is active (not removed) and which also has a reference designator that begins with the value found in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool.
If a given MAC ID is not a duplicate, then the MAC ID will be added as a component to the scanned serial. The component ID will be equal to the MAC ID and the reference designator will be equal to the value in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool, plus an integer from "1" to MACSTEP.
If a given MAC ID is a duplicate, then the error message "COMPNT CONFLICT!" will be returned to the data collector and MAC ID generation will be halted.
Generate a specified number of MAC IDs (CRE8MAC3)
CRE8MAC3 will generate a specified number of MAC IDs which will be added to the unit serial as non-tracked components. The prefix for the MAC ID reference designators is entered by the user in the Algorithm Tool for the serial number algorithm, represented by algorithm-number (the algorithm type must be "CRE8MAC3"; if this algorithm type is not available in the Algorithm Tool, contact IT). The "Reference Designator" field on the MDS Parameters screen must be filled in. The reference designator will be used to look for duplicate component IDs for the MAC IDs that are generated. If no duplicate component IDs are found, then the reference designator will be used to create a new component for the scanned serial number. The reference designator prefix for each MAC ID will have a number appended, beginning with 1 and continuing up to serial-count.
The Label Data field of the part maintenance record associated with the unit serial must be filled in. The Label Data field must contain two entries which are separated by a comma: Entry 1 is called MACRULE and entry 2 is called MACSTEP. For example, the value of the Label Data field might be "0,5".
MACRULE must be a value of "0" or "1". MACSTEP must be a positive integer, indicating how many MAC IDs to generate.
If MACRULE is "1", then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, starting with the first MAC ID generated.
The Product Internal field of the part maintenance record associated with the unit serial must be filled in ONLY if MACRULE is "0". If MACRULE is "1", then the Product Internal field is not used. If MACRULE is "0", then the Product Internal field must contain one or more entries, each of the same length and separated by commas. For example, "00,08".
Each entry in the Product Internal field indicates an acceptable trailing character (or characters) for the starting MAC ID. The starting MAC ID will be the first MAC ID generated that ends with one of the entries in the Product Internal field. In our example, the starting MAC ID will be the first MAC ID generated that ends with either "00" or "08".
Once the starting MAC ID is determined, then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, including the starting MAC ID.
If MACRULE is "1", then a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP will be generated, starting with the first MAC ID generated. Any value in the Product Internal field of the part maintenance record will be ignored.
CRE8MAC3 works exactly like CRE8MAC2, except that CRE8MAC3 has the capability of performing a "look-ahead" to find a valid sequence of Mac IDs. CRE8MAC3 will search for a valid sequence of Mac IDs until (1) the Mac ID range, as defined in the Serial Number Generator, is exhausted, or (2) the specified maximum number of Mac IDs has been reached (see MAXMACID below). If a valid sequence is found, CRE8MAC3 will then create the untracked components and attach them to the unit serial.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
algorithm-number | The algorithm number to be used to generate the next serial number. |
VALIDATE | CRE8MAC3 will examine the MDS parameters and report problems back to the data collector.CRE8MAC3 will also send test emails to the specified email addresses, to insure that the addresses are properly formed. Additionally, the MACRULE and MACSTEP values in the part record will be reported. Note that no Mac IDs are generated during a validate procedure. |
SHOW.MACRULE | Display the current MACRULE value for the part record at the data collector. |
SHOW.MACSTEP | Display the current MACSTEP value for the part record at the data collector. |
SHOW.LATEST | Display the current "Latest Mac ID in Production". |
SHOW.MAXMACID | Display the current maximum number of Mac IDs that will be examined. |
CLEAR.ALG | Remove the "on hold" status from an algorithm that failed to be released by a previous use of CRE8MAC3. |
SET.LATEST.latest-mac-id | Set the previous Mac ID, from which the first Mac ID will be generated. |
SET.MAXMACID.max-mac-id-count | Set the maximum number of Mac IDs that will be examined--without finding a valid Mac ID sequence--before CRE8MAC3 will automatically terminate. The default value is 500. The parameter is intended to avoid a run-away command. In the event that CRE8MAC3 terminates, due to having reached the maximum Mac ID count, the new "Latest Mac ID in Production" will be the one used to generate the most recent Mac ID sequence attempted. |
If the "algorithm-number" is validated, and if no other errors are encountered, then CRE8MAC3 will generate a number of MAC IDs equal to MACSTEP, using the serial number algorithm associated with "algorithm-number", as well as the value of MACRULE and (possibility) the value of the Product Internal field.
For each generated MAC ID, the CRE8MAC3 command will validate that there is no duplicate component ID on any serial. A duplicate component is defined as one that is active (not removed) and which also has a reference designator that begins with the value found in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool.
If a given MAC ID is not a duplicate, then the MAC ID will be added as a component to the scanned serial. The component ID will be equal to the MAC ID and the reference designator will be equal to the value in the "Reference Designator" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool, plus an integer from "1" to MACSTEP.
If a given MAC ID is a duplicate, then the error message "COMPNT CONFLICT!" will be returned to the data collector and MAC ID generation will be halted.
Find Components (CMPIDREF)
Searches the scanned unit history for active components with the specified reference designator. A list of components is sent to the data collector display, separated by the @ character. The list is limited to 120 characters.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CMPIDREF command line, specifying the reference designator.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Specified reference designator. |
The command uses the current serial number. If the serial number is in valid or not available, an APP ERROR 1 message displays and the command terminates.
If the serial number is valid, the command looks for active components assigned to the serial number and creates an @-character separated list that displays on the data collector.
If no components exist for the serial number, the #NO COMP FOUND message displays.
If a component ID is longer than 120 characters, the #COMP TOO LONG message displays.
Print Component List (COMPLST)
Prints a report showing the components attached to a serial number.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan theCOMPLST command line, specifying the print queue destination for the output.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
prtque | Print queue destination for output. |
The command uses the current serial number for processing. It first checks to see if the print queue specified in the command line is valid. If the destination is not valid, the command terminates.
If the print destination is valid, the command checks to make sure the serial number is available. If it is not available, an error displays and the command terminates.
If both the print destination and serial number are valid, the command processes the print request as specified. The output will be a report showing component IDs and reference designators assigned to the serial number.
Check for Component Duplicates (DUPCHK)
Verifies there is one component assigned to the serial number with the specified reference designator; then it verifies the component is not duplicated with any other unit. If either check fails, the command records the defect.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the DUPCHK command line with the defect code and reference designator parameters set as needed.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code to be used if a duplicate is found. |
refdes | Reference designator for the component. |
The command verifies that the serial number for the unit at the data collector is valid. If it is invalid or not available, an error message displays. If valid, the command compares each component reference designator with the reference designator included as a parameter.
If the unit has zero components or multiple components with same specified reference designator, the command records a defect for the unit and passes END to the data collector.
If the command finds that duplicate components are assigned to another serial number, it records a defect for the unit.
Check for Component Duplicates (DUPCHKE)
Verifies there is one component assigned to the serial number with a reference designator that begins with the reference designator prefix parameter; then it verifies the component is not duplicated with any other unit. If either check fails, the command records the defect.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the DUPCHKE command line with the defect code and reference designator prefix parameters set as needed.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code to be used if a duplicate is found. |
refdes | Reference designator prefix for the component. |
The command verifies that the serial number for the unit at the data collector is valid. If it is invalid or not available, an error message displays. If valid, the command compares each component reference designator with the reference designator prefix included as a parameter.
If the unit has zero components or multiple components with a reference designator that begins with the reference designator prefix parameter, the command records a defect for the unit and passes END to the data collector.
If the command finds that duplicate components are assigned to another serial number, records a defect for the unit and passes END to the data collector.
Add or Reuse 12-Character Mac IDs (MACCOMP2)
Adds an untracked MAC address component to the unit, if the component does not already exist. If a component with the specified reference designator was previously removed from the unit serial, then that component will be reused. Otherwise, a new component with a new Mac Address is created.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the MACCOMP2 command line, specifying the algorithm-number and reference designator suffix.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algorithm-number | This is the algorithm number that will be used to generate the next Mac Address and to provide reference designator information. The algorithm must be defined in the Algorithm Tool with an algorithm type of "MACCOMP2 (Email)" |
reference-designator-suffix | Optional: This is the value that will be used for the second part of the reference designator for the Mac Address component. The "reference-designator-suffix" must begin with the value found in the "Ref Des Command Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool for the algorithm specified by "algorithm-number" above. If the "Ref Des Command Prefix" field is blank, then "reference-designator-suffix" may be any value, including blank. |
The first part of the reference designator (the prefix) comes from the "Ref Des Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool for the algorithm specified by "algorithm-number" above. This value may be blank, but only if the "reference-designator-suffix" parameter is not blank. Either the "Ref Des Prefix" field or "reference-designator-suffix" may be blank; but not both.
The reference designator (prefix + suffix) is assigned to the Mac Address component when the component is added to the unit serial. The component that is added to the unit serial may either be a new component or one that was previously removed from the unit serial.
A previously-removed component will be re-used if it has the same reference designator value as that provided with the MACCOMP2 command (prefix + suffix). The Mac Address (component ID) for the re-used component will remain the same.
If there is no previously-removed component to re-use, a new Mac Address will be generated, using the algorithm defined for the "algorithm-number" parameter provided with the MACCOMP2 command. The reference designator for the new component will be the reference designator value provided with the MACCOMP2 command (prefix + suffix).
The Mac Address for the new or re-used component must not have been used as the component ID for any other active component (that is, not removed) of any other serial, where the reference designator of that component begins with the value in the "Ref Des Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen. If the "Ref Des Prefix" field is blank, then the Mac Address for the new or re-used component must not be used as the component ID for any other active component (not removed) of any other serial, regardless of its reference designator.
The Mac Address, whether newly generated or that of a re-used component, must be exactly 12 hexadecimal characters in length.
Mac Address components are added to the unit serial as un-tracked components, using the SFDC built-in ADCMP2 command.
MACCOMP2 also provides for emails to be sent to specified email addresses when a given number of Mac Addresses have been generated. This functionality can be activated by the user on MDS Parameters screen. The "Mac Addr Order Point Cnt" value is incremented for each Mac Address generated by the algorithm. When "Mac Addr Order Point Cnt" reaches the "Mac Addr Order Point Max" value, an email is sent to each specified email address. This functionality is disabled when "Mac Addr Order Point Max" is set to zero.
Add or Reuse 16-Character Mac IDs (MACCOMP216)
Adds an untracked MAC address component to the unit, if the component does not already exist. If a component with the specified reference designator was previously removed from the unit serial, then that component will be reused. Otherwise, a new component with a new Mac Address is created. |
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the MACCOMP216 command line, specifying the algorithm-number and reference designator suffix.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algorithm-number | This is the algorithm number that will be used to generate the next Mac Address and to provide reference designator information. The algorithm must be defined in the Algorithm Tool with an algorithm type of "MACCOMP2 (Email)" |
reference-designator-suffix | Optional: This is the value that will be used for the second part of the reference designator for the Mac Address component. The "reference-designator-suffix" must begin with the value found in the "Ref Des Command Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool for the algorithm specified by "algorithm-number" above. If the "Ref Des Command Prefix" field is blank, then "reference-designator-suffix" may be any value, including blank. |
The first part of the reference designator (the prefix) comes from the "Ref Des Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen in the Algorithm Tool for the algorithm specified by "algorithm-number" above. This value may be blank, but only if the "reference-designator-suffix" parameter is not blank. Either the "Ref Des Prefix" field or "reference-designator-suffix" may be blank; but not both.
The reference designator (prefix + suffix) is assigned to the Mac Address component when the component is added to the unit serial. The component that is added to the unit serial may either be a new component or one that was previously removed from the unit serial.
