SOP-42Q-MES0054 Shop Floor Report

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42Q Home > Reporting > Shop Floor Report

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Shop Floor Report
Version MES15 Portal 1.0
Work Instruction

This Work Instruction is 42Q's corporate standard.
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This edition applies to MES 15 Portal1.0 and all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new revisions.


Cirrus Reporting provides users with variety of ways of viewing production performance and status. Several output types are available for each report so that users receive data in a way that is most convenient for their needs. Reporting is comprised of the Shop Floor reports (i.e., Defect Codes, Serial Number, Work in Progress, Current Yield/Defects, Historical Yields/Defects and Audit Report), Part Traceability reports, and the MES Report Generator.)

The report modules and portlets can be accessed by navigating to Reporting in the MES Portal.

Figure 1: MES Portal - Reporting

File:SOP-5-I-MES0054-C RA1 MES Portal Reporting.jpg

Shop Floor Reports

The present SOP covers the Shop Floor reports. The Part Traceability Reports and MES Report Generator are covered in separate SOPs. Follow the instructions below to access the respective reports.

Defect Codes Report

The Defect Codes page under Reporting can be used to view defects by code and description. To view this report,
1. Navigate to the Defect Codes page (Reporting > Defect Codes).
2. Under Defect Codes, enter the Shop Floor ID in the respective field. There is also the option to enter a specific defect code into the Defect Code field.
3. Select Go. The report results should now be displayed.

Figure 2: Defect Codes Report Page

Figure 2 Defect Codes Report.jpg

Serial Number Report

The Serial Number report page can be used to export data into an XLS file, provided the user knows the shop floor ID and workstation or product of the given work space. To use the Serial Number page, follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the Serial Number page (Reporting > Serial Number).
2. Enter the Station ID from the drop-down box, and specify workstation and product.
3. Select an item by double clicking the item inside the search results. Otherwise, enter the serial number of an item into the Serial Number field.
4. Click Export Report.
5. Select All Pages, Current Page, or select Pages.

The Modify portlet can be used by administrator and administrator-authorized users to perform actions against units. The interface changes depending on what is displayed in the serial number portlet. Users must key in information into the fields as required. Below is a list of these functions and the actions they perform:

Modify - Serial Number List Tab:

  • Move a range of units: Move units from a given location to another location.
  • Add MEO to a range of units: Attaches a Manufacturing Engineering Order number to the units at their current locations.
  • Post a comment to a range of units: Posts comments to selected units.

Figure 3: Serial Number Report Page - Serial Number List

Figure 3 Serial Number.jpg

Modify - Serial Number History Tab:
Move Unit: Moves the select unit from one location to another.
Add MEO: Attaches a Manufacturing Engineering Order number to the unit at its current locations.
Add Comment to Unit: Posts comments to a given unit.
Change Unit Serial Number: Allows user to change the serial number of the selected unit.
Change Unit Product Number: Allows user to change to product number of the selected unit.

Figure 4: Serial Number Report - Serial Number History

Figure 4 Serial Number Report Page - Serial Number History.jpg

Work in Progress Report

The Work in Progress page can be used to export data into an XLS file, provided the user knows the shop floor ID and product of the given work space. To use the Serial Number page, follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the Work in Progress page (Reporting > Work in Progress).
2. Select Shop Floor ID from the respective drop-down box.
3. Select Product from the respective drop-down box.
4. Click Export Report. This will generate an XLS report that shows Workstation, Units, and Product information.

Figure 5: Work in Progress Report

Figure 5 Work in Progress.jpg

Current Yield/Defects Report

The Current Yield/Defects page can be used to generate a report by exporting data into an XLS file, provided the user knows the shop floor ID and product of the given work space. To view the Current Yield/Defects page, follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the Current Yield/Defects page (Reporting > Current Yield/Defects).
2. Select the Current Yield or Current Defects tab.
3. Select the Shop Floor ID from the respective down-down box.
4. Select Product from the respective drop-down box.
5. Create a report of the generated results by clicking Export Report.
6. In the Export Excel pop-up window select whether to generate a report containing All Pages, Current Page (i.e., the page currently displayed in your web browser), or a customized range of Pages.
7. Click Export Report to generate and download the report.

Figure 6: Current Yield/Defects Report - Current Yield

Figure 6 Current Yield Defects Report - Current Yield.jpg

Figure 7: Current Yield/Defects Report - Current Defects

Figure 7 Current Yield Defects - Current Defects.jpg

Historical Yield/Defects Report

The Historical Yield/Defects function can be used to generate a report by exporting data into an XLS file, provided the user knows the shop floor ID and product of the given work space. To view the Historical Yield/Defects report, follow the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the Current Yield/Defects report page (Reporting > Historical Yield/Defects).
2. Select the History Yield or History Defects tab at the top of the page.
3. Select the Shop Floor ID from the respective down-down box.
4. Select Product from the respective drop-down box.
5. Create a report of the generated results by clicking Export Report.
6. In the Export Excel pop-up window select whether to generate a report containing All Pages, Current Page (i.e., the page currently displayed in your web browser), or a customized range of Pages.
7. Click Export Report to generate and download the report.

Figure 8: Historical Yield/Defects Report - History Yield

Figure 8 Historical Yield-Defects Report - Yield.jpg

Figure 9: Historical Yield/Defects Report - History Defects

Figure 9 Historical Yield-Defects Report - Defects.jpg

Audit Report Report

The Audit Report can be used to review such information as Transaction ID, Database, Table, Operation, Date/Time, Application, User, IP Address. To generate this report,
1. Navigate to the Audit Report page (Reporting > Audit Report).
2. Enter Start Date and End Date in their respective fields.

Figure 10: Audit Report
Figure 10 Audit Report.jpg

3. Select the database from the Database dropdown menu.
4. Select the table to view from the Table dropdown menu. Now all required fields are complete.
5. If preferred, specify any further information using the other fields provided.
6. Audit Report information should now be displayed.

Date Author Title Version Change Reference
22/01/14 Dane Parker Technical Writer v 1.0 Creation of wiki document.
26/03/14 Dane Parker Technical Writer v 1.0 Edited and content added