42Q-MES0168 NetSuite Adapter

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42Q Home > Tools > NetSuite Adapter




NetSuite Adapter
  Version MES15.74
Revision F1




The NetSuite Adapter is a middleware software that has been developed for customers to seamlessly integrate their NetSuite systems with 42Q. This adapter can be installed to the customer’s NetSuite system in order to allow NetSuite users to monitor and iterate with 42Q.


The below diagram explains the capabilities provided by these NetSuite Adapters:


Figure 1: NetSuite Diagram

NA NetSuite Diagram.png    


To begin, users must configure the Global and Plant setups:

  1. Go to: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form.


Figure 2: Accessing to 42Q Interface Setup form

NA Accessing to 42Q Interface Setup form.png


  1. Add the setups manually or import them using the Import Config Files button.

Note: To be able to import the files, the config file should exist in the file cabinet.


  1. Define Global setups on the top header.


Figure 3: Defining Global Setups

NA Defining Global Setups.png


Note: The 42Q USER NAME and 42Q PASSWORD will be provided by the 42Q team.


  1. Select the 42Q Plant Setup tab to define NetSuite-42Q configuration by specific location.


Figure 4: 42Q Plant Setup Tab

NA 42Q Plant Setup Tab.png


The information below corresponds to the 42Q Plant Setup Tab fields name and its description :

LOCATION: Netsuite Location in the subsidiary.
ORG CODE42Q ORG ID: Organization code set to link with 42Q.
CUSTOMER CODE: Customer code set to link with 42Q.
NOTIFICATION TO EMAILID: Not a required field
JOB TYPE: Field required for work order creation
JOB CLASS: Field required for work order creation
ASSY REVISION: Field required for work order creation
ASSY REVISION DESC: Field required for work order creation
ROUTING REVISION: Field required for work order creation
SCHEDULE FLAG: Field required for work order creation
AVAILABLE 24HRS FLAG: Field required for work order creation
SCHEDULE PRIORITY: Define from which field to pick the order priority.
ASSIGNED UNITS: Field required for work order creation
ADVANCE BOM: Advance BOM is enabled or disabled for this location.
OVERCOMPLETION PERCENTAGE: Overcompletion percentage for the plant.
DEFAULT BIN: Default global bin for the plant.
SHOW PHANTOM: Send phantom in the BOM.
ONLINECALL ROUTING COMPONENTS: Trigger online call for routing and component changes.
ONLINECALL STATUS COMPLETE: Trigger online call for complete status change.
LARGE ORDER ITEM LIMIT: Define the large BOM order limit.


  1. Select the 42Q Custom Attribute Setup tab to define the mapping of custom attributes from NetSuite with 42Q attribute names. Users need to use the attribute ID from NetSuite in the FIELD_NAME and give the attribute name they want to see on the 42Q side in the FORTY2Q_NAME field.


Figure 5: 42Q Custom Attribute Setup Tab

NA 42Q Custom Attribute Setup Tab.png


  1. Select the 42Q Multiplier Setup tab if customers are using a different unit of measures other than each, like thousands or ten thousand. To send the correct work order quantity, users must set up a unit and multiplier for it, so the work order quantity is converted based on the multiplier and sent to 42Q individually. 
  2. Select Save to save all changes.


Figure 6: 42Q Multiplier Setup Tab

NA 42Q Multiplier Setup Tab.png

  1. Select Add File and choose the configuration file.


Figure 7: Add a File for Import

NA Add a File for Import.png



Assembly Item / Product Setup


  1. On the search bar, enter the product for product setup 42Q-MUG.
  2. A list will be displayed, choose the options that say 42Q-MUG, and next to it, click Edit.


Figure 8: Assembly/Bill of Materials: 42Q-MUG

NA Assembly-Bill of Materials- 42Q-MUG.png  


  1. Change the value of CUSTOM FORM to Standard Group Item Form so you can see a new tab at the bottom.
  2. Scroll all the way down, click on the 42Q tab and make sure the option RELEASED TO 42Q is  checked.
  3. In the option WORK ORDER EXTRACTS * select one of the following options:
  • Default: Select this option if you want to send WO Header, WO Route or Flex field.
  • System build: Select this option if you want to send WO Header, WO Route or BOM Item.
  1. Click on the Save button.


Figure 9: 42Q Tab

NA 42Q Tab.png






Create a Work Order


  1. On the menu bar, go to: Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders.
  2. Change the value of CUSTOM FORM * to Job Creation Job Order.
  3. A new window will appear, change the value of SUBSIDIARY * to Honeycomb Mfg.
  4. Then in the LOCATION field, select 01 San Francisco.
  5. Change the value of the ASSEMBLY field to 42Q-MUG (the item with 42Q setup in Assembly Item / Product Setup section).
  6. In the field ORDER #, enter the order number.
  7. If you want to send the route’s information which is your operation sequences to 42Q, then check the WIP box (the MANUFACTURING ROUTING option will be selected automatically).
  8. Click the Save button.


Figure 10: Filling out Work Order Data

NA Filling out Work Order Data.png


Work Order Priority:

Work Order Priorities can be defined within: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup > Schulde Priority field.
‘SCHEDULE_PRIORITY’:‘CUSTOM’ will use the custbody_cust_priority custom NetSuite field to send the order priority to 42Q in the SCHEDULE_PRIORITY XML tag.

Users can send these other fields as well in the ‘schedule_priority’ field:

  • Customer - customer priority
  • Location - location priority


Figure 11: Work Order Priority Value

NA Work Order Priority Value.png


Figure 12: Schedule Priority Value

NA Schedule Priority Value.png


Large BOM Work Order:
Work Orders with Large BOM quantities (greater than 50) can be sent to 42Q through the 42Q NetSuite adapter as scheduled Work Orders. Scheduled scripts are set to run every 15 minutes by default. If a plant has a large BOM order, enable the setting by configuring "LARGE_ORDER_ITEM_LIMIT":"50" within: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup.