A previously-removed component will be re-used if it has the same reference designator value as that provided with the MACCOMP216 command (prefix + suffix). The Mac Address (component ID) for the re-used component will remain the same.
If there is no previously-removed component to re-use, a new Mac Address will be generated, using the algorithm defined for the "algorithm-number" parameter provided with the MACCOMP216 command. The reference designator for the new component will be the reference designator value provided with the MACCOMP216 command (prefix + suffix).
The Mac Address for the new or re-used component must not have been used as the component ID for any other active component (that is, not removed) of any other serial, where the reference designator of that component begins with the value in the "Ref Des Prefix" field of the MDS Parameters screen. If the "Ref Des Prefix" field is blank, then the Mac Address for the new or re-used component must not be used as the component ID for any other active component (not removed) of any other serial, regardless of its reference designator.
The Mac Address, whether newly generated or that of a re-used component, must be exactly 16 hexadecimal characters in length.
Mac Address components are added to the unit serial as un-tracked components, using the SFDC built-in ADCMP2 command.
MACCOMP216 also provides for emails to be sent to specified email addresses when a given number of Mac Addresses have been generated. This functionality can be activated by the user on MDS Parameters screen. The "Mac Addr Order Point Cnt" value is incremented for each Mac Address generated by the algorithm. When "Mac Addr Order Point Cnt" reaches the "Mac Addr Order Point Max" value, an email is sent to each specified email address. This functionality is disabled when "Mac Addr Order Point Max" is set to zero.
Reload the FIO list from e-trav SDR records or traveler configuration (RELOADCMP)
Reloads the FIO list from e-trav SDR records or traveler configuration. Useful with COPS to reload if there are changes or if network problems prevent the FIO list from loading on initial scan. This command issues a REFRESHCFG$serial through SFDC commands, which causes SFDC to run getcfg.r on the server within 60 seconds.
Command format:
Reload FIO List from Configuration (RELOADCFG)
Reloads the FIO list from e-trav SDR records or traveler configuration. Useful with COPS to reload if there are changes or if network problems prevent the FIO list from loading on initial scan. This command issues a REFRESHCFG$serial through SFDC commands, which causes SFDC to run getcfg.r on the server within 60 seconds.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the RELOADCFG command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command uses the existing serial number. If no serial number was provided, the NO SN provided message displays. If the serial number is ambiguous, the AMBIGUOUS SN message displays. If the serial number is not available, the SN not found message displays.
Once the serial number is verified, the location must be verified. If the location is not available, the LOCATION ERROR message displays.
When the location is verified, the command checks the setup table. If it is not available, the SETUP TBL ERROR message displays.
If all command input is verified, the command runs the SFDC REFRESHCFG command against the serial number, recording all activity in the unit history. If any errors occur during processing, the CANT UPDATE message displays and the command ends. If no errors occur and REFRESHCFG SENT message displays and the command finishes in 60 seconds.
Remove Component By ID (RMCMPRD)
Finds the first component with the specified reference designator not removed from the serial number. The command issues a RMCMP2 (Remove Component 2) command to remove the component by the component ID.
This command finds any \b (backslash-b) character pairs in the reference designator parameter and replaces each pair with a single space. NOTE: With SFDC version 3.4 or higher, spaces can be used.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the RMCMPRDcommand line with the reference designator parameter specified.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Reference designator. Must be exact. |
The command checks the current serial number and finds the first not-removed component that matches the specified reference designator.
The command issues the RMCMP2 command which prompts for a component ID to be removed. SFDC records the removal, updates the unit history, and returns to Menu Selection.
Remove all active components with this reference designator (RMCMPRDALL)
Removes all active components with this reference designator for this unit. Uses rmcmp2 command to remove. Because rmcmp2 removes by component_id, will not remove if same component_id used for another component on this unit.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
refdes | Reference designator |
Remove Components from Status 60 Parent (RMFROM60)
Removes a component from a parent unit, which must itself be a component. The removed component is tracked or not tracked and optionally can be replaced. The parent must be status 60.
NOTE: This command replaces the original FRANK60 command. It is designed to simplify the remove/replace process for multi-level component structures out of Work In Process.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the RMFROM60 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
oldcompid | Old component ID scanned at prompt. |
newcompid | New component ID scanned at prompt. If REMOVEONLY or REMOVE ONLYis scanned at the new component ID prompt, the command performs a remove without replacing the component. |
The command prompts for S/N TO REMOVE. Scan the old component serial number. The command verifies the old component. If the component ID has a length of 0, an OLD SN BAD message displays. The command also verifies that that the serial number has only one component with this component ID. If more than one component is found, OLD SN FOUND 2 displays. If the command cannot find the component ID, OLD SN NOT FOUND displays.
Once the old component is validated, the command checks the status of the parent serial number. If the parent is not at status 60, the command displays NXT SN NOT COMP.
If the parent status is 60, the command prompts NEW COMP SN. Scan the new component serial number. The command verifies the new component. If the new component ID matches the old component ID, the command displays NEW SN = OLD SN.
If a Tracked component is being replaced, the command verifies that the new Tracked component status is 28 or 30. If not a status 28 or 30, NEW SN STAT ERR displays.
The command then checks to see if a new component ID already exists for this unit. If a component with this ID already exists, the NEW SN IN UNIT message displays.
Next the command checks the assembly table for the part and reference designator matching the old component to assign the correct mask for the component. If the mask cannot be assigned or is unavailable, a NO ASSMBLY MASK message displays.
The command checks the new component against the assigned assembly mask. If the mask does not match, the command displays NEW SN MASK ERR.
If the component is tracked and a component location is specified, the command checks to see if the new component is at the correct location. If the location is invalid, the command displays NEW SN LOC ERR.
If the command is able to validate both component IDs completely, it collects the scan location and date/time values to use in recording the serial number activities. The old component ID is marked as removed. If it will be replaced with a new component, the new component record is created and updated with old component information. If the old component is tracked, the old serial number record is updated with correct removed from and move to information.
Remove Tracked Component (RMVTCOMP)
Removes tracked components from their parent units. This is designed to make tracked components of completed/shipped units available for reuse in new units. It prompts for the component id, which must be a tracked component with the reference designator exactly matching the refdes parameter. Creates comment and activity records to note the action. Updates the serial.location-key field of the removed tracked component to the location-key of moveloc parameter. Works with any level of component nesting, requires that the top level serial be at a status from 30 – 40.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan the RMVTCOMPcommand line with the parameters specified.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Reference designator. Must be exact. |
moveloc | Location to place removed component in. |
prompt | Optional parameter to display as prompt for the component to remove. By default the prompt of the ref_designator of the component is used. |
Replace Component By ID (RPCMPRD)
Finds the first component with the specified reference designator not removed from the serial number. The command issues a RPCMP2 (Replace Component 2) command to replace the component by the component ID.
This command finds any \b (backslash-b) character pairs in the reference designator parameter and replaces each pair with a single space. NOTE: With SFDC version 3.4 or higher, spaces can be used.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the RPCMPRDcommand line with the reference designator parameter specified.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Reference designator. Must be exact. |
The command checks the current serial number and finds the first not-removed component that matches the specified reference designator.
The command issues the RPCMP2 command which prompts for a component ID to be replaced. SFDC records the removal and prompts for the replacement component ID. When the replacement component is scanned, the command updates the unit history and ends.
Generate a TSID Value and Assign as Component (TSIDCOMP)
Runs algorithm 982 (p07adatsid.p) to generate a TSID value and assign as component with ADCMP2.
At the Menu Selection prompt, enter the TSIDCOMP command line.
Command Format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
TSID | Reference designator assigned to the value generated by the algorithm and added to the scanned serial number. This parameter must be the value "TSID". |
The TSID parameter must be the value "TSID".
The unit serial must not already have an active component which has the reference designator "TSID". Also, an error will be reported if the unit serial already had more than one active component which has the reference designator "TSID".
The new component must not have the same TSID value (component ID) as any other component in the database, if that component also has a reference designator beginning with "TSID".
Verify Component (VERCMPB)
Same as VERCMPA command, except that stays at Menu Selection? prompt if component is validated.
At the Menu Selection prompt, enter the VERCMPB command line.
Command Format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
retries | Number of attempts to allow before failing |
refdes | Reference designator. |
Verify Component (VERCMPC)
Same as VERCMPB command, except that if top level serial does not have component with ref_designator, checks full component tree for matching red_designator value.
At the Menu Selection prompt, enter the VERCMPC command line.
Command Format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
retries | Number of attempts to allow before failing |
refdes | Reference designator. |
Verify Component (VERCMPD)
"Same as VERCMPB command, except that this command accepts multiple reference designators on the command line. It prompts the operator to scan each one until either:
1. All have been successfully scanned.
2. An incorrect entry has been scanned <retries> number of times for one of the reference designators."
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
refdes | Reference Designator |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
retries | Number of attempts to allow before failing |
Verify Component Not in List (VERCMPNO)
Verifies that unit has all components contained in assembly table for unit part number. Does not check for those with ref_designators passed in parameter list. If no errors, unit is left at Menu Selection? Prompt.
At the Menu Selection prompt, enter the VERCMPNO command line.
Command Format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
refdes1, refdes2, ... | Reference designator. |
Verify Component String (VERCMPSTR)
Prompts operator to scan component, and verifies scanned value against component string for a specific ref_designator, at any level in component tree.
- 3 tries to match against CAID component string from position 5
to last character. Use default prompt and auto end if matches.
Default prompt for these parameters is SCAN STR 5...
- 2 tries to match against MAIN BOARD component string for 6 chars
beginning with position 3. Prompt is SCAN CAID. Does not send END.
- 2 tries to match against MAIN BOARD component string for 6 chars
beginning with position 3. Use default prompt. Does not send END.
Default prompt for these parameters is SCAN STR 3...8
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the VERCMPSTR command line, providing the required parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
refdes | Reference designator. |
tries | Number of attempts to allow before failing |
startpos | Start position in component data field to use for comparison, where 1 is first position. |
strlen | Number of chars in component data to use for for comparision. If 0, then match to end. |
prompt | Optional parameter for custom prompt to operator. Default prompt is "ENTER STR x - y", built from startpos and strlen. |
END | Optional parameter to designate the SFDC should automatically send end after this command. You should use this rather than Auto END in Macro. NOTE: if using END parameter, must either use prompt parameter or include period (.) as placeholder for prompt parameter. |
Verify Component (VERIFCMP)
The command accepts a defect code and a reference designator as parameters. It prompts for the operator to enter the component. If the unit does not have a matching component with that ref_designator, the command records the specified defect.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the VERIFCMP command line, providing defect code and reference designator parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
refdes | Reference designator. |
The command prompts for a component, giving the prompt "Scan ’’’refdes’’’:" (substituting the parameter value)
After the operator enters a value, the command compares the recorded component for that ref_designator against the scanned value. If the components do not match, the command records the defect code specified in the command line against the component.
Verify Component/Three Attempts Allowed (VERIFOCMPE)
The command accepts a defect code and a reference designator as parameters. It prompts for the operator to enter the component, allowing three tries. If the unit does not have a matching component with that ref_designator, the command records the specified defect.
Unlike the VERIFCMP custom command, this command behaves as follows:
- Does not fail instantly if no match is found and gives the operator three tries to scan the correct component before failing.
- Sends END to pass the unit to the next station if the verify is successful.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the VERIFOCMPE command line, providing defect code and reference designator parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
defcode | Defect code assigned if components do not match. |
refdes | Reference designator. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number. If the serial number is not available for processing, the command displays APP ERROR 1.
Next, the command verifies the parameters passed on the command line. The following errors may occur. Note the description and error handling for each.
