SOP-5-I-42Q-MES0102-C SShutle

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42Q Home >Tools > Sshuttle
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Version MES15.3.3 Portal 1.0
Work Instruction 

This Work Instruction is 42Q's corporate standard.
This document is under revision control. The latest revision is located on Intranet.
Once printed it is an uncontrolled copy. All alterations to this work instruction require approval.
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This edition applies to 42Q and all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new revisions.


sshuttle - a transparent proxy-based VPN using ssh


sshuttle [options...] [-r [username@]sshserver[:port]] <subnets...>


sshuttle allows you to create a VPN connection from your machine to any
remote server that you can connect to via ssh, as long as that server
has python 2.3 or higher.

To work, you must have root access on the local machine, but you can
have a normal account on the server.

It's valid to run sshuttle more than once simultaneously on a single
client machine, connecting to a different server every time, so you can
be on more than one VPN at once.

If run on a router, sshuttle can forward traffic for your entire subnet
to the VPN.


a list of subnets to route over the VPN, in the form
a.b.c.d[/width]. Valid examples are (a single IP
address), (equivalent to, (a
24-bit subnet, ie. with a netmask), and 0/0
(`just route everything through the VPN').

-l, --listen=[ip:]port
use this ip address and port number as the transparent proxy
port. By default sshuttle finds an available port
automatically, so you don't need to override it.

-H, --auto-hosts
scan for remote hostnames and update the local /etc/hosts file
with matching entries for as long as the VPN is open. This is
nicer than changing your system's DNS (/etc/resolv.conf)
settings, for several reasons. First, hostnames are added
without domain names attached, so you can ssh thatserver without
worrying if your local domain matches the remote one. Second,
if you sshuttle into more than one VPN at a time, it's
impossible to use more than one DNS server at once anyway, but
sshuttle correctly merges /etc/hosts entries between all running
copies. Third, if you're only routing a few subnets over the
VPN, you probably would prefer to keep using your local DNS
server for everything else.

-N, --auto-nets
in addition to the subnets provided on the command line, ask the
server which subnets it thinks we should route, and route those
automatically. The suggestions are taken automatically from the
server's routing table.

specify the name/path of the remote python interpreter. The
default is just python, which means to use the default python
interpreter on the remote system's PATH.

-r, --remote=[username@]sshserver[:port]
the remote hostname and optional username and ssh port number to
use for connecting to the remote server. For example,,,, or

-x, --exclude=subnet
explicitly exclude this subnet from forwarding. The format of
this option is the same as the <subnets> option. To exclude
more than one subnet, specify the -x option more than once. You
can say something like 0/0 -x to forward everything
except the local subnet over the VPN, for example.

-v, --verbose
print more information about the session. This option can be
used more than once for increased verbosity. By default,
sshuttle prints only error messages.

-e, --ssh-cmd
the command to use to connect to the remote server. The default
is just ssh. Use this if your ssh client is in a non-standard
location or you want to provide extra options to the ssh
command, for example, -e 'ssh -v'.

a comma-separated list of hostnames to use to initialize the
--auto-hosts scan algorithm. --auto-hosts does things like poll
local SMB servers for lists of local hostnames, but can speed
things up if you use this option to give it a few names to start

(internal use only) run the sshuttle server on stdin/stdout.
This is what the client runs on the remote end.

(internal use only) run the firewall manager. This is the only
part of sshuttle that must run as root. If you start sshuttle
as a non-root user, it will automatically run sudo or su to
start the firewall manager, but the core of sshuttle still runs
as a normal user.

(internal use only) run the hostwatch daemon. This process runs
on the server side and collects hostnames for the --auto-hosts
option. Using this option by itself makes it a lot easier to
debug and test the --auto-hosts feature.

Sanmina Additions :

Note: IPv6 and IPv4 is supported for all communication

unable to currently use until two(2) kernel fixes are
1) IPv4 destination host and port must become the original
destination and host and port in the UDP header instead of
the host and port of the target redirect in the iptables
netfilter code.
2) IPv6 recvmsg() needs to provide a destination port as well
as that listed in #1 above.

This flag would function similarly to the tcp flags(“l” or
“--listen”) for the basic tcp setup. Can be used multiple times. <br>

route to the host and port on server side :
--udp-c 4000,,4000
[client-side listener port#, target ip, target
defaults to tcp (-l) listener ip
[client-side listener ip, listener port#, target ip,
target port#]

Max useful data payload is 65507 bytes. IPv4 protocol is 65,507
bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP header − 20 byte IP header).
Identical for IPv6 as extended packet sizes up to 4Gbyte – 1
byte is not currently supported. <br>

route to the host and port on client side:
--udp-s 4000,,4000
[server-side listener port#, target ip, target
defaults to tcp (-l) listener ip
[server-side listener ip, server-side listener
port#, target ip, target port#]

Max useful data payload is 65507 bytes. IPv4 protocol is 65,507
bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP header − 20 byte IP header).
Identical for IPv6 as extended packet sizes up to 4Gbyte – 1
byte is not currently supported. <br>

route to the host and port on the server side which is
designated in the packet:
--udp-c 4000
[client-side listener port#, target ip, target
defaults to tcp (-l) listener ip
[client-side listener ip, listener port#, target

packet design :


for which the first byte specifies the delimiter and any
content after the third(3rd) delimiter is raw packet data.