Figure 13: Large BOM Work Order Example

Large BOM Work Order Example.png




Figure 14: Warning Message

NA Warning Message.png

Note: A warning is displayed when a Large BOM order is released.


Mass Create Work Order:
To mass create a Work Orders, navigate to: Transactions > Manufacturing > Mass Create Work Orders.
Work orders are generated when the assembly backorder quantities are equal and greater than to build point. After reaching the build point, a work order is added in the Mass Create Work Orders queue. After submitting the record, the work order is automatically generated.

Figure 15: Recorder Point Items Tab

NA Recorder Point Items Tab.png


Figure 16: Process Status Form

NA Process Status Form.png



Figure 17: Processed Items Form

NA Processed Items Form.png



Figure 18: Created Work Order

NA Created Work Order.png

Note: The Work Orders are created in Planned status. Example: Product: 42Q-MUGTH.


Next, users must release the Work Order, so that 42Q receives the Work Order.


Figure 19: Released Work Order

NA Released Work Order.png


Figure 20: Work Order Received In 42Q

NA Work Order Received In 42Q.png


Mark Work Order Released:
To mark Work Orders as ‘Released’, navigate to: Transactions > Manufacturing > Mass Create Work Orders.
Mark Work Order form allows mass release of work orders which are in planned status. Mark work orders are sent to 42Q as part of a schedule script, which is set to run every 15 minutes by default.


Figure 21: 'Mark Work Order Released' Form Page In NetSuite

NA 'Mark Work Order Released' Form Page In NetSuite.png


Figure 22: 'Mark Work Order Released' Process Status Page (In Progress)

NA 'Mark Work Order Released' Process Status Page (In Progress).png



Figure 23: 'Mark Work Order Released' Process Status Page (Complete)

NA 'Mark Work Order Released' Process Status Page (Complete).png



Figure 24: Work Order Create and Ack Monitoring Screen

NA Work Order Create and Ack Monitoring Screen.png



Figure 25: Work Order Create and Ack Results Monitoring Screen

Work Order Create and Ack Results Monitoring Screen.png



Figure 26: Work Orders Successfully Received On 42Q

NA Work Orders Successfully Received On 42Q.png



Monitoring Work Order Updates

Update / Change

Users can update or change the information of a work order (e. g. change the quantity) by following the next steps:  

  1. On the menu bar, go to: 42Q Monitor Screen > Work Order Create and Ack > Monitor Screen.



  Figure 27: Work Order Monitor and Acknowledge Monitor Screen 

NA Work Order Monitor and Acknowledge Monitor Screen.png


  1. In the TRANSACTION NAME column, click on any work order.


Figure 28: Work Order Create and Ack Table

NA Work Order Create and Ack Table.png


  1. A new window will be displayed, click on Edit.
  2. Make any changes (e.g. QUANTITY).
  3. Click the Save button.

Figure 29: Edit Work Order    

NA Edit Work Order.png


  1. If users want to check if it was successfully updated, click on the Back button to return to Monitor Screen.



WIP Move Transactions

  Users can view Work Order WIP Move Transactions by following the next steps:  

  1. On the menu bar, go to: 42Q Monitor Screen > 42Q WIP Move Transactions > Monitor Screen.

Figure 30: 42Q WIP Move Transactions Monitor Screen

NA 42Q WIP Move Transactions Monitor Screen.png


  1. Click on any WORK ORDER NUMBER.


Figure 31: WIP Move Transactions Table

WIP Move Transactions Table.png


  1. A new window will be displayed, at the bottom, there is a menu bar, select the Netsuite-42Q Interface tab.
  2. Click on the WIP Move Transactions option.
  3. When you complete your orders in the 42Q system, click on the Close button.

Figure 32: WIP Move Transactions NetSuite 42Q Interface

NA WIP Move Transactions NetSuite 42Q Interface.png


Figure 33: Save WIP Move Transactions Changes

NA Save WIP Move Transactions Changes.png


  1. On the new window, click Save.


WIP Material Transactions

There are two types of Materials (BOM Components):

  1. PULL: Standard backflush items, which doesn’t require serial or lot type traceability.
    • Assembly Pull: Backflush happens on a unit completion.
    • Operation Pull: Backflush happens on completion of  corresponding Backflush Operation.
    • PUSH: It is generally referred for the items which require tracking, like lot numbered or serial numbered inventory items. 42Q sends Material issues for only Push types of materials.

    Material Issues are seen at the work order level under ‘WIP_Material Transactions’.


    Figure 34: WIP Material Transactions Tab

    NA WIP Material Transactions Tab.png

    Note: 42Q NetSuite interface supports over completion and under completion of BOM items.


    Lot type material consumption: 42Q sends material issues for lot type materials as well. You can setup components on 42Q with the following three types:

    1. Non Tracked with Quantity: This type of component item sends the lot number and the quantity consumed to NetSuite on material consumption. Lot doesn’t have to exist in the 42Q for consumption.
    2. Consume from NSB: This type of component item sends the lot number and the quantity consumed to NetSuite on material consumption. Lots and quantities to be consumed,  should exist in the 42Q.
    3. Non Serialized Batch: This type of component item only sends a lot number back to NetSuite on material consumption.

    Figure 35: Material Lot And Quantity Consumed On 42Q

    NA Material Lot And Quantity Consumed On 42Q.png


    Figure 36: Material Transaction Received on NetSuite

    Material Transaction Received on NetSuite.png


    The ‘Used in build’ quantity will be updated with the quantity received from 42Q.


    Figure 37: Used In Build Values

    NA Used In Build Values.png


    Under the related records of work order issue, the consumed quantity and lot number will be recorded.


    Figure 38: Recorded Quantity And Lot Number

    NA Recorded Quantity And Lot Number.png


    Note: For duplicated items if no or same operation sequences are assigned, the material issue happens for the first occurrence of material in BOM.