Error Message | Description |
MISS DEF CODE | The defcode parameter was not supplied on the command line. The command displays the message and releases the unit, leaving the unit at its current location and returning the data collector to the serial number prompt. |
MISS REF DESIGNA | The refdes parameter was not supplied on the command line. The command displays the message and releases the unit, leaving the unit at its current location and returning the data collector to the serial number prompt. |
AMBIGUOUS DEFCODE | The defcode parameter could not be resolved or is invalid. The command displays the message and releases the unit normally. |
<defcode> NOT FOUND | The defcode parameter passed could not be found or is not available for processing. The command displays the message and releases the unit normally. |
If the serial number and the parameters are valid, the command checks to see if the component required is available for processing. If it is not available, the command displays COMP NOT FOUND and ENDs the transaction.
If the component is available, the command compares the component reference designator with the parameter provided in the command line. If the component IDs match, the command prompts Scan <refdes>, allowing three attempts to scan the correct component value. If no match is found by the third scan, the command records the defect code specified in the command line against the component.
If the verification is successful, the command ENDs, sending the unit to the next station.
Attach a batch serial number created in SIT (SITBATCH)
Command to attach a batch serial number (module_select_type=9) created in SIT (Serialized Item Tracker) and to decrement the serial.qty value each time the batch is added to a serial number. The command will utilizes ADCMP2 to add the batch serial number to a TLA (top level assembly) serial number.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
refdes | Reference designator |
Container Commands
Check for Open Container (CHK4CNTNR)
Checks to see if there is a container open at the scanning station. If not, a RLSE is sent to SFDC. Do not use an AUTOEND with this command, as it will cause the RLSE to fail. Instead, use the END parameter.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHK4CNTNR command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
.end | option .end to autoend. |
Check for Multiple Open Containers (CHK4CNTNRM)
Checks to see that there is exactly one container open at the scanning location. If there is no container open at the scanning location, then other locations on the scanning line are checked for open containers.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHK4CNTNRM command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
.end | option .end to autoend. |
Check for Lot/Container (CHK4LOTCNT)
Checks to see if a lot and/or a container is open at the scanning location. If not, a RLSE is sent back to SFDC. Developed to insure that units are not passed to complete without scanning into the lot or container. Do not use an AUTOEND with this command, as it will cause the RLSE to fail. Instead, use the END parameter.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHK4CNTSHOP command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
Mandatory command parameter. Specifies whether to check for container only, lot only , lot or container, or lot and container. |
.end | option .end to autoend. |
Any of the above command formats may be followed by .END, which will cause the command to release the unit (but only if the lot and/or container is open, as required by the command format). For example, !!1CHK4LOTCNT.LOT.END. The command initially checks for the mandatory param1 value. If missing or incorrect, the error "Invalid Param1" is displayed. The .end parameter is then checked and if incorrect, the error "Invalid END" is displayed. The .end parameter is optional. The following errors are displayed, depending upon the param1 value and the conditions found.
- "2 Lots Open"
- "2 Cntnrs Open"
- "No Lot Open"
- "Cntnr Open"
- "Lot & Contr Open"
- "No Lot/Cntr Open"
- "No Contnr Open"
- "Lot Open"
Container Quantity (CNTQTY)
Checks to see if container is open at the scanning station. If not, RLSE is send back to SFDC so that units not passed to COMP station without scanning into the container. Looks up capacity of container using same method as SFDC. Displays "Cnt: cntnrnumber" on first line of LCD, and "xx of yy" on second line of LCD (max of 999).
Command format:
- will display container number, current quanity and capacity of container open at this location on LCD, and return to MENU ITEM prompt.
- will display container number, current quanity and capacity of container open at this location on LCD, and send auto END to data collector (only if container is open)
- will display current quanity and capacity of container open at this location on LCD, and return to MENU ITEM prompt. (Does not display Container Number)
- will display current quanity and capacity of container open at this location on LCD, and send auto END to data collector (only if container is open) Does not display Container Number.
Remove Units from Container/Move to Location (DUMPCNTNR4)
DUMPCNTNR4 is an improved version of dumpcntnr command. It removes all units from a scanned container and passes them to the MoveTo location. Features same as dumpcntr: If a defect code is included as a parameter, the defect is recorded and the units are failed to the MoveTo location. Supports SFDC containers only.
Command improvements:
1. Only deletes the container if OPTION DELETE_EMPTY=YES
2. If NOLOTCHK parameter is included, will execute even if the units are in a lot also
3. Records a comment for each removed unit, using default REMOVED BY DUMPCNTNR4 or the optional comment parameter (do not use periods in the comment)
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the DUMPCNTNR4 command line, specifying the Move To location and a defect code.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
MoveTo | The location to move pass or fail units. |
defcode | The defect code to record when the units are removed. |
NOLOTCHK | Optional parameter that allow execution of the command even if units are in a lot |
comment | Optional parameter to use a custom comment. If left blank, the default comment "REMOVED BY DUMPCNTNR4" is used. Do not use a "." in the comment. |
If the command is run at a Menu Selection prompt, the command displays Can’t run as !!1.
The command checks the parameters provided on the command line. If the MoveTo location is not available or ambiguous, the command displays Invalid location. If the defect code is not available, the command displays Invalid defcode.
If no errors occur during initial processing, the command prompts for Cntnr number. The command validates the serial number and container status to make sure it can proceed. The following errors may occur, causing the command to stop:
Error Messages | Description |
Invalid Cont # | The container serial number is not available for processing. This is also the error displayed if the container is part of a COPS customer order. |
Not a Cntnr | The container module_select value is not equal to 100. |
Cont in use | The container status value is not equal to 35. |
Cont on skid | The container skid ID is not equal to 0, and the container is on a skid. |
If no errors occur, the command removes the units from the container and moves them to the Move To location and records the specified defect code against them. The command displays DUMPCNTNR: OK.
All command activities are recorded in the unit history.
Fix Container Status (FIXCNTST)
Closes any open container at a scanning location, especially for situations where the container is open in the database, but SFDC sees it as closed.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan the FIXCNTST command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command checks the container status for each serial number. If the container status is open and should be closed, the status is changed.
Fix Lot Status (FIXLOTST)
Closes any open lot at the scanning location, especially for situations where the lot is open in the database, but SFDC sees it as closed. CLOSES LEVEL 99 LOTS. DOES NOT CONTAINERS.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan the FIXLOTST command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command checks the lot status for each serial number. If the lot status is open and should be closed, the status is changed.
Tag containers for FTP to Oracle (TAGSKID4ORA)
TAGSKID4ORA will tag containers for FTP to Oracle. A background process will perform the actual FTP. "container-id" is the serial number of a CLOSED container. After that container has been tagged for FTP to Oracle, TAGSKID4ORA will continue to request that additional closed container IDs be scanned, until "END" is scanned. If TAGSKID4ORA is run WITHOUT a container ID, then the command will check for an OPEN container at the scanning location. If found, that container ID will be tagged for FTP to Oracle and TAGSKID4ORA will terminate. If an open container is NOT found, TAGSKID4ORA will request that a CLOSED container ID be scanned. The scanned container ID will be flagged for FTP to Oracle and TAGSKID4ORA will continue to request that additional container IDs be scanned, until "END" is scanned.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
container-id | serial number of a CLOSED container. |
labtype | Label type number to print |
queue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
Remove Unit from Lot (REMOVEFROMLOT)
If unit is tied to a lot, sends OPENLOT$lotnumber+$RMVFRMLOT$serial.serial_number + $CLOSELOT to have SFDC remove it. Will fail if another lot already open at this data collector, or this lot is open at another data collector.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the REMOVEFROMLOT command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial Number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Customer Specific Commands
Count the number of components assigned to a serial number (CHKCMPQT)
- Counts the number of components assigned to a serial number and compares that count to a specified count parameter. If the values do not match, the command passes the unit to a specified Fail location and records a W999 defect against the unit, else returns END to pass the unit to the next station.
- Command format:
Parameters | Description |
failloc |
compqty |
Combine a scanned PN and SN to create a custom Lot Number (DENSOLOT)
- Combines a scanned part number and serial number to create a custom lot number.This was developed for plant E29 in Huntsville. The scanned part will be checked for a preceding "P" which will be removed if it is present. The scanned serial will be checked for a preceding "3S" which will be removed if it is present. The custom lot number created will be compared against a container mask for the part number.
- Command Format:
Parameters | Description |
_partnum |
_ser_num |
- Instructions:
Have the items ready to be included in the lot.
Prompt | Enter |
Serial Number? | !!2DENSOLOT |
Scan Part No | Scan Part Number to be associated with the lot. |
Scan Serial # | Scan Serial Number to be associated with the lot. |
Next Serial? | Indicates the lot was opened. Scan the Serial Numbers to be added to the lot. |
- If a lot is already open at the current location, "LOT ALREADY OPEN" will be displayed.
- If the scanned part and serial numbers have already created a lot, "LOT [part_and_serial]ALREADY EXISTS Quantity Remaining [qty]. Reopen? (Y/N)" will be displayed. Entering "y" will bring the prompt "Next Serial?" to add serial numbers to the lot. Entering "n" will display "LOT NOT REOPENED".
- If the scanned part and serial numbers have already been used in another capacity then "Serial # [part_and_serial] IS NOT LOT" will be displayed.
- If the scanned part and serial numbers have already created a lot that the status is not open or closed, "LOT [part_and_serial] STATUS NOT VALID will be displayed.
- If the scanned part and serial numbers have already created a lot and it is in another Location, "LOT [part_and_serial] OPEN AT ASSY" will be displayed.
- If the scanned part and serial numbers have already created a lot and the lot is full, "LOT [part_and_serial] FULL" will be displayed.
- If the scanned part is not found, "Part [_partnum] NOT FOUND" will be displayed.
- If the scanned part does not have a mask or there is a problem with the mask, "MASK NOT FOUND" or "MASK ERROR" will be displayed.
Record a comment for a container serial record (RPTCNTNR)
- Records a comment for a container serial record to indicate to the server report program that the container is complete.
Command format:
Find a component with matching refdes assigned to unit (UNITMAC)
- Finds a component with matching refdes assigned to unit, at any level of component tree, and displays on LCD.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
refdes | Reference Designator |
Timestamp record for serial (XIOTECH_SN_SEND)
Command that will create a timestamp record for a serial as it passes to complete, if run as an autocommand at the station that passes to complete.
SFDC command is:
!!1xiotech_sn_send.PROJECT where PROJECT is the copics_prefix like XIOT
Parameters | Description |
sernum | Serial number character string. |
partkey | Part key number. |
lockey | Location Key. |
project | Project ID value. |
- ZEISS_SN_SEND will FTP an XML file--containing data about the unit serial and its components--to an FTP server, where the XML file can be retrieved by Oracle. "project-value" is a project ID, such as UA01. If ZEISS_SN_SEND is run WITHOUT the project-value parameter, ZEISS_SN_SEND will use the default MDS project. If there is no default MDS project, ZEISS_SN_SEND request that a project value be entered at the data collector. If ZEISS_SN_SEND is run WITH a project-value parameter, then that value will be used in the FTP process. Note that the ZEISS_SN_SEND command must have been previously set up by IT to work with a given project value, regardless of whether that value comes from MDS or is entered as a parameter to the ZEISS_SN_SEND command.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
project-value | Project ID, such as UA01 |
Label Commands
Print Container Label - Zebra (BOXGENZ)
Prints a container label to a Zebra printer, for the container which is open at the scanning location. If optional qty is supplied, the container quantity must match that value or the label will not be printed.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the BOXGENZ command line, including the labeltype and printqueue parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
labeltype | Label type number to print |
printqueue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
.qty | Optional parameter specifying the quantity of units that must be in the container. |
Test Print Container Label (BOXGENZTEST)
Prints a container label to a Zebra printer, for the container which is open at the scanning location, but only if the quantity matches the configured value. Will only work for test labels (labeltypes 100 - 199.)