Max useful data payload is (65507 – size of ip/port/delimiter)
bytes. IPv4 protocol is 65,507 bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP
header − 20 byte IP header). Identical for IPv6 as extended
packet sizes up to (4Gbyte – 1) bytes is not currently
supported. <br>

route to the host and port on the client side which is
designated in the packet:
--udp-c 4000
[client-side listener port#, target ip, target
defaults to tcp (-l) listener ip
[client-side listener ip, listener port#, target

packet design :


for which the first byte specifies the delimiter and any
content after the third(3rd) delimiter is raw packet data.

Max useful data payload is (65507 – size of ip/port/delimiter)
bytes. IPv4 protocol is 65,507 bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP
header − 20 byte IP header). Identical for IPv6 as extended
packet sizes up to (4Gbyte – 1) bytes is not currently


Test locally by proxying all local connections, without using ssh:

$ sshuttle -v 0/0

Starting sshuttle proxy.
Listening on ('', 12300).
[local sudo] Password:
firewall manager ready.
c : connecting to server...
s: available routes:
c : connected.
firewall manager: starting transproxy.
c : Accept: '':50035 -> '':139.
c : Accept: '':47523 -> '':443.
firewall manager: undoing changes.
c : Keyboard interrupt: exiting.
c : SW#8: deleting
c : SW#6: deleting

Test connection to a remote server, with automatic hostname and subnet

$ sshuttle -vNHr

Starting sshuttle proxy.
Listening on ('', 12300).
firewall manager ready.
c : connecting to server...
s: available routes:
c : connected.
c : seed_hosts: []
firewall manager: starting transproxy.
hostwatch: Found: testbox1:
hostwatch: Found: mytest2:
hostwatch: Found: domaincontroller:
c : Accept: '':60554 -> '':22.
firewall manager: undoing changes.
c : Keyboard interrupt: exiting.
c : SW#6: deleting


When it starts, sshuttle creates an ssh session to the server specified
by the -r option. If -r is omitted, it will start both its client and
server locally, which is sometimes useful for testing.

After connecting to the remote server, sshuttle uploads its (python)
source code to the remote end and executes it there. Thus, you don't
need to install sshuttle on the remote server, and there are never
sshuttle version conflicts between client and server.

Unlike most VPNs, sshuttle forwards sessions, not packets. That is, it
uses kernel transparent proxying (iptables REDIRECT rules on Linux, or
ipfw fwd rules on BSD) to capture outgoing TCP sessions, then creates
entirely separate TCP sessions out to the original destination at the
other end of the tunnel.

Packet-level forwarding (eg. using the tun/tap devices on Linux) seems
elegant at first, but it results in several problems, notably the `tcp
over tcp' problem. The tcp protocol depends fundamentally on packets
being dropped in order to implement its congestion control agorithm; if
you pass tcp packets through a tcp-based tunnel (such as ssh), the
inner tcp packets will never be dropped, and so the inner tcp stream's
congestion control will be completely broken, and performance will be
terrible. Thus, packet-based VPNs (such as IPsec and openvpn) cannot
use tcp-based encrypted streams like ssh or ssl, and have to implement
their own encryption from scratch, which is very complex and error

sshuttle's simplicity comes from the fact that it can safely use the
existing ssh encrypted tunnel without incurring a performance penalty.
It does this by letting the client-side kernel manage the incoming tcp
stream, and the server-side kernel manage the outgoing tcp stream;
there is no need for congestion control to be shared between the two
separate streams, so a tcp-based tunnel is fine.


ssh(1), python(1)


Avery Pennarun <>.

Scenario #1

Scenario 1 image.JPG

1) Install the sshuttle executeable on client (usually cloud system) in the /root/sshuttle directory. The sshuttle executeable must be executed as superuser (or root) to update the local linux kernel iptables.

2) Install the sshuttle executeable on the server (usually the customer system) in the /home/(user to login as)/sshuttle directory.

3) Setup client bash script as:

exec /home/(user to login as)/sshuttle/sshuttle $@

4) Initialize sshuttle executeable from client side as:

/root/sshuttle/sshuttle -l -r root@localhost:9010 10.90.10 -vvv -D --pidfile /root/


a) The following reverse ssh command below is executed to allow sshuttle to connect to the customer server using the “-r root@localhost:9010” port forward request to root@ user at ip address above in #4.

su -s /bin/sh root -c 'autossh -M 0 -q -f -N -o "ServerAliveInterval 60" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3"
-R 9010:localhost:22 root@'

b) The command in #4 above runs on all 3 servers but a single server address, for which the command is running, could be used.

Online Ubuntu(sshuttle manpage)

The following instructions are valid for any flavor of linux.