    Users can view Work Order WIP Material Transactions by following the next steps:  

    1. On the menu bar, go to: 42Q Monitor Screen > WIP Material Transactions > Monitor Screen.

    Figure 39: 42Q WIP Material Transactions Monitor Screen

    NA WIP Material Transactions Monitor Screen.png


    1. Click on any WORK ORDER.


    Figure 40: 42Q WIP Material Transactions Table

    NA 42Q WIP Material Transactions Table.png


    1. A new window will be displayed, at the bottom, there is a menu bar, select the Netsuite-42Q Interface tab.
    2. Click on the WIP Material Transactions option.
    3. When you complete your orders in the 42Q system, click on the Close button.

    Figure 41: WIP Material Transactions NetSuite 42Q Interface

    NA WIP Material Transactions NetSuite 42Q Interface.png


    1. On the new window, click Save.


    Figure 42: Save WIP Material Transactions Changes

    NA Save WIP Material Transactions Changes.png


    Phantom Items as Component Item (Bill of Material):
    To send phantom details in the component list to 42Q use the ‘SHOW_PHANTOM’ field in the: 42Q Global and Plant Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup tab > Show Phantom field.

    If the SHOW_PHANTOM is set as ‘YES’, the Phantom item and Phantom Child items details in the component list will be sent to 42Q.

    Figure 43: SHOW_PHANTOM Value Set To ‘YES’

    SHOW PHANTOM Value Set To ‘YES’.png




    Figure 44: Component List On 42Q

    NA Component List On 42Q.png

    If the SHOW_PHANTOM is set as ‘NO’, only the Phantom child item details in the component list will be sent to 42Q.

    The Phantom Item is not sent in the BOM, only the phantom child’s are sent:


    Figure 45: BOM Data Sent to 42Q

    BOM Data Sent to 42Q.png



    Routing Updates

    The updates supported under Routing from NetSuite to 42Q are the following:

    1. Edit an operation restricted to release status only: Operation name.
    2. Edit setup time.
    3. Edit run rate.
    4. Edit cost template (no update will be sent to 42Q).
    5. Edit manufacturing work center.
    6. Adding a new operation sequence.




    Key Value Pairs

    Key Value Pairs (Custom Attributes) allows users to send custom fields or native fields, which are not part of the standard adapter from ERP to 42Q.

    Key value pairs can be sent from the following 4 ERP levels: 

    1. Work Order (shop order)
    2. Work Order Assembly (shop order part number)
    3. BOM Item (shop order BOM component part)
    4. Work Order BOM Item (specific to work order)


    To send these custom attributes, users need to follow the next steps:

    1. Go to: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Custom Attribute Setup.
    2. Select Location for which the custom attribute should be sent with the work order created.
    3. Select an Attribute Level, and choose from the 4 levels defined.


    Figure 46: Choose an Attribute Level

    NA Choose an Attribute Level.png


    1. To perform the mapping of the custom attribute field, set FIELD_NAME = Field ID from NetSuite as in Figure 47.
    2. Set the 42Q generic field name called FORTY2Q_NAME =  Field name to be displayed on 42Q as in Figure 47.



    Figure 47: Custom Attributes Setup

    NA Custom Attributes Setup.png


    Note: If custom fields have multiple inputs, the adapter comma separates them and sends them to 42Q.


    Figure 48: Custom Tab

    NA Custom Tab.png


    Figure 49: Custom Data Sent to 42Q

    NA Custom Data Sent to 42Q.png


    Figure 50: Data Received By 42Q

    NA Data Received By 42Q.png



    Note: COMPONENT_PART_ATTRIBUTE and WO_BOM_ATRIBUTE attributes are not sent to 42Q when the BOM item list has more than 500 line items.

    Standard Cycle Time and Hands on Time



    Standard Cycle Time


    1. On the menu bar, go to: 42Q Monitor Screen > Work Order Create and Ack > Monitor Screen.
    2. Click on any work order from the column TRANSACTION NAME.
    3. Select the Operations tab.

    Two types of standard times are available:

    1. SETUP TIME (MIN) (Basis type is lot).
    2. RUN RATE (MIN/UNIT) also known as machine run time (Basis type is item).

      Figure 51: Work Order Operations

    NA Work Order Operations.png


    These standard times are saved in the SQC Configuration table and SOMS target table on the 42Q.

    If the standard baselines are not set for an operation or require an update, follow the next steps:  

    1. In the section Primary Information, users will see the MANUFACTURING ROUTING option, below that option, users will see the manufacturing routing that has been set up, click on it.
    2. Click on the Edit button.
    3. Add the standard baselines for each operation in the SETUP TIME (MIN) and RUN RATE (MIN/UNIT) columns.

    Figure 52: Manufacturing Routing Edition

    NA Manufacturing Routing Edition.png


    Hands on Time

    42Q records cycle time (hands on time) for each process. The cycle time recordings are sent to NetSuite with the WIP Move transaction. The hands-on time received from 42Q is saved in Machine run time and Labor run time for that operation under the work order completion record in the related records tab.

    If users navigate to: Documents > Files > File Cabinet > 42Q MES > WIP Move and Material Move XML, they will be able to see the WIP Move with the hands on time in seconds as seen in Figure 20.


    Figure 53: WIP Move and Material Move XML

    NA WIP Move and Material Move XML.png


    Work Order Completion records store the hands on time in minutes (default unit of measure for the time in NetSuite).

    In Figure 54, users can see an example of the previously mentioned.

    If users navigate to: 42Q Monitor Screen > WIP Move Transactions or WIP Material Transactions > Monitor Screen, click on any work order, click on the tab Related Records, click on any Work Order Completion date, they will be able to see the Machine Run Time and Labor Run Time as seen in Figure 54.

      Figure 54: Work Order Completion

    NA Work Order Completion.png  

    Note: If the standard is set only for setup time, then the actual hands-on time from 42Q will be stored in the set up time slots, that is, in the Machine Setup Time and Labor Setup Time.