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the BOXGENZTEST command line, including the labeltype and printqueue parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
labeltype | Label type number to print. |
printqueue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
.qty | Optional parameter specifying the quantity of units that must be in the container. |
Initialize Printer (INITPTR)
Initializes the printer with graphics for the selected label type, for all products.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the INITPTR command line, including the labeltype and queue parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
labeltype | Label type number to print. |
queue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
Label Print (LABEL)
Print a label to a Zebra printer. Restricts to label types 1 - 99. When run as !!2 it prompts for label to reprint.
!!2 reprint requires password entry if it has been configured. !!2 reprint records a comment if password required (beginning in 14-4).
At a Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the LABEL command line, including the labeltype and queue parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
labeltype | Label type (1-99) number to print. |
queue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
NOTE: See LABELPW for more information on label password.
Print Label (LABENG)
Function is used for printing LE Labels.
Parameters | Description |
serial_number | Serial number character string. |
part_key | Part key. |
location_key | Location key. |
label_name | Label name to print. |
prt_que | Print queue name for label printer |
state | |
password | Configured password. |
sn2 | User response to the serial number prompt. |
Label Password (LABELPW)
Used to modify the password which has been configured for label reprints. If a password has not yet been set up by MDS Support, the message "NO CUSTCODE 1430" will display on the data collector. Password length must be 4 to 12 alpha numeric characters.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the LABELPW command line.
Command format:
Label Test Print (LABELTEST)
Print a label to a Zebra printer for label types 100 - 199. Used to test print before the label is rolled into production.
At a Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the LABELTEST command line, including the labeltype and queue parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
labeltype | Label type (100-199) number to print. |
queue | Print queue name for the label printer. |
Move Commands
Move by Defect (MOVEBYDEFECT)
If a defect code (defcode) was recorded as the last activity in the history when the command is run, and if it matches one of the defcode values in the parameter list, then the command moves the scanned unit to the repair location (moveloc) associated with that defcode. If the last activity is not a 'defect sequence' activity, or if the defcode is not in the command parameter list, then the command sends END, to pass or fail the unit to the pass or fail location defined in the route.
Note: this command requires that you execute it immediately after recording the defect, while at the same location.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the MOVEBYDEFECT command line, including at least one defcode and moveloc parameter set.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser-num | Serial number character string. |
part_key | Part key of the serial. |
location_key | Location where scanned. |
defcode1 | Defect_code. |
moveloc1 | Location to move the unit if defcode 1 recorded. |
Move the unit to a designated repair location based on the most recent defect code entered. If the defect code is not the one listed as a parameter, it returns "END" to follow the normal end processing. Example: BGA Failure would move to BGA repair. Any other failure would fail to the location defined in the route. If not failure, it would pass to the pass location in the route.
The command first checks the number of parameters. Parameters are provided in sets. If number of parameters in incorrect, the error "PARAM CNT ERR " + STRING(numparams, "99") is displayed. The command operates on the current scanned serial number. If the serial number is not available for processing, the command displays "APP ERROR 1" or "APP ERROR 2". The parameter set(s) are checked and the following messages will be displayed depending upon the error.
"SHORT LOC PARAM " + myloc
"BAD DEFCODE " + mydefcode
"BAD LOC " + myloc
"DUP DEFCODE:" + mydefcode
"no dfc match"
Restores a unit to Work-In-Process when it had been moved previously to an Online Hold (28) or Repair Hold (29) status location (either manually or in bulk by other means).
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the MOVEFROMHOLD command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
sn | Unit serial number scanned at the prompt. |
The command prompts S/N TO MOVEBACK? When a serial number is scanned, it is verified by the command. If ambiguous or unavailable, error messages display and the command prompts for the serial number again.
If the serial number is valid, the command goes on to validate the unit status is On Hold. If not on hold, the command displays a NOT ON HOLD message and the command ends.
If the status is appropriate (either status 28 or 29), the command checks the location. If the location is unavailable, a LOCATION ERROR message displays and the command ends.
If the location is valid, the command checks the unit history to see where the unit was prior to being moved to Online Hold or Repair Hold. The command verifies that the Hold location is valid. If the location is not valid, the CANT BACK UP message displays and the command ends.
If the Hold location is valid, the command checks the setup table for the serial number. If not available, the SETUP TBL ERROR message displays and the command ends.
If all checks are accepted, the command tries to lock the serial number for processing. If unable to lock or find the serial number, error messages display and the command ends.
If the command was able to lock the serial number, it processes the manual move using SFDC commands. If any errors occur during SFDC processing, the CANT UPDATE message displays and the MOVEFROMFHOLD command ends.
If the serial number moved successfully, the command releases the SFDC commands and displays a MOVED TO message for the serial number, indicating that it was restored to Work-In-Process. The unit history is updated as needed.
Move if Reference Designator (MOVEIFREF)
Developed for PC Division to use for audit sampling. It finds a component with ref_designator matching the refdes parameter, moves the unit to location specified in moveloc param, then sends END to end the unit’s transaction. (If optional third parameter is NOEND, does NOT end the transaction).
If moveloc param is "USECOMPID", then assumes the component_id value is the location to move to.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the MOVEIFREF command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Component reference designator to check for. |
moveloc | FIRST 4 chars of workstation to move unit to. (If moveloc param is "USECOMPID", then assumes the component_id value is the location to move to.) |
NOEND | optional parameter that disables sending END if move component is found (if you want to leave at Menu Selection prompt). |
If the serial number is not available for processing, the command displays "APP ERROR 1". If valid, the command checks the moveloc provided. If the first 4 characters cannot be matched, "MOVE LOC MISSING" is displayed.
Move if No Reference Designator (MOVEIFNOREF)
If the command does not find an active component with ref_designator matching ref param, then it moves the unit to location specified in moveloc param. If the command does find the component, then it sends END to end the unit's transaction (unless optional third parameter is NOEND).
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
refdes | Component reference designator to check for. |
moveloc | FIRST 4 chars of workstation to move unit to. |
NOEND | Optional parameter that disables sending END if move component is found (if you want to leave at Menu Selection prompt). |
If the serial number is not available for processing, the command displays "APP ERROR 1". If valid, the command checks the moveloc provided. If the first 4 characters cannot be matched, "MOVE LOC MISSING" is displayed
Move to Location (MOVE2HERE)
Moves a group of units to a specified location. Prompts for a Move To location and allows entering a comment. Prompts for serial numbers with the prompting finished by scanning END. The unit status must be the same as the Move To location. If the unit is not status 28 or 29, the unit’s current location must be on the same line as the Move Tolocation.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the MOVE2HEREcommand line with appropriate parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command prompts for WorkStation?. Enter the Move To location. The next prompt is Any Comment?. Enter comment text to explain the reason for the unit move. The comment field is optional and can be left blank.
The command prompts for S/N to Move?. Once a serial number is scanned, the command checks to see if it is valid. If the S/N NOT FOUND message displays, the command prompts for serial number again.
If the serial number is valid, the command checks to see if the unit location is locked or unavailable. If the location is invalid, a LOCATION ERROR message displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
If the unit location is valid, the command checks the unit status. If the status is invalid, the command displays the INVALID STATUS message and prompts for serial number again.
If the unit status is 28 or 29, the command checks to see if the unit location and Move To locations have the same status. If they do not, the command displays the WRONG LINE message and prompts for serial number again.
If the Setup Table line does not match the Move To location, the command displays the SETUP PROBLEM message and terminates.
If no errors occur, the command tries to lock the serial number for processing. If the serial number cannot be locked or is unavailable, the SERIAL IS LOCKED! message displays. The command prompts for serial number again.
Once the command locks a valid serial number, it calls SFDC commands to proceed with the move request and record the activity in the unit history. When the move is complete, the command prompts for the next serial number.
Scan END to terminate the command at any serial number prompt.
Other errors can occur if the command cannot validate the Move To location or the current scanner location.
Move to Hold (MOVETOHOLD)
For !!1 will send MOVE$LOC2X back to SFDC (where LOC2X is loc28 or loc29 parameter) , so that the unit will be moved to hold location. The unit history will actually show PASS TO LOC2X. If loc29 parameter (in repair hold station) is left off, will only work for status 20 units If loc28 parameter (on line hold station) is left off, will only work for status 25 units. A comment will be added to the unit history to say that the command movetohold was run.
For !!2 a manual move activity and comment will be recorded for the unit and if RF param = NO then SFDC will not be refreshed. (SFDC is refreshed by default.)
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the MOVETOHOLDcommand line with appropriate parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The unit history will actually show PASS TO LOCX. If loc29 parameter (in repair hold station) is left off, will only work for status 20 units. If loc28 parameter (on line hold station) is left off, will only work for status 25 units. A comment will be added to the unit history to say that the command movetohold was run. If the parameters are in error, we will just stay at the Menu prompt.
For !!2 a manual move will be recorded for the unit and if RF param = NO then SFDC will not be refreshed. SFDC is refreshed by default.
The command checks the locations first. If it is invalid, the command displays the SCANLOC NOT FOUND, LINE NOT FOUND, loc1 + " NOT FOUND", loc1 + "BAD STATUS", orLOCS SAME STATUS message and returns to the Menu Selection? prompt. If the locations are valid, the command checks to see if run as a !!2 command. If it is, then one of the messages could be displayed, APP ERR 1, Dup S/N Found!, S/N not found, S/N status bad, APP ERR 2, orBAD MOV LOC STAT. If the command is run as a !!1 command, the following error messages can be displayed, SN LOC not found, SN LINE ERROR, orSer rec locked. Lastly, if the command is run as a !!2 command, the following message is displayed at the end of the command, MOVE$" + {&MAN-MOVE-LOCATION}. A manual move activity is recorded in the unit history.
Return to Failure Location (RETURNTOFAILURELOCATION)
Returns a unit to the last holding area when unit failed, only if there is a single outstanding defect. Records repair code, then moves unit back. If ’move’ command has been changed by macro rename, allows use of a custom ’move’ command by specifying in log.c1 field (must contact MDS Support to configure this).
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the RETURNTOFAILURELOCATIONcommand line with appropriate parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
repaircode | Repair code to log against the recorded defect. |
Moves the unit to location specified in the moveloc param (MOVEIFATTDATA)
If finds an attribute with attribute name and data matching parameters, moves the unit to location specified in the moveloc param, else sends END to end the unit’s transaction. Can pass as many pairs of data/moveloc parameters as SFDC will accept (total parameter length cannot exceed 122 chars) 128 max chars in param string, allows up to 7 pairs?
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
attname | |
attdata | |
moveloc | Optional location to move batch serial number, if passed. |
Part Number Commands
Change Part Number for Container and Units (CHGPN4CNT)
!!2 command to change the part number of a container’s contents. Works on all levels of a multi-level container. Prompts for a container number and a part number. Optionally prompts for an attribute value or comment text.
Command format:
!!2CHGPN4CNT [.param1[.param2]]
Parameters | Description |
Defaults to CLR. |
Parameter 2 | Description |
COMMENT | Prompts for the comment text. |
[attribute name] | Prompts for the attribute value. |
Change Part Number for Batch Units (CHGPNBUNITS)
Must be run for Batch serial (module select 7), that has had a part change. This command changes the part number of all tracked components of the batch serial, the unit serial records and the component that ties it to the batch. It records a comment in the batch serial history, and moves the batch serial to the location passed as parameter (optional).
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHGPNBUNITS command line, specifying a batch serial number that has had a part number change..
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
movloc | Optional location to move batch serial number, if passed. |
Change Part Number Suffix (CHGPNSUF)
Changes the part numbers of each tracked component of the serial by adding <sfx> to the part number. Transaction is scoped such that if any part number resulting from the addition of <sfx> does not exist, then NONE of the part numbers will be changed and an error message will be returned.
After successfully changing the component part numbers, return the CHGPN command to SFDC to add the suffix to this parent serial’s part number.
Command Format:
Process to be carried out:
Serial Number prompt?
Menu Selection Prompt?
So the changes to be
TY132204081--Level0 with part number LFINSN472044A.101-R
TY132201942--Level1 with part number LFINSN084895A.201-R
TY132201963--Level1 with part number LFINSN084895A.201-R
TY132204580--Level1 with part number LFINSN084387A.202-R
Command should work in all the sub assembly levels.
For ex: if level1 serial is scanned with this command then all the sub assemblies should be affected by changing its part number as per the suffix mentioned.
Serial Number Commands
Add Comment to Status 30 Serial (ADCMNT30)
Adds a short comment to a status 30 serial. If the serial number is not included as a parameter, the command will prompt for it. The comment is restricted to 20 characters or less.
At the Serial Number? prompt, scan the ADCMNT30 command line. The command continues to prompt for serials until END is scanned at the Serial Number prompt.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
serialnum | Optional. Serial number to record comment against. Will prompt if not provided as a parameter. |
comment | Comment to record against serial number. Limit 20 characters or less. |
Add Comment to Sub Component (ADCMNTSUB)
Allows for the adding of comments to sub-level components without removing the sub-component from its parent component. This command can be run as either !!1 or !!2. It searches for the specified sub-component in the product structure, either by serial number or by a ref-des path. When found, a comment (provided by the operator) is saved in the serial record for the component; Does not support adding a comment to a non-tracked component. NOTE: The command only works on the first level of component attached to the parent serial number.
At the Menu Selection? or Serial Number? prompt, scan the ADCMNTSUB command line.
Command format:
!!1ADCMNTSUB [.comment][.sub-ser-num]
Parameters | Description |
ser-num | Parent serial number which contains the component serial number. |
comment | Comment to record against component serial number. |
sub-ser-num | Sub component serial number if attached to a parent serial number. |
Change Serial Number by Algorithm (CHGIDALG)
CHGIDALG uses an algorithm (specified by algorithm-number) to compute the next serial number, and then sends CHGID$serial-number to the SFDC PC. The algorithm type may be either CHGIDALG or Shop Order (created in the Serial Number Generator), allowing serial number sequences to be shared between Shop Order Release and the SFDC command CHGIDALG.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHGIDALG command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
algorithm-number | Serial number algorithm to use to get the next number. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number and prompts for New S/N.
If a duplicate serial number is found, the command displays DUP SN: <
serial_number >
, where <
serial_number >
is the previously scanned serial number.
If the previously scanned serial number is not available for processing, the command displays SN INVALID.
Next the command checks to see if the previously scanned serial number is a catalog serial number or if the new serial number already exists. If either case is true, the command displays NEW SN INVALID.
If no errors occur, the command runs the CHGID command, changing the previously scanned serial number to the new serial number. The update is recorded in the unit history and in a timestamp record.
Change Serial Number to New Serial Number (CHGSNTS)
Prompts for a new serial number. If the new serial number is not a catalog serial number and is not found in the database, the command runs the CHGID command on SFDC to change the current serial number to the new serial number. It records the activity in a timestamp record and in the log file.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHGSNTS command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number and prompts for New S/N.
If a duplicate serial number is found, the command displays DUP SN: <serial_number>, where <serial_number> is the previously scanned serial number.
If the previously scanned serial number is not available for processing, the command displays SN INVALID.
Next the command checks to see if the previously scanned serial number is a catalog serial number or if the new serial number already exists. If either case is true, the command displays NEW SN INVALID.
If no errors occur, the command runs the CHGID command, changing the previously scanned serial number to the new serial number. The update is recorded in the unit history and in a timestamp record.
Compare SN to Scanned Value (CHECKSN)
This command validates the matching of a unit serial number label by comparing the entered serial number with the serial number previously scanned. Because the barcode serial number or the unit serial number may include extra data identifier characters or a partial of the serial number, the masking options on the command line (LSERIAL and USERIAL) allow for verifying the matching portions of the label or unit serial number. If a match is not made within these three attempts, the unit is released.
The CHECKSN command is compatible with LSERIAL and USERIAL.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHECKSN command line. Four formats are provided:
!!1CHECKSN.LSERIAL=[n;n] (or .LSERIAL=[n<]) Compares a substring from a label scanned to a unit under test.
!!1CHECKSN.USERIAL=[n;n] (or .USERIAL=[n]) Compares a substring from a unit under test to a label scanned.
!!1CHECKSN.LSERIAL=[n;n].USERIAL=[n;n] Compares a substring from a label scanned to a substring from a unit under test. Note that either LSERIAL, USERIAL, or both, may use the "[n]" format. Note that either LSERIAL or USERIAL may come first in the parameter list.
!!1CHECKSN No mask used.
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Note that in the [n;n] format, the first and second n refer, respectively, to (1) the starting position and (2) the length of the serial string. For example, for the string WXYZ, [2;3] designates X as the starting position (because it is the second character in the string) and XYZ as the length of string compared (because XYZ are 3 characters in length). Additional example: If a unit has the serial number 100XYZ as the serial number with the label 1S100XYZ, and the mask is LSERIAL=[3], the first two characters in label serial number are ignored. If the unit has the serial number P100XYZ99 with the label 100XYZ, and the mask is USERIAL=[2;6], the P and 99 characters in the unit serial number are ignored. |
LSERIAL=[n] | specifies that the scanned label serial is to be compared beginning at position n of scanned value. |
LSERIAL=[n;n] | Specifies that the scanned label serial is to be compared beginning at position n of scanned value, for n characters. |
USERIAL=[n] | Specifies that the scanned unit serial is to be compared beginning at position n of scanned value. |
USERIAL=[n;n] | Specifies that the scanned unit serial is to be compared beginning at position n of scanned value, for n characters. |
The command operates using the previously scanned serial number. It prompts Scan Unit Label.
If a mask is specified against the previously scanned serial number, the command uses the mask to match against the new serial number. If they match, the command displays Thank you and the unit is retained.
If a mask is specified against the new serial number, the command uses it to match against the scanned serial number. If they match, the command displays Thank you and the unit is retained.
If an error occurs matching the serial number using the specified mask, an error message displays and the command prompts again for a unit serial number.
The command prompts up to three times for unit serial number. If a match is not found in three attempts, the command releases the unit.
Check Defect Quantity (CHKDFCQTY)
Checks if the unit has failed x times (failnum param) or more for the defcode param. If so, then move unit to moveloc. Triplets of defcode/failnum/moveloc are supported. countNFF and endUnit paremeters are optional but if endUnit is specified then countNFF must also be specified. If countNFF parameter is missing or not equal to Y then serdef’s flagged, NFF are not counted so default is to not count NFF’s. If failure, auto ends the transaction unless Endunit parameter is N or NO.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKDFCQTY command with the necessary parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
defcode | Defect code to check for defect quantity. |
failnum | Number of failures (defcode) to look for. |
Movloc | Location to move unit to if failnum/defcode match. |
countNFF | Y or YES – required if endUnit param exists. |
endUnit | N or NO – required to prevent the command from automatically ending the unit. If exists, conuntNFF parameter required. |
If countNFF param exist and is "y" or "yes" then the command also counts the serdef records flagged as NFF (serdef.repiared_NFF = 2). If countNFF parameter is missing or not equal to Y then serdef’s flagged NFF are not counted so default is to not count NFF’s. If endUnit param exists and is "n" or "no" then the command does not END the unit at the dc else it will END the unit so default is too END the unit.
The command first checks the number of parameters entered and if the countNFF and/or endUnit parameters are supplied. If the count is incorrect, or a required parameter is missing, then the error message "BAD PARAM COUNT" is displayed. If the parameters are correct, the command checks the serial number location. If the serial lock cannot be determined, the "AMBIGUOUS SN" is displayed. If the serial number cannot be found, the error "SN not found" is displayed. The serial number location is then checked. If the location cannot be found, the error "SCANLOC ERR!" is displayed. The command then checks the defcode, failnum, and Movloc parameters. The following errors can occur:
- "BAD DEFCODE:" + defcode
- "BAD MOVELOC:" + moveloc
- "BAD LOC:" + moveloc
- "DUP DFC:" + defcode
Count the Number of Fails at a Location (CHKFAIL3)
Counts the number of times a board (the unit serial) has failed to a specified location. If that number is equal to, or greater than, a specified quantity, then the board is failed, with the defect code of 2250, and is moved to a specified location.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKFAIL3 command with the necessary parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
board-location | The location, on the scanning line, where the board will be checked for defects. |
fail-limit | The minimum number of previous failures of the serial number before CHKFAIL3 will fail the board again. |
fail-location | The location to which the board will be failed. |
part-description-prefix | Optional parameter which, if supplied, requires that the part description for the board must begin with that prefix. If "part-description-prefix" is not supplied, then the part description for the board may begin with any value. If "part-description-prefix" is supplied, but the part description for the board does not begin with that prefix, then an error condition is reported to the operator. |
Example 1:
If the board has been previously failed, at least 3 times, to location R201, then the board will be failed with defect code 2250 and moved to location SMTR.
Example 2:
If the board--whose part description must begin with "intel"--has been previously failed, at least 2 times, to location C305, then the board will be failed with defect code 2250 and moved to location TMRB.
Create/Start Serial Number with PN by Alogrithm (CRE8SER)
Creates a serial number using parameter values (algorithm and part number). Passes serial number back to SFDC as input to Serial Number prompt.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the CRE8SER command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algonum | Serial Algorithm number to use for generating next serial number. |
part_num | Part number to assign to new serial number. |
NOTE: CRE8SER uses algorithm type “general.”
The command first checks the part_num parameter. If missing, the message "NO P/N PARAM" is displayed. The command then checks the algonum parameter. If missing, the message "NO ALGO PARAM" is displayed. The command then checks for a project. If none found, the "Proj not found" message is displayed. The algorithm number is then checked. If invalid, the message"BAD ALGO NUMBER", "APP ERROR 1", "APP ERROR 2", or"APP ERROR 3" is displayed, depending upon the algorithm number error. If valid, the command then attempts to get a serial number from the serial number generator using the algorithm number. If a serial number is not returned, the message "Bad SN value" is returned or if the serial is determined to exist, the message "APP ERROR 3" is displayed.
Create/Start Serial Number w/PN & REV by Alogrithm (CRE8SER2)
Creates a serial number using parameter values (algorithm , part number and revison). Passes serial number back to SFDC as input to Serial Number prompt.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the CRE8SER2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
algonum | Serial Algorithm number to use for generating next serial number. |
part_num | Part number to assign to new serial number. |
rev | Revision to assign to new serial number. |
NOTE: CRE8SER2 uses algorithm type “general.”
The command first checks the part_num parameter. If missing, the message "NO P/N PARAM" is displayed. The command then checks the algonum parameter. If missing, the message "NO ALGO PARAM" is displayed. The command checks the revision parameter. If missing, the message "NO REV PARAM" is displayed. The command then checks for a project. If none found, the "Proj not found" message is displayed. The algorithm number is then checked. If invalid, the message"BAD ALGO NUMBER", "APP ERROR 1", "APP ERROR 2", or"APP ERROR 3" is displayed, depending upon the algorithm number error. If valid, the command then attempts to get a serial number from the serial number generator using the algorithm number. If a serial number is not returned, the message "Bad SN value" is returned or if the serial is determined to exist, the message "APP ERROR 3" is displayed.
Compare Current Serial Number to Traveler Serial Number (FRANK1)
Prompts for a Traveler serial number. Compares the Traveler serial number to the previously scanned serial number. If they match, the command accepts the serial number. If they do not match, the command prompts again for the Traveler serial number until a matching one is scanned.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the FRANK1 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number and prompts Scan Traveler.
The command compares the serial numbers. If they match, the command displays THANK YOU.
If they do not match, the command displays INVALID ENTRY and prompts again Scan Traveler. The command stays in this loop until a matching serial number is scanned or until END is scanned.