    Bin Values from 42Q




    Material Consumption

    Material Consumption provides the ability to define Bin for Consumption.

    For materials that have Use Bins checked, under Inventory Management requires to provide the bin number on material consumption. Customers can get the material consumption quantity, lot, or serial number as well as the bin location from which the material is consumed from the 42Q system.

    Note: Enable material checkbox before ‘Built’ status changes by adding ‘BUILT_STATUS_VALIDATION=YES’ within the: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup.

    In order to do so, users must access Inventory Management, they must follow the next steps:  

    1. Enter 42Q-SHEET1 in the top search box and then click on the option that is going to appear below.


      Figure 55: Top Search Box

    NA Top Search Box.png 

    1. Click the Edit button
    2. Make sure the USE BINS checkbox has been marked.

    Figure 56: Inventory Management

    NA Inventory Management.png


    Users can define a bin for each location on 42Q, under location maintenance, in order to do so, follow the next steps:  

    1. Navigate to: Shop Floor Control > Configuration > Shop Floor Configuration > Location.
    2. Select one row.
    3. Click the Edit button.
    4. Update the information.
    5. Click the Save button.


      Figure 57: Updating Bin Information (Material Consumption)

    NA Updating Bin Information (Material Consumption).png


    The bin number stored in the location will be sent in the material issue transaction performed on that location as seen in Figure 58 and Figure 59.

    If users go to the WIP Move and Material Move XML page, they will be able to see the WIP Move with the hands on time in seconds as seen in Figure 53.


    Figure 58: WIP Move and Material Move Xml (Material Consumption)

    NA WIP Move and Material Move Xml (Material Consumption).png



    If users navigate to: 42Q Monitor Screen > WIP Move Transactions or WIP Material Transactions > Monitor Screen, click on any work order, click on the tab Related Records, click on any Work Order Issue date, then click on the Inventory Detail icon, they will be able to see the bin number as seen in Figure 59.


    Figure 59: Inventory Details (Material Consumption)

    NA Inventory Details (Material Consumption).png


    A global default bin is defined on NetSuite under mes_42Q_plant_setup.conf file, if a bin is not sent from 42Q that global bin is used to perform material issues.

    If users want to see the Default Bin Number as seen in Figure 55, they must navigate to: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup, click on the DEFAULT BIN field, then enter the bin value and save the form.


    Figure 60: Default Bin Number (Material Consumption)

    Default Bin Number (Material Consumption).png


    Note: If the Bin number does not exist on the ERP side users will get an error as seen in Figure 56. To fix this error users will have to manually either create the Bin in the system or do the material consumption.


    Figure 61: Bin Number Error Message

    NA Bin Number Error Message.png


    The priority that the adapter uses for pull item bin is:

    1. Pull bin sent from 42Q in the WIP Move.
    2. Pull bin sent from 42Q in the previous WIP Move stored in the custom field.
    3. Prefered / Available Bin of the item (native NetSuite default bin, currently only used on the first consumption of a part in a WO by NetSuite).
    4. Default bin in the 42Q Plant Setup form on 42Q adapter.



    Finished Goods

    Finished Goods provides the ability to define the Bin for Finished Goods completions.

    Once the Finished Goods are ready, they will be added to a bin. 42Q has the capability to send the bin location in the WIP Complete Transaction.

    Users can define a bin for each complete location on 42Q, under Location Maintenance, select the location and click the Edit button, then go to the Flex Field Form tab as in Figure 57.


    Figure 62: Updating Bin Information (Finished Goods)

    NA Updating Bin Information (Finished Goods).png



    The bin number stored in the location will be sent in the WIP Move Completion Transaction when a unit reaches that complete location as seen in Figure 58.


    Figure 63: WIP Move and Material Move Xml (Finished Goods)

    NA WIP Move and Material Move Xml (Finished Goods).png


    If users navigate to: 42Q Monitor Screen > WIP Move Transactions or WIP Material Transactions > Monitor Screen, click on any work order, click on the tab Related Records, click on any Work Order Completion date, then click on the Inventory Detail icon, they will be able to see the bin number as seen in Figure 59.


    Figure 64: Verifying Bin Information (Finished Goods) in NetSuite  

    NA Verifying Bin Information (Finished Goods) in NetSuite.png


    A global default bin is defined on NetSuite under mes_42Q_plant_setup.conf file, if a bin is not sent from 42Q that global bin is used.

    If users want to see the Default Bin Number as seen in Figure 55, they must navigate to: 42Q Setup & Monitoring > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup, click on the DEFAULT BIN field, then enter the bin value and save the form.Enter the bin value and save the form.


    Figure 65: Default Bin Number

    NA Default Bin Number.png 

    Note: If the Bin number does not exist on the ERP side users will get an error as seen in Figure 61. To fix this error users will have to manually either create the Bin in the system or do the material consumption.


    Figure 66: Bin Number Error Message

    NA Bin Number Error Message In WIP Move Transactions.png



    Work Order Over Completion

    42Q allows over the completion of Non-Serialized Batch type of Work Orders i.e an over completion for a lot of type order. For such orders over completion quantity (amount) or over completion percentage can be sent from NetSuite. 

    Users can define over completion percentage or amount at two levels:  

    1. Work order level: Over Completion amount/percentage can be set by each work order, under NetSuite-42Q Interface tab, there are two fields, one is Over Completion Percentage which sends the allowed over completion percentage for this work order to 42Q and the other is Over Completion Value which sends the allowed over completion amount for this work order to 42Q.

    Note: Over Completion Value has precedence over the Over Completion Percentage. To enable over completion, mark the 'ALLOW OVERAGE ON WORK ORDER TRANSACTIONS' checkbox under: Setup > Manufacturing > Manufacturing Preference.


    Figure 67: Enabling Over Completion

    NA Enabling Over Completion.png


    Figure 68: NetSuite-42Q Interface Tab

    NA NetSuite-42Q Interface Tab.png


    The over-completion value sent to 42Q is stored against the work order under generic attributes.

    If users want to see the Generic Attributes, they must follow the next steps:  

    1. Navigate to: Shop Floor Configuration > Production Control > Shop Order Browser.
    2. Search the shop order.
    3. Select the shop order.
    4. Click the Shop Order Information.
    5. Click the Display Generic Attributes.


    Figure 69: Shop Order Generic Attribute List

    NA Shop Order Generic Attribute List.png


    To perform the over completion on 42Q, please use the command Increase Non Serialized Batch Quantity.

    In Figure 64, users can see that in 42Q Production Workbench, a batch was scanned and then used the Increase Non-Serialized Batch Quantity command, to increase the batch quantity by 1500.


    Figure 70: Using Increase Non-Serialized Batch Quantity Command

    NA Using Increase Non Serialized Batch Quantity Command.png


    42Q doesn’t allow exceeding the over completion limit sent from NetSuite as users can see in Figure 71.


    Figure 71: Exceeding the Over Completion Limit Error

    NA Exceeding the Over Completion Limit Error.png



    When over completion happens on the 42Q side, it is sent in WIP Move XML:

    If users navigate to: Documents > Files > File Cabinet > 42Q MES > WIP Move and Material Move XML, they will be able to see the WIP Move with the over completion as seen in Figure 72.


    Figure 72: WIP Move and Material Move XML

    NA WIP Move and Material Move XML.png


    NetSuite Adapter checks the tolerance value and processes the WIP Move:


    Figure 73: WIP Move Processed

    NA WIP Move Processed.png


    1. Global level: A global over completion percentage or amount is defined on NetSuite under mes_42Q_plant_setup.conf file. If an over completion is not defined at the work order level the global value is sent to 42Q.

    If users want to see the Default Bin Number as seen in Figure 55, they must navigate to: 42Q Setup & Monitoring >42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Interface Setup Form > 42Q Plant Setup, click on the OVERCOMPLETION PERCENTAGE field, then enter the bin value and save the form.


    Figure 74: Global OverCompletion Percentage

    NA Global OverCompletion Percentage.png






    Ship Notify Process


    Figure 75: Ship Notify Process Diagram

    NA Ship Notify Process Diagram.png


    Once the user moves the unit from the COMPLETE location, the NetSuite Adapter will receive the completed serial numbers from 42Q. After that, whenever a sales order is fulfilled using that serial number, a ship notification transaction will be sent to 42Q, and the status of the serial will change to status 44.

    Figure 76: Shop Order Information

    NA Shop Order Information.png



    To monitor the transactions, status, 42Q responses, and errors related to Ship Notify, users can go from the menu bar, to: 42Q WO ShipNotify Status > Monitor Screen.


    Figure 77: 42Q WO ShipNotify Status

    NA 42Q WO ShipNotify Status.png



    By default, when serial numbers are shipped using a sales order on Netsuite, the serial entry will be available in the ‘42Q WO Serial Number’ screen, a serial number will be created, and that serial number will have the values of the two columns ISSHIPPED and 42Q RESPONSE, set to ‘No’.

    When users create a sales order and submit the form, the NetSuite Adapter will compare the entered serial number to the serial numbers contained in the customer record to verify if that serial number already exists. Then, the entered serial number will be sent along with the XML file to 42Q. Once the 42Q processes the data and response with a success message, it will update the entered serial number, and its status will be set as well.



    Figure 78: Monitor Work Orders Ship Notify Serial Numbers

    Monitor Work Orders Ship Notify Serial Numbers.png


    Note: Serial numbers colored in green means that the values of the columns ISSHIPED and 42Q RESPONSE are both set to Yes, therefore, these serial numbers are under shipment.


    Serial numbers colored in white mean that the WIP Move was completed and these serial numbers are ready to ship, it also means that the values of the columns ISSHIPED and 42Q RESPONSE are both set to No.

    Serial numbers colored in red mean that the value of the column ISSHIPED is set to Yes but the value of the column 42Q RESPONSE is set to No, this mean there was a technical error, therefore 42Q did not respond with a successful message; These serial numbers are ready to retry. When 42Q responds with a No message, (or unsuccessful message) a record will be created in the customer record Retry WO ship notify List, and the system will retry to send each of those records to 42Q every 15 minutes.

    Steps for Shipping Process on NetSuite:

    Create Sales Order:

    1. From the menu bar, navigate to: Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order.


    Figure 79: Navigate to ‘Enter Sales Order’

    NA Navigate to ‘Enter Sales Order’.png



    1. Enter the Customer, PO number, Item, and Amount, then, click Save.


       Figure 80: Enter the Required Information

    NA Enter the Required Information.png

    Figure 81: Enter the Amount Value

    NA Enter the Amount Value.png


    1. Click Fulfill and enter the required information. Next, go to the Address tab, and select the address. On the INVENTORY DETAIL Form, enter the serial number, Bin number, Qty, next, click the OK button and then click Save, to save the form.


    Figure 82: Click ‘Fulfill’ Button
    NA Click ‘Fulfill’ Button.png

    Figure 83: Select Address

    NA Select Address.png


    Figure 84: Click on the ‘INVENTORY DETAIL’ Icon

    NA Click on the ‘INVENTORY DETAIL’ Icon.png

    Figure 85: Enter the Required Information In the Inventory Detail Form

    NA Enter the Required Information In the Inventory Detail Form.png


    1. The status will change to Pending Bill from Pending Fulfillment, if the process is successful.


    Close Work Order Form

    For some work orders users may want to show the items as being assembled without completing all the steps. In such a case users can skip the steps and mark the order as closed. To do so, follow the next step list:

    1. Navigate to: Transactions > Manufacturing > Close Work Orders, and fill the required details. If WO status is 'R' on 42Q the close will not be allowed.
    2. Select the desired Posting Period to post this transaction to.  