Compare Current Serial Number to Unit Serial Number (FRANK2)
Prompts for a unit serial number. Compares the unit serial number to the previously scanned serial number. If they match, the command accepts the serial number. If they do not match, the command prompts again for the unit serial number until a matching one is scanned.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the FRANK2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number and prompts Scan Traveler.
The command compares the serial numbers. If they match, the command displays THANK YOU.
If they do not match, the command displays INVALID ENTRY and prompts again Scan Traveler. The command stays in this loop until a matching serial number is scanned or until END is scanned.
Compare Current Serial Number to Box Label Serial Number (FRANKG)
Prompts for a box label serial number. Compares the box label serial number to the previously scanned serial number. If they match, the command accepts the serial number. If they do not match, the command prompts again for the box label serial number until a matching one is scanned.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the FRANKG command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
Ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number and prompts Scan Box Label SN.
The command compares the serial numbers. If they match, the command displays THANK YOU.
If they do not match, the command displays INVALID ENTRY and prompts again Scan Box Label SN. The command stays in this loop until a matching serial number is scanned or until END is scanned.
Generate Serial Number from Algorithm (GENALGOSN)
Determines the next serial number, based on the part number and algorithm number provided in the SFDC command. This new serial number is written to the database before being returned to the data collector. The algorithm number must be defined in the Serial Number Generator as a "General Algorithm" type. The batch serial record created has module_select=7 and quantity=0.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the GENALGOSNcommand line, specifying the part-number and algorithm-number parameters.
Command format:
!! 2GENALGOSN.part-number.algorithm-number
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
part-number | A part number in the part table. |
algorithm-number | Must be a valid algorithm number defined in the Serial Number Generator (Algorithm Tool). The algorithm type must be "General Algorithm" (or, if the algorithm was programmed manually, it must use the "General Algorithm" program interface). |
The command checks the part-number parameter to see if it is valid. If the part number is not valid or unavailable, a Part Not Found message displays. The command then checks the algorithm-number to see if it is valid. If the algorithm number is not valid or unavailable, one of the following messages displays.
If valid, the command then calls the serial number generator program. One of the following messages displays, if a serial number was not created.
Generate Serial Number from Alg using parent (GENALGOSN2)
Determines the next serial number, based on the batch number, part number, and algorithm number provided in the SFDC command. This new serial number is then written to the database before being returned to the data collector. The batch number (or split batch number) must be in the serial table. If batch-number is a split batch number, then it must be in the format BBB-sss, where BBB is a batch number and sss is a unique sequence number (which was generated previously by the same algorithm). The algorithm number must be defined in the Serial Number Generator as a "General Algorithm" type. The optional BATCH parameter Indicates that the batch number is NOT a split batch number, even though it contains a dash (-). This parameter is not valid when splitting an already split batch number. All batch number parameters that do NOT have dashes in the number are automatically considered to be original batch numbers. All batch number parameters that DO have dashes in the number are automatically considered to be split batch number. To override this behavior, include the optional parameter ".BATCH" at the end of the command string whenever a batch number parameter has a dash in the number but it is NOT a split batch number. The batch serial record created has module_select=7 and quanity=0.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the GENALGOSNcommand line, specifying the part-number and algorithm-number parameters.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
batch-number | A batch number or split batch number which must be in the serial table. If batch-number is split batch number, then it must be in the format BBB-sss, where BBB is a batch number and sss is a unique sequence number (which was generated previously by algorithm-number below). |
part-number | A part number in the part table. |
algorithm-number | An algorithm number defined in the Serial Number Generator. The algorithm type must be "General Algorithm" (or, if the algorithm was programmed manually, it must use the "General Algorithm" program interface). |
.BATCH | [Optional] Indicates that the batch number is NOT a split batch number, even though it contains a dash (-). This parameter is not valid when splitting an already split batch number. Do not use the characters "[" and "]" in the actual command. |
The command check the batch-number to see if it is valid. If the batch number is not valid or unavailable, a BATCH# NOT FOUND message displays. The command checks the part-number parameter to see if it is valid. If the part number is not valid or unavailable, a Part Not Found message displays. The command then checks the algorithm-number to see if it is valid. If the algorithm number is not valid or unavailable, one of the following messages displays.
If valid, the command then checks the optional BATCH parameter. If invalid, one of the following errors could be displayed.
If valid, the command then calls the serial number generator program. One of the following messages displays, if a serial number was not created.
Parent Serial Number (PARENTSN)
Prompts for component ID. If finds multiple components recorded with this value, displays "Multipl ParentSN". If finds serial record for it, the serial number must be at status 60 (tracked serial which is used as component). Displays Parent serial number on LCD.
At the "Serial Number?" prompt, scan the PARENTSN command.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command will prompt for "Component_id?". The user enters a component_id and the command will check whether the entered value has a parent serial number. If more than one parent exists, the message "Multiple Parents" is displayed.
Rescan serial number (RESCAN)
Prompts for a unit serial number. Compares the unit serial number to the previously scanned serial number. If they match, the command accepts the serial number. If they do not match, the command prompts again for the unit serial number until a matching one is scanned.
Send Serial Number File by Email (SENDSERIALFILE)
Program sendserialfile.p is called by !!2-command SENDSERIALFILE to create a file of serial number and to email the file to the recipients specified in the MDS Parameters (of the serial number generator) for that algorithm. Note that SENDSERIALFILE does not create serial records in the database for the serial numbers.
SENDSERIALFILE will create a new text file of serial number for EVERY execution of the SENDSERIALFILE command. The serial number text file name will be in the format “serials-algnbr-date-time.txt”. Or more specifically, “serials-algnbr-yyyymmdd-hhmmss.txt”. For example, “serials-20020-20091216-144703.txt”. This will make the serial number file name unique for each execution of SENDSERIALFILE.
SENDSERIALFILE also sends a separate, “Order Point” email to assigned email addresses, whenever a specified number of serial number have been generated. The “Serial Order Point Max” and the “Serial Order Point Count” values are assigned in the MDS Parameters for the algorithm. The Count value increments for each serial number that is generated. When the Count is equal to the Order Point Maximum value, then the order-point email will be sent.
SENDSERIALFILE also has a special command format, provided for validation of the MDS Parameters. This format will send an email to all email addresses specified for that algorithm in the MDS Parameters of the serial number generator, along with a test serial number file. This will provide assurance that all email addresses for the algorithm are well-formed and that all recipients can receive the emails. It will also report whether the order-point count has already exceeded the order-point maximum.
SENDSERIALFILE requires that the algorithm be defined in the Serial Number Generator, using the algorithm type “Send Serial File Algorithm”.
Called By:
The SFDC command SENDSERIALFILE has two formats:
For example:
!!2SENDSERIALFILE.20021.15 would generate 15 serial numbers, using algorithm 20021, and would email them in a text file to the recipients specified in the MDS Parameters (of the serial number generator) for that algorithm.
!!2SENDSERIALFILE.20022.8.PN1234 (where PN1234 is a valid part number) would generate and email 8 serial numbers, using algorithm 20022. The part number is required ONLY when the specified algorithm number contains a “part” element.
!!2SENDSERIALFILE.20023.VALIDATE causes entries in the MDS Parameters for algorithm 20023 to be validated and test emails to be sent to the recipients specified in the MDS Parameters.
Input Parameters: Algorithm Number - The algorithm number to be used to generate the serial numbers. Number of Serial Numbers - The specified number of serial numbers to be generated by the execution of the SENDSERIALFILE command. Part Number - The number of the part record which contains data, in the field specified for the algorithm in the Serial Number Generator.
Output Parameters: Serial Numbers - The serial numbers generated by the serial number algorithm engine, according to the algorithm definition in the Serial Number Generator. The serial numbers will be written to a text file and emailed to the specified addresses.
Calls: sendserialfilealg.p - Serial Number Algorithm Engine driver, which generates the serial numbers.
Show Unit Comment (SHOWCOMMENT)
Displays all comments for unit on data collector LCD. If matchval parameter sent, then only displays comments which contain that string.
At a Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the SHOWCOMMENT command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
matchval | Optional parameter to only display matching comments. |
If run as a !!2 command, the command will prompt "Unit S/N?". The command first checks the serial number and will display "S/N NOT FOUND" or "APP ERROR 1" to an error. If valid it checks for a matchval parameter. If there is no matchval parameter the command looks for all comments. If no comments (or matching comments – matchval parameter supplied) found, displays "No comment".
Prompts for "Customer name?" which can be ZEISS, IMPEVA, XIOTECH OR BATCH.
Restore Archived Serial Number (XFERSNARCHIVE)
Restores serial numbers that have been archived.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the XFERSNARCHIVE command line.
Command format:
There are no required parameters.
When an archived tracked component is scanned, all serials with the same package_key are restored.
Normal Response:
"Restore Requested"
Prompted Error Messages:
"Serial Exists"
"Not found in catalog"
"Found in catalog but archive number is null"
"Found in catalog but archive_number 'nnn' is not a legacy archive dataset"
"Restore already initiated"
If a request is sent for a serial number that has been requested but not yet restored the following message appears, "Restore already initiated."
The command will continue to prompt for serial numbers until the END command is scanned.
Shop Order Commands
Add Unit to Next Shop Order (ADD2NEXTSO)
Attaches a unit to a released shop order with the same part-key and revision as the serial, which has room for this serial.
- If more than one released shop order is available, adds the serial to the oldest one.
- If there is no such shop order, displays an error message and sends the optional failcmd.
- If the serial already belongs to a shop order, display the shop order number it belongs to and sends the optional passcmd.
On successful addition, displays the shop order number the unit was added to and sends the optional passcmd.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the ADD2NEXTSO command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
shoporder | Shop order the serial is attached to. |
failcmd | Command to process if no shop order is available to add the serial to. Example: RLSE, END |
passcmd | Command to process if the serial was added successfully to a shop order, or is the serial was already attached to a shop order. Example: RLSE, END |
Add Unit to Shop Order (ADD2SO1)
Attaches a unit to a shop order. If the shop order is not passed as parameter, the command prompts "SO NBR OR END?". The unit must not be on an order, and the shop order must have room for the unit. Serial number is changed to part/rev of shop order. RLSE sent afterwards. Must wait 60 seconds before scanning at next station, or changes to MDS may be lost.
The PARTROUTE parameter indicates that the serial route should not be cleared when adding the serial to the receiving shop order but, instead, if the serial part key equals the receiving shop order part key, then serial route key should remain unchanged. Otherwise, the serial route key should be set to the unique route key of the part key of the receiving shop order. If there is more than one route with the part key of the receiving shop order, then an error will be returned.
END may be entered for the Shop Order Number in order to terminate the command. This command does not support batches.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the ADD2SO1 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
shoporder | Optional: Shop order to attach serial unit to. |
PARTROUTE | Optional: If this text is included, the serial route is not cleared when adding the serial to the receiving shop order. |
The command first checks the serial number. The error messages that can be reported are: AMBIGUOUS S/N!, LOCKED S/N!, or S/N NOT FOUND!. If valid, the command then checks to insure the serial is not attached to a shop order and checks the project. ATTACHED TO SO!, AMBIGUOUS PROJ!, or PROJ NOT FOUND! are the error messages that can be displayed. The command then checks the serial number location, displaying the message AMBIGUOUS LOC! or LOC NOT FOUND! if there is an error. The shop order is then checked and the following messages can be displayed to an error: Invalid SO Nbr!, S/O NOT RELEASED, S/O FULL!.