    Note: It is not possible to post to a closed period.

    1. Enter a transaction Date.
    2. Select a transaction Subsidiary and Location.
    3. Select an assembly Item to filter the list and show only work orders for the item.
    4. Select a Customer to filter the list for transactions associated with the customer. Select All to show all transactions.
    5. Check the Include In-Process Work Orders box to include work orders with In Process and Built status.
    6. Check the Close box.
    7. Select Submit.


    Figure 86: Close Work Orders Portlet

    NA Close Work Orders Portlet.png


    After selecting submit, the status of the submitted transaction will be visible.


    Figure 87: Work Orders Process Statuses

    NA Work Orders Process Statuses.png


    Select the Refresh button to make sure the transaction is 100% complete.


    Figure 88: Percentage of Completion

    NA Percentage of Completion.png


    When the transaction is fully completed, the Work Order status will change to ‘CLOSED’.


    Figure 89: Closed Work Order

    NA Closed Work Order.png


    Figure 90: Work Order Status

    NA Work Order Status.png



    Mark Work Order Built Form

    NetSuite enables users to show Work Order items as assembled without completing all the steps. Make sure Work Orders are in status ‘In Process’ to be available in ‘Mark Work Order Built’ form. To do so, follow the next step list:

    1. Navigate to : Transactions > Manufacturing > Mark Work Orders Built.
    2. Select a Location to filter the list of orders.
    3. Select an Item to filter the list of orders.
    4. Select a Customer to filter the list of orders.
    5. Check the Mark Built box.
    6. Select Submit.


    Figure 91: Mark Work Order Built Portlet

    NA Mark Work Order Built Portlet.png


    After selecting Submit, the status of the submitted transaction will be visible.


    Figure 92: Work Order Process Status

    NA Work Order Process Status.png


    Select the Refresh button to make sure the transaction is 100% complete.

    Click the Complete link to view all the work orders (Processed Records).


    Figure 93: Percentage of Completion (Completed)

    NA Percentage of Completion (Completed).png


    Figure 94: Processed Records Statuses

    NA Processed Records Statuses.png


    When the transaction is fully completed, the Work Order status will change to BUILT.


    Figure 95: Built Work Order

    NA Built Work Order.png


    42Q only allows status change to be built (C on 42Q) through this form when the status of the order on the 42Q side is not released (N). The transaction will error out if status is released on 42Q side and Mark WO Built form is used.


    Figure 96: Bulk Processing Errors Message

    NA Bulk Processing Errors Message.png


    Work Order Build Process

    The NetSuite Adapter sends 3 types of information to 42Q: Header details, Routing and Component, however, if certain users do not want to send the route information but only send the header details and the component from NetSuite to 42Q, there exists the Work Order Build Process form that allows users to do so.


    Figure 97: Work Order Build Process Flow Diagram
    NA Work Order Build Process Flow Diagram.png


    In order to create a Work Order Build Process, users must follow the next step list:


    1. On the menu bar, go to: Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders.
    2. Change the value of CUSTOM FORM * to Job Creation Job Order.
    3. A new window will appear, change the value of SUBSIDIARY * to Honeycomb Mfg.
    4. Then in the LOCATION field, select 01 San Francisco.
    5. Change the value of the ASSEMBLY field to 42Q-MUG (the item with 42Q setup in Assembly Item / Product Setup section).
    6. In the field ORDER #, enter the order number.
    7. Click the Save button.

    Note: In the Work Order Build Process form the WIP checkbox will be unchecked and the MANUFACTURING ROUTING option will not be possible to select.

    Note: In the Work Order Build Process scenario it is not possible to send any material issues from 42Q to the ERP system (NetSuite), because NetSuite does not allow that action.


    Figure 98: Filling out Work Order Build Process Data
    NA Filling out Work Order Build Process Data.png


    Figure 99: Work Order Build Process Successfully Created

    NA Work Order Build Process Successfully Created.png


    The Work Order Build Process supports sending Over Completion and sending a Scrap from 42Q to NetSuite, however, if users can not perform actions that require Routing, such as WIP Moves, Rework, etc.
    For the scrap scenario, completion status is sent to 42Q when the scrap quantity and complete quantity sum are equal to the work order quantity.

    When all units are completed in the Work Order, the Work Order status will change to Built (completion status), and it will be sent to 42Q, then, if users Scrap or they do not want to build the whole Work Order, they can do Close, however it is not possible to do Close after Built, but users can do Close if there is a Scrap; if users record a Scrap, then users can Close a whole Work Order, in this case, users do not do a Built, they do directly a Close (which is more like a financial close), after that, the Close will be sent to NetSuite to 42Q.


    Scheduling Scripts

    There are four 42Q related scheduled scripts that utilize native NetSuite Scheduled Scripts:

    1. XX42Q WO Retry Schedule Job
    2. XX42Q Retry LargeOrder Process
    3. XX42Q WIP Move Retry Scheduled Job
    4. XX42Q Material Transactions Schedule Job
    5. XX42Q Retry WO ShipNotify

    Each of these should be set to 12:00 AM based on the customer server timezone. If the Start Time is set to any other time than 12:00 AM (for example: 2:00 PM), the script will start at 2:00 PM, but then finish its hourly execution at 12:00 AM. It will not resume until the next day at 2:00 PM.

    If users want to deploy scheduled scripts that are scheduled to run every 15 minutes on a 24 hour basis, the following sample values should be set on the Script Deployment page:


    • Deployed = Checked
    • Daily Event = Radio button enabled
    • Repeat every 1 day
    • Start Date = Today's date
    • Start Time = 12:00 AM
    • Repeat = Every 15 minutes
    • End By = Blank
    • No End Date = Checked
    • Status = Scheduled
    • Log Level = Error
    • Execute as Role = Set to Administrator

    To configure the scheduled scripts by following the next step list:

    1. Navigate to: Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
    2. Filter by SCRIPT name for each of the below scripts:
    • WO Retry Schedule Job.
    • Retry Large Order Process.
    • WIP Move Retry Scheduled Job.
    • Material Transactions Schedule Job.
    1. Click the Edit link for each script selected in the previous step.
    2. Follow the above example settings and save the script schedule.

    For more information about the NetSuite documentation on Scheduled Script Best Practices, visit the next web page: NetSuite documentation on Scheduled Script Best Practices.


    NetSuite Roles

    42Q NetSuite Adapter supports multiple roles based on the job profiles:

    1. 42Q Monitoring: Can view 42Q monitoring screens.
    2. 42Q ShipmentUser: Can perform shipment which includes the creation of sales order, and performing item fulfillment.
    3. 42Q User: Can perform actions related to the work order. It cannot do shipment actions.
    4. 42Q Admin: Admin access where all work order actions, shipment actions, and retry actions are allowed. Restriction for this user is that they cannot access scheduled scripts and access tokens.
    5. 42Q Connect: Site Admin type user with full access. This access is for SMEs only.



    Work Order Creation Error List

    The next table lists the errors that the users may encounter related to Work Order Creation as well as the possible causes and solutions.

    Error Description Possible Cause Solution
    Please check the attribute file
    1. The attribute file is missing in the MES config folder.
    2. The attribute file contains invalid data.
    1. Ensure the mes_42Q_custom_attributes.conf file exists.
    2. Check the mes_42Q_custom_attributes.conf formatting.
    Workorder released in 42Q. Routing/Component changes not allowed and Cannot Decrease Units in 42Q
    1. Routing and/or Component changes after Order has been released in 42Q.
    2. Work Order quantity decreases after the Work Order has been released and is in WIP in 42Q.
    If possible, delete unstarted serials to unrelease the Work Order in 42Q, or cancel the Work Order, and release another with updated changes.
    Workorder released in 42Q. Routing/Component changes not allowed. Routing and/or Component changes after the Work Order has been released in 42Q. If possible, delete unstarted serials to unrelease the Work Order in 42Q, or cancel the Work Order, and release another with updated changes.
    Cannot Decrease Units Release in 42Q. Work Order quantity decreases after the Work Order has been released and is in WIP in 42Q. Remove the desired quantity from the Work Order in 42Q, then, attempt to decrease the quantity again.
    Work Order Exist in 42Q. The Work Order already exists in 42Q. Create the Work Order with a new number that does not yet exist.
    Please check the multiplier file
    1. The multiplier file is missing in the MES config folder.
    2. The file contains invalid data or formatting.
    1. Ensure the mes_42Q_unitmultipler_setup.conf file exists.
    2. Check the mes_42Q_unitmultipler_setup.conf formatting.
    EXCEPTION_WHILE_CREATING_ATTACHMENT The attachment file is missing. Verify the attachment file.
    Job has WIP or Completed serials in 42Q System Attempted to make WIP changes after the Work Order is released in 42Q. Ensure the Work Order is either Unreleased or Completed in 42Q.



    WIP Move Transaction Error List

    The next table lists the errors that the users may encounter related to WIP Move Transaction as well as the possible causes and solutions.

    Error Description Possible Cause Solution
    Bin Number not found/Assign Bin number to the lot The Bin Number does not exist in NetSuite.
    1. Create a Bin Number for the data sent from 42Q.
    2. Set the transaction status to ‘Ignore’, then process the Work Order Completion and Work Order Built status manually.
    Quantity is Mismatch
    1. The ‘FromSequence’ quantity in NetSuite Operation table does not match the ‘FromSequence’ quantity in the 42Q WIP Move transaction.
    2. Manually transacted WIP Move Completions.
    Edit the transactional quantities to match what is in NetSuite, or edit for desired ‘FromSequence’ quantities. Reprocess (Manual Retry) the transaction.
    checkXMLFormat checkXMLFormat MES Config file formatting inconsistencies. Ensure all the config files are formatted properly.
    WO Completion creation failed
    1. Issue with the data used for entering Work Order Completion form.
    2. Previous Work Order completion failure.
    1. Validate the WIP Move XML data and NetSuite Form data.
    2. Resolve the previous Work Order completion failure.
    3. Ensure the Expense Account is defined for each Manufacturing Cost Template for the Manufacturing Routing.
    4. Code: ASSEMBLY_ITEM_IS_MISSING_WIP_ACCOUNT Details: Assembly item is missing WIP Account.
    Wo completion failed for 10 to 20    
    Please check the multiplier file
    1. The multiplier file is missing in the MES config folder.
    2. The file contains invalid data.
    1. Configure an appropriate multiplier name and value.
    2. Check the mes_42Q_unitmultipler_setup.conf file for proper formatting.
    EXCEPTION_WHILE_CREATING_ATTACHMENT The attachment file is missing Verify the attachment file
    Pull components material Issue & Built status update failed The pull components failed due to invalid bin or presence of serialized pull components Issue the pull components manually, then edit the Work Orders to Built status.



    WIP Material Issue Error List

    The next table lists the errors that the users may encounter related to WIP Material Issue as well as the possible causes and solutions.