Add Unit to Shop Order from Location (ADD2SO2)
Prompts (S/N OR END?) for units to attach to shop order, until END is scanned. The unit must not be on an order, and must be at the pull_location specified as parameter. The shop order must have room for the unit. Serial number is changed to part/rev of shop order. If used on WIP units, must wait 60 seconds before scanning at next station, or changes to MDS may be lost.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the ADD2SO2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Pull_location | Name of workstation to find unit |
Shoporder | Shop order to attach serial unit to. |
Change Shop Order (CHGSO)
Moves completed units at a specified location from one shop order to another. The command places a skeleton serial number as a placeholder in the original shop order to keep counts correct. An activity is associated with the new serial number pointing to the new shop order, and an activity is associated with the original serial record pointing back to the original shop order. The unit has it’s location cleared, and it’s unit status set to "Ready to Build".
If needed, the command updates the part number and revision of the serial record to match that of the new shop order. Activity records are created to document these changes also.
The command supports an optional workstation name where the target serial number must be located before it can be added to the new shop order. The workstation must on the same line as the scanning location, and must be status 30.
By default, the unit’s location is cleared and status changed to 15 (unstarted). If pass MOVEHERE as the 2nd optional parameter, the unit is moved to the scanning location, and assigned its status.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the CHGSO command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
wkstation | Optional. Name of the workstation where the scanned unit is located. If this parameter is not included in the command line, any status 30 unit can be moved to the new shop order. |
MOVEHERE | Optional parameter. If this text is included, the unit is put at scanning location/status. Else the unit is left at location-key 0, status 15. |
The command prompts for Shop Order #. If unable to find the new shop order, a S/O NOT FOUND message displays and the command redisplays the Shop Order prompt. If the new shop order is found, the command checks the number of units attached. If the shop order is full, the command displays S/O FULL and redisplays the Shop Order prompt.
If the new shop order is not full, the command prompts for a serial number. This is the serial number which will move to the new shop order.
If END is scanned at the serial number prompt, the command terminates.
If the serial number is invalid or unavailable, a S/N NOT FOUND message displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
The command also checks the status of the unit. If the unit status is not 30, an error message displays the status (e.g. ’INVLD STATUS 20’) and the command prompts for serial number again.
If the unit is in a container, Unit in Cntr displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
The command attempts to find the old shop order. If not available, NO SO FOUND displays. The command prompts for serial number again.
The command also validates the location and line for the scanned unit. If either is invalid or unavailable, error messages display. If the unit’s current location was provided as part of the command line and is unavailable, LOCATION ERROR displays.
Once the command has validated the new and old shop orders, the unit serial number, location, and line, the command begins processing the shop order change for the scanned unit.
At this time, if the command cannot lock the serial number, SN LOCKED displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
The command creates activities against the unit, making part number and revision changes to match the new shop order. If everything is accepted and no other errors occur, the command moves the unit to the new shop order.
The command checks the unit count for the new shop order. If the new shop order is full, it displays AUTO END. The command prompts for serial number again.
Scanning END terminates the command.
Change Shop Order from Location (CHGSO3)
Based on chgso2. Moves units at a specified location and status from one shop order to another. The serial unit_Status must match the status parameter, which is restricted to status 15, 28, 30, or 40.
The command places a skeleton serial number in the original shop order to keep the counts correct. The serial number is first placed at the move-to location and status (parameter m_location) which is required to be status 15, 28 or 64. Then the serial is moved to the new shop order and placed at the a_location and status. If the shop order part numbers are different (only allowed if the NOMATCH parameter is passed), the command will update the part number and revision of the serial record to match that of the new shop order. . Activities are created to document all moves .
The command also supports an optional workstation name where the target serial number must be located before it can be added to the new shop order.
a_location - name of workstation to accept target unit.
m_location - name of workstation to move the skeleton.
s_location - optional name of workstation to find unit.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the CHGSO2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
a_location | Name of workstation to accept target unit. |
m_location | Name of workstation to move the skeleton. |
status | Required status of the unit. |
s_location | Optional: Name of workstation to find unit. |
NOMATCH | Optional: Allows part number of the serial number to be changed to the part number of the end Shop Order number, if different. |
The command prompts for Shop Order #. If unable to find the new shop order, a S/O NOT FOUND message displays and the command redisplays the Shop Order prompt. If the new shop order is found, the command checks the number of units attached. If the shop order is full, the command displays S/O FULL and redisplays the Shop Order prompt.
If the new shop order is not full, the command prompts for a serial number. This is the serial number which will move to the new shop order.
If END is scanned at the serial number prompt, the command terminates.
If the serial number is invalid or unavailable, a S/N NOT FOUND message displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
If the unit is in a container, Unit in Cntr displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
The command attempts to find the old shop order. If not available, NO SO FOUND displays. The command prompts for serial number again.
The command also validates the location and line for the scanned unit. If either is invalid or unavailable, error messages display. If the unit’s current location was provided as part of the command line and is unavailable, LOCATION ERRORdisplays.
Once the command has validated the new and old shop orders, the unit serial number, location, and line, the command begins processing the shop order change for the scanned unit.
At this time, if the command cannot lock the serial number, SN LOCKED displays and the command prompts for serial number again.
The command creates activities against the unit, making part number and revision changes to match the new shop order. If everything is accepted and no other errors occur, the command moves the unit to the new shop order.
The command checks the unit count for the new shop order. If the new shop order is full, it displays AUTO END. The command prompts for serial number again.
Scanning END terminates the command.
Delete Serial Number from Shop Order (DELSNFSO)
Removes a finished unit (status 30) from a Completed shop order (order_status C). All attributes are removed from the unit, a comment is created to document the use of the command, and a skeleton serial record (status 64) is created in the shop order. The command prompts "S/N to remove?" until END is scanned. Delsnfso creates a status 64 serial for job with unit type = 0.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the DELSNFSO command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
1) shop order must be complete. shop_order.order_status = ’C’
2) unit must be complete. serial.unit_status-key = 30.
The command will prompt "S/N to remove ?" upon execution. If END is entered, the command terminates. The serial number will check the entered serial number and one of the following messages can be displayed to an error.
"Serial locked", "Not status 30", "Order not found", "Not completed", or"Internal Error"
Delete SN from Non-complete Shop Order (DELSNFSO2)
Same as delsnfso, except that the order does not have to be at Complete status. Delsnfso2 creates a status 64 serial for job with unit type = 0.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the DELSNFSO2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Delete SN from Shop Order & Create New SN (DELSNFSO3)
DELSNFSO3 supports the other statuses and creates a skeleton (non-replaceable dummy) if the unit status is 30, otherwise, it creates a dummy to take the place of the removed serial.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the DELSNFSO3 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Display Shop Order Number (SHOWSON)
Displays the shop order number for the scanned serial number.
At the Menu Selection or Serial Number prompt, scan the SHOWSON command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
sn2 | User response to the serial number prompt. |
If no serial number is available when the command is scanned, the command prompts S/N to get S/O.
Once the command has a serial number, it checks to see if it is available. If unavailable, the command displays S/N NOT FOUND.
If the serial number is available, the command checks to see if a shop order is assigned to the serial number. If not, the command displays S/O # NOT FOUND. Otherwise, the command displays the assigned shop order.
Pass by Shop Order Number (PASSBYSO)
Prompt the user for a location and shop order number, finds all serials at that location for that shop order, then sends each found serial number followed by END command back to SFDC so as to PASS each serial according to the route.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
fromloc_name | Must be a valid from_loc (first 4 characters) for the route that is assigned to the serials in the selected shop order. |
shopordernum | Shop order number. If not entered user will be prompted. |
Release Units Not in Given Shop Order (VERIFYSO)
Command to RLSE units not in a particular shop order
If the serial is not attached to a shop order, command displays "No S/O Assigned".
If the serial is attached to a shop order, command prompts for the user to scan the shop order until either:
1. Shop Order matches (display "S/O Matches" and return)
2. User scans RLSE (display "RLSE S/N" and send RLSE cmd back to SFDC
Time and Timestamp Commands
Check Time 99 (CHKTIME99)
Same as chktime command, but ignores flow errors and status errors in history when computing elapsed time. Checks the elapsed time since the last activity record, displays a message, and releases the unit if not enough time has passed between activities.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKTIME99 command line specifying the minimum minutes required to elapse between activities.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
minmins | Minimum minutes required to elapse. |
The command checks to see if at least the specified minimum minutes have elapsed since the previous scan. If so, Menu Selection displays as normal. If the minimum time has not passed since the previous scan, the Continue Process message displays and the unit is released.
Check Time Due (CHKTIMEDUE)
Checks the amount of time elapsed from the last activity of the defined location/process name, to the current location/process name where the command was called, for the active serial number at the data collection point.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan a top level serial number. At the "Menu Selection" prompt, scan the CHKTIMEDUE command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
LOC/PROC | Location or Process Name to use as the starting reference point for time calculation. |
MINS | The minimum amount of time, in minutes, required between the defined starting location or process and the current location/process where the command is being called. |
The command will use the last activity record for the specified location/process name as the starting point for time elapsed to the current location/process. If the specified location or process name does not exist, an "Invalid Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If the location/process defined is 4 or 5 characters and more than one location matches, the "Invalid Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If the location is validated, the active serial number at the data collection point is checked to see if activity exists for the specified location/process name. If the active serial number does not have an activity record for the defined location/process, a "No Activity at Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If any of these errors is returned, it is followed by RLSE. If activity exists, the elapsed amount of time between the two points is calculated and compared to the minimum amount of time specified in the command string, in minutes. If the minimum amount of time has not yet been reached, the command displays the "Due In: nnn Minutes", where nnn is the amount of time remaining to meet the requirement. The RLSE command is then sent. If the calculated amount of time exceeds the defined minimum, the "Menu Selection" prompt is displayed.
Check Time Expired (CHKTIMEEXP2)
Checks the elapsed time since the last activity at the designated location/process. If no activity there, displays error ’No Activity at Loc/Proc’ and sends RLSE. If maximum time has elapsed, displays ’Time Expired’, records defect, and either returns to the MENU prompt or moves the unit to the moveloc. If not expired, returns to the MENU prompt. A comment is recorded in either case, showing the amount of time since most recent activity at the location/process.
Note that you can use a macro with $END to force the transaction to end.
At the "Serial Number?" prompt, scan a top level serial number. At the "Menu Selection" prompt, scan the CHKTIMEEXP2 command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
loc4/process | Location or Process Name to use as the starting reference point for time calculation. |
maxmins | The maximum amount of time, in minutes, allowed between the defined starting location or process and the current location/process where the command is being called. |
defcode | The defect code to log against the active serial number, if the time check is exceeded. |
moveloc | First 4 characters of the Move To location, where the unit is moved if maximum time has elapsed. |
The command will use the last activity record for the specified location/process name as the starting point for time elapsed to the current location/process. If the specified location or process name does not exist, an "Invalid Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If the location/process defined is 4 or 5 characters and more than one location matches, the "Invalid Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If the location is validated, the active serial number at the data collection point is checked to see if activity exists for the specified location/process name.
If the active serial number does not have an activity record for the defined location/process, a "No Activity at Loc/Proc" error is displayed. If activity exists, the elapsed amount of time between the two points is calculated and compared to the maximum amount of time specified in the command string, in minutes. If the maximum amount of time has not yet been reached, the command sends the END command, passing the unit to the next location/process defined in the SFDC route. If the calculated amount of time exceeds the defined maximum, the "TIME EXPIRED" message is display and the command will log a defect against the active serial, using the defined defect code. If the defined defect code does not exist, the Defcode Missing error is displayed. Upon adding the defect code to the active serial number, the MENU$END command string is then sent to SFDC, failing the active serial to the defined location in the SFDC route.
Any other error will trigger a RLSE command to be sent to SFDC.
Check Number of Hours since Process Start (TIMELIMIT)
Checks the number of hours passed since a unit started a process. If the unit has not exceeded the maximum time allowed, the command displays UNIT OK and returns to the Menu Selection prompt. If it has exceeded the maximum time, a defect code is recorded against the unit.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the TIMELIMIT command line, specifying the required parameters for process name, defect code, and maximum number of hours.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
process_name | The desired process location to check against. |
defcode | Defect code to record if the unit exceeded the maximum time at the specified location. |
hours | The maximum time allowed at the specified location. |
The command operates on the previously scanned serial number. If the serial number is not available for processing, the command displays APP ERROR 1.