    Error Description Possible Cause Solution
    Pull components material Issue & Built status update failed Pull components failed due to invalid bin or presence of serialized pull components Issue the pull components manually. Allow transactions to retry automatically, or select the 42Q action button in the WIP Move monitor screen, then select User Retry, and Submit to attempt to reprocess the transaction.
    Please check the multiplier file
    1. The multiplier file is missing.
    2. The file is mismatched.
    1. Configure an appropriate multiplier name and value.
    2. Check the mes_42Q_unitmultipler_setup.conf file for proper formatting.
    EXCEPTION_WHILE_CREATING_ATTACHMENT Attachment file is missing Verify the attachment file
    Bin Number not found/Assign Bin number to the lot Bin Number provided in 42Q is not available in NetSuite
    1. Create a Bin Number to match the 42Q data.
    2. Set the transaction status to ‘Ignore’, then process the Work Order Completion and Work Order Built status manually.
    Code: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF Details: Invalid Bin number reference key 7265 for issue inventory number <NULL>.
    1. Internal ID of the inventory number record is verified to be correct.
    2. Check the Bin number is not on the specific location of the inventory number.
    Check and define that the location set on the request corresponds to the Bin number record's location.
    Code: YOU_HAVE_AN_INVALID_WORK_ORDER_1_THE_WORK_ORDER_DOES_NOT_USE_WIP_OR_THE_WORK_ORDER_IS_ALREADY_CLOSED Details: One of the following problems exists: You have an invalid work order <number>, the work order does not use WIP, or the work order is already closed.
    1. Check whether the WorkOrder is Closed.
    2. Check the WIP guidelines and make sure the Work Order does not use WIP.
    Create the New Work Order with WIP enabled
    Code: QUANTITY_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO_FOR_AT_LEAST_ONE_OF_THE_COMPONENT_ITEMS Details: Quantity must be greater than zero for at least one of the component items. Work Order Issue is already created, and an attempt is made to create a Work Order Completion with backflush - not allowed to save the Work Order Completion with backflush as it is required to enter component quantities. Create the Work Order with the required component quantities
    Code: SUBLIST_1_FIELD_2_ALREADY_CONTAINS_A_SUBRECORD_YOU_CANNOT_CALL_CREATECURRENTLINEITEMSUBRECORD Details: Sublist component field component inventory detail already contains a subrecord, you cannot call createCurrentLineItemSubrecord. The most significant difference between the record and a subrecord is that the subrecord must have a parent record, the subrecord cannot exist in the system without being attached to a record. To update the subrecord, access is required to the parent record. Check and access the subrecord in the sublist by using the sublist API
    Serial Number not exist Serial Number not given for the appropriate components in NetSuite Create the serial/lot number for the components
    Item is not exist Item does not exist Create the Item
    Code: INVENTORY_REVALUATION_IS_NOT_THE_FIRST_TRANSACTION_IN_THE_ITEM_HISTORY_ERROR_MSG Details: Inventory Revaluation is no longer the first transaction in the item's history
    1. A Standard Cost Version has been created under: Lists > Accounting > Standard Cost Versions.
    2. A Planned Standard Cost has been assigned to the item under: Lists > Accounting > Planned Standard Costs.
    3. This is not always necessary. If you decide to activate an existing Cost Version, you may manually revalue a single item through Transactions > Inventory > Revalue Inventory Cost.
    4. Update the standard cost of items with the effective date by running the Inventory Cost Revaluation under Lists> Accounting> Revalue Standard Cost Inventory
    1. A Standard Cost Version has been created under: Lists > Accounting > Standard Cost Versions.
    2. A Planned Standard Cost has been assigned to the item under: Lists > Accounting > Planned Standard Costs.
    3. This is not always necessary. If you decide to activate an existing Cost Version, you may manually revalue a single item through: Transactions > Inventory > Revalue Inventory Cost.
    4. Update the standard cost of items with the effective date by running the Inventory Cost Revaluation under: Lists> Accounting> Revalue Standard Cost Inventory.
    org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "itemId" is not defined. WOCREATEMES LIB#1678) Script Bug - ReferenceError: "itemId" is not defined.(WOCREATEMES LINE #1678) Need to define proper variable for itemId
    org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "opSeqNum" is not defined. (WOCREATEMES LIB#1681) Script Bug - ReferenceError: "opSeqNum" is not defined.(WOCREATEMES LINE #1681) Need to define proper variable for opSeqNum
    Code: UNEXPECTED_ERROR Netsuite Bug It can be time out or a Netsuite bug
    Code: USER_ERROR Details: Please enter value(s) for: Serial/Lot Number, Bin Serial Number/Bin is not defined in NetSuite Check and define the serial number/ Bin in NetSuite
    Code: SSS_INVALID_SRCH_OPERATOR Details: An nlobjSearchFilter contains an invalid operator, or is not in proper syntax: inventorynumber. Check the operator or Braces for the appropriate condition Correct the conditions of filters with Braces and Conditions
    Code: ASSEMBLY_ITEM_IS_MISSING_WIP_ACCOUNT Details: Assembly item is missing WIP Account. The assembly item is missing WIP Account Add the WIP Account to the Assembly Item.
    WOrk Order Issue is not available for this Work Order    
    Code: USER_ERROR Details: The total inventory detail quantity must be n Two or more Material Transaction lines for the same component item with only one line item on the BOM. This is likely due to an older version (32.02.10_15.72.00 or older) in which the adapter and 42Q v15.72.5 does not support multiple component items (for same component item), with multiple lots/serials, in the same XML. As of 17-Mar-2022 this item is under analysis for appropriate enhancement to support this exception.
    Code: Invalid Bin number Details: Bin Number not found/Assign Bin number to the lot Manual update of Bin Number in a failing Material Transaction, without updating the Bin ID. Manual update of Bin Number in a failing Material Transaction, without updating the Bin ID. Add appropriate Bin ID to the failing transaction and then retry the transaction manually, or wait for the auto retry script to run.



    Ship Notify Error List

    The next table lists the errors that the users may encounter related to Ship Notify as well as the possible causes and solutions.

    Error Description Possible Cause Solution
    org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "orderid" is not defined. (WO ShipNotify UE LIB#13) Script Bug - ReferenceError: "orderid" is not defined. (WO ShipNotify UE LINE #13) Need to define orderid
    org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "serialNoCount " is not defined. (WO ShipNotify UE LIB#172) Script Bug - ReferenceError: "serialNoCount " is not defined. (WO ShipNotify UE LINE #172) Need to define serialNoCount
    Code: UNEXPECTED_ERROR Netsuite Bug It can be Time out or a Netsuite bug