If the serial number is available and valid, the command checks the parameters on the command line. The following errors may occur:
Error Message | Description |
MISSING PROCESS | The process_name parameter is blank. The unit is released. |
MISSING DEFCODE | The defcode parameter is blank. The unit is released. |
MISSING HOURS | The hours parameter is blank. The unit is released. |
BAD HOUR PARAM | The hours parameter is not an integer value of 1 or greater. The unit is released. |
AMBIGUOUS DEFCODE | The defcode parameter is ambiguous and cannot be used for processing. The unit is released. |
The defcode parameter specifies a defect code that cannot be found. The unit is released. |
If no errors have occurred, the command looks for the earliest activity recorded for the unit at any location currently tied to the specified process (process_name). If the unit has never been scanned at the specified process, the command displays NOT IN PROCESS and releases the unit. Otherwise, the command calculates the elapsed time for the unit at this location. If the elapsed time is greater than the maximum time set by the hours parameter, the command records the specified defect code against the unit and ends.
If the unit has not exceeded the maximum time allowed, the command displays UNIT OK and returns to the Menu Selection prompt.
Time Stamp (TIMESTMP)
Outputs a time stamp to a serial printer. The command line provides, as an input parameter, the number of lines in the label (default is 4). This command can be run from either the Serial Number prompt (!!2) or the Menu Selection prompt (!!1). The output format is HH:MM:SS.
At the Serial Number prompt, scan the !!2 TIMESTMP command line. The command then prompts for a serial number.
At the Menu Selection prompt, scan the !!1 TIMESTMP command line. The command processes based on the previously scanned serial number.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
#lines |
Number of lines in the label (default is 4). |
If no #lines parameter is provided in the command line, the command defaults to 4 lines. The first line of the printout is the serial number. The time stamp prints in the format HH:MM:SS.
User-Defined Field Commands
Check User-Defined (CHKUD)
The purpose of CHKUD is to locate next-level, tracked components (of a scanned serial) which do NOT have User Defined values that MATCH the User Defined value of the scanned serial. Components that do not match are removed from the scanned serial.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the CHKUD command line with the reference designator parameter.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
Ref-des-1, ref-des-2, ... | Reference designator. |
When CHKUD is run without any parameters, all next-level, tracked
components are checked for an invalid User Defined value.
When CHKUD is run with one or more reference designator parameters, only
those next-level, tracked components that have one of the reference
designators are checked for an invalid User Defined value.
When CHKUD is run with the "NOT" parameter, then only those next-level,
tracked components that do NOT have one of the reference designators are
checked for an invalid User Defined value. Note that the "NOT" parameter,
when used, must be the first parameter.
If ANY components are removed from the scanned serial, then an error
message is sent to the data collector and the unit serial is RELEASED; the
unit serial does NOT move to the next location.
If NO components are removed from the scanned serial, then the "Menu
Selection?" prompt is displayed on the data collector; the unit serial is
NOT released.
A comment is recorded in the database, indicating that the CHKUD command
was run and listing any parameters that were entered. The comment will
read either (1) "Ran CHKUD for xxxx[,yyyy]...", where "xxxx[,yyyy]..." are
the parameters that were entered with the command; or (2) "Ran CHKUD for
all", when there were no parameters.
Note that CHKUD will check for valid User Defined values only for the next
lower level. It does not check beyond the first level down.
where ALL next-level, tracked components are checked for an invalid
User Defined value.
!!1CHKUD.SCAN 5472350.SCAN 2nd 5472350
where ONLY next-level, tracked components with reference designators of
"SCAN 5472350" & "SCAN 2nd 5472350" are checked for an invalid User
Defined value.
!!1CHKUD.NOT.SCAN 5472350.SCAN 2nd 5472350
where all next-level, tracked components--EXCEPT those with reference
designators of "SCAN 5472350" & "SCAN 2nd 5472350"--are checked for an
invalid User Defined value.
Work-In-Process (WIP) Commands
Back to Work-In-Process (BACK2WIP2)
Restores a unit to work-in-process location where it had previously been moved to a non-wip location at status 28, 29 or 30. The command uses the currws parameters to specify the first 4 characters of locations where the unit is expected to be. This command will restore units moved to non-wip location by most methods, even from console. The optional anypc parameter allows the currws parameters to be on another SFDC PC. It works like this: If the last parameter passed is "1", then the anypc capability is enabled, otherwise all currws parameters must be on the scanning SFDC PC. NOTE: This command cannot restore units moved via the SFDC PC console.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the BACK2WIP2command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
currws1, currws2, currws3, currws4 | The first 4 characters of the location where the unit is expected to be. |
anypc (optional) |
Pass "1" to override the check that the command is scanned on the same PC that the unit was moved from. |
The command prompts for Unit S/N. This is the unit being moved.
If the scan location is not available, an App Err 1 message displays. If valid, the command looks for the finished status location and checks to see if it matches the currws parameter. If the location is not a match, an Invalid loc message displays.
Next the command checks the serial number to make sure it is valid and available. If it is ambiguous, the Duplicate Serial Number Found message displays. If it is not available, the command displays SN not found. The serial number must also be at status 30. If it is not status 30, a Status 30 rqrd message displays.
If the scanned location is not the same as the specified location, the command displays SN not at currws.
The command requires that the last activity be a manual move to a passed location. If the activity location was a manual move from a console, the command displays an Activity Error.
If the activity location is valid, the command checks to see if the serial number is available. If not, the message Ser rec locked displays.
Otherwise, the command processes the move request, sending the unit back to Work-In-Process.
Touch Unit (TOUCH_UNIT)
Marks a group of units so they will NOT be cleaned up by the clean-up-wip process. The command prompts for serial numbers. If the unit is Work-In-Process, a comment is created in the unit history and the record is updated with the current date and time.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the TOUCH_UNIT command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
The command prompts S/N to Touch. When a serial number is scanned, the command checks to see if it is available. If not available, a S/N NOT FOUND message displays.
The command verifies that the serial number status is not less than 20 or greater than 29. If the status is invalid, a error message displays with the invalid status value.
Next the command tries to lock the serial number for processing. If the serial number is already locked or unavailable, the SERIAL IS LOCKED message displays.
If the serial number is valid and available, the command creates a comment in the unit history and updates the serial number record with the current date and time. The unit is not moved. When complete the command prompts for the next serial number to touch.
If END is scanned at the serial number prompt, the command terminates.
Undo Kill (UNKILL)
Restores a killed or scrapped unit to wip. First parameter (unit_loc) is the location where unit must be. Second parameter (move_to_loc) is the wip location to move the unit to, which must be on the same line as the scan location. Note: The command expects the first 4 characters of the location name for the parameters.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the UNKILL command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
unit_loc | Location to find the status 50 serial number. |
move_to_loc | Destination location to place the serial number. Location must be on the same line as the scanning location. |
The command checks the parameters, and expects the first 4 characters to be valid for a location. The message INVAL LOC1 orINVAL LOC2 if the location cannot be matched. The message Not Stat 20 is displayed if the MoveToLoc is not status 20. The command prompts Unit S/N? The command checks the entered serial number. The message SN Not Found is displayed if bad serial. Additional messages are SN Not Killed or Scrapped if unit not at status 50 or 55. COPS SN if it is a cops unit (module_select 3). SN Loc Not XXXX if serial is not at the correct location. If successful, the command creates a ’Unkilled’ comment record in the unit history.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the XFERSN-OLDDB command line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
sn | Requested serial number |
The command prompts "Unit S/N?" for a serial from ’old’ db. Used when new db created for existing production, when returned serials must be transferred from old db via moveWipxxxxx program. Command first verifies that the unit does not already exist in the serial or catalog table.
The following errors or messages can be displayed depending upon the situation.
No Project Rec
Serial Exists
Xfer Prev Rqstd
Catalog Exists
Dir Not Exist
Rqst Old Restore
Obsolete Commands
Back to Work-In-Process (BACK2WIP)
Restores a unit to work-in-process location where it had previously been before last pass/move activity. The move could have been a manual move from a data collector or a bulk move by a program. The command uses the currws parameter to specify the first 4 characters where the unit is expected to be. NOTE: This command cannot restore units moved from the SFDC PC.
At a Serial Number prompt, scan the BACK2WIPcommand line.
Command format:
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
currws | The first 4 characters of the location where the unit is expected to be. |
sn | Unit serial number scanned at prompt. |
The command prompts for Unit S/N. This is the unit being moved.
If the scan location is not available, an App Err 1 message displays. If valid, the command looks for the finished status location and checks to see if it matches the currws parameter. If the location is not a match, an Invalid loc message displays.
If the currws location is not a status 30 location, the Loc stat 30 error message displays.
Next the command checks the serial number to make sure it is valid and available. If it is ambiguous, the Duplicate Serial Number Found message displays. If it is not available, the command displays SN not found. The serial number must also be at status 30. If it is not status 30, a Status 30 rqrd message displays.
If the unit’s current location is not the same as the specified location, the command displays SN not at currws.
The command requires that the last activity be a manual move to the passed location. But if the activity was a manual move from a console, the command displays the error ’DC Move Rqrd’.
If the activity location is valid, the command checks to see if the serial number is available. If not, the message Ser rec locked displays.
Otherwise, the command processes the move request, sending the unit back to the previous WIP location.
Send Serial Number (SERNUM)
Sends the serial number, followed by a return and line feed characters, to the selected output.
At a Menu Selection prompt, scan the SERNUM command line, specifying parameters as needed. See the example formats below.
Command formats:
!!1SERNUM | (use if output through a data collector) | |||
!!1SERNUM.0.queuename | (use if output through queue) | |||
!!1SERNUM.0.FILE | (use if output to file sernum.dbg) |
Parameters | Description |
ser_num | Serial number character string. |
prtkey | Part key. |
lockey | Location key. |
lf_flag | Not used. Part of import. |
prt_que | Print queue. If file or filex, output will be to a file named sernum.dbg. If this parameter is not specified, output defaults to the data collector RS232 port. If a valid queue name is provided, output is to the specified print queue. |
The command checks to see if the print queue specified by the prt_que parameter is valid. If invalid, the command displays a message on the data collector and ends.
If the print queue parameter is not specified, the command defaults the output through the data collector and ends.
If the print queue parameter specified a file, the command output the data to the specifiedfile and ends.
If the print queue parameter specified a print queue, the command outputs the data to the specified queue and ends.
Document Revision History
Date | Author | Title | Version | Change Reference |
10/28/10 | Keith Fuqua | v 1.0 | Document Creation. | |
09/16/14 | Ashley Martin | Technical Writer | v 1.0 | Revision. |
06/15/17 | Martha Jordan | Technical Writer | v 1.0 | Revision. |
06/19/17 | Martha Jordan | Technical Writer | v 1.0 | 3 Code Revisions. |
07/20/2017 | Lucas Hopkins | Technical Writer | v 1.0 | Deleted duplicate content and added new terms. |
06/05/2018 | Martha Jordan | Technical Writer | v 1.0 | Removed commands: addcmnttop, addmacid2, chgidalg2, chgpnpfx, chgstat20to28, chkcmpeq, chkcmpid, chkcmpnt, chkcoa, chkfrom, chkprocfailq, dumpcntnr5, dupchk2, dupchk3, dupchkall, frank3, frank4, genadcmp2, genser2, htbrdchk2, htbrdchk2e, htbrdchke,htsetud, newcpq7, p13cmd1, p22cmd01, parentsnscan, pulllist4, rptcntnr, sendserialfile, sitbatch, timelimit, unitmac. |