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=== '''Serial Numbers Tab''' ===
=== <span class="mw-headline" id="Serial_Numbers_Tab">Serial Numbers Tab</span> ===
'''Users can visualize, export, or print serial numbers from the Serial Numbers Tab.'''
Users can visualize, export, or print serial numbers from the Serial Numbers Tab.
'''Figure 13: SIT Range Form - Serial Numbers Tab'''
'''Figure 13: SIT Range Form - Serial Numbers Tab'''

Revision as of 22:48, 10 January 2023

42Q Home > Shop Floor Control > Production Control > Serialized Item Tracker




Shop Floor Control
Production Control
Serialized Item Tracker
Version MES 15.75
Revision E1




Serialized Item Tracker

The Serialized Item Tracker (SIT) is a 42Q module designed for effectively creating and importing large numbers of serialized components to be used in the manufacturing process. It eliminates much of the overhead of creating serial numbers one at a time. The serialized components can be created based on a starting serial number and algorithm or from a list of serial numbers scanned or copied from a text file.

SIT can receive, return, and make obsolete a range of serialized items. Serialized Item Ranges will be stored in a new SIT_Range table in the database.  Each item in the range is exploded into the serial table as tracked components.  The assignment of these items to units will be done with standard Shop Floor Control technology. There are reports and EDI extracts that will be written to support SIT. These reports and extracts are not been defined in this document as they will most likely be written outside MDS.

SIT also manages and sends e-mail alerts of the serialized items consumption by low and very low watermarks.

To access Serialized Item Tracker, navigate to Shop Floor Control > Production Control > Serialized Item Tracker


Figure 1: Serialized Item Tracker 

Serialized Item Tracker.png


Serialized Items SIT logo1.png

To access Serialized Items, click on Serialized Items icon.

The Serialized Items page shows a list of locations that are based on the actual Shop Floor Control Configuration, the SIT Range List.

Users are able to perform the following actions: 

  • Filter and search
  • Receive
  • Receive (PTS)
  • Edit
  • Disposition
  • Resend
  • Additional Info
  • SIT Batch Traveler
  • Print/Export
  • Print/Export Filtered Ranges


Figure 2: Functionalities at Serialized Items 

Serialized Items List functionalities.png

Filter and Search

  Users can search using the filters located at the top of the SIT Range List. There are three available searches: SIT Status, Type, and Filter By and Value.


Figure 3: Filter options 

Filter options.png


Search by SIT Status or Type

To search a serial item, filter by SIT Status or Type:  

  1. Select one or more filters (SIT Status, Type).
  2. Then, select Filter to proceed or Clear to start a new search. 

  There are four SIT statuses that can be filtered:

  • Damaged: Serial item damaged
  • Obsolete: Serial item that will not be used anymore, but still exists.  No longer in use or valid 
  • Received: Serial number created (SFDC status is the same as the location where the serial was created)
  • Returned: Returns a range of serials, a specific serial, or all serials


Figure 4: Searching by Status

Searching by Status .png


There are four available types that can be filtered to display serial number ranges that are already created for all statuses (damage, obsolete, receive, return): 

  • COA label
  • EUI-48-Intel-MAC
  • Manually Entered 
  • Non-SN Batch


Figure 5: Searching by Type 

Searching by Type.png


Search by Filter by

  There are six available options to Filter by:

  • Create User
  • PO (Purchase Order of the range being received)
  • PO Line (Line Number of the Purchase Order above)
  • Packaging List (The shipping number of the range being received)
  • Part Number
  • Serial Number

  To search using the "Filter by" field:  

  1. Select one of the available options from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter the information into the Value field accordingly.  
  3. Select Filter to proceed, or Clear to start a new search.


Figure 6: Searching by Filter by

Searching by Filter by.png



This portlet allows a user to receive (create) a range of serialized items.  The user specifies the beginning and ending serial number, part number, and other miscellaneous attribute data. The range is stored in the SIT_Range table as “received” SIT status and has the same status as the location where it was created (see Location x SIT Type).  Individual items are created in the database as tracked components. A serial number algorithm for the part number needs to be created and released to support generating serial numbers for the defined range.

Note: SIT works with two algorithm types:

  • Shop Order Algorithm (created using the Algorithm Tool).
  • Algorithm manually encoded.

  The serial numbers are created and associated with the location (and unit status) that was defined on Location x Sit Type. The following attributes are linked to each serial number:  

  • SIT Range Pointer 
  • SIT Serial Number 
  • SIT Date Code     
  • SIT Lot Code       
  • SIT Manufacturer Part Number
  • SIT PTS ID (only in case of a PTS received)

 The algorithm is updated with the last serial number received.


Receive process

To start the receiving process:

  1. Select the Receive button. The SIT Range Form displays
  2. Select the Info tab
  3. Select Type from the dropdown list
  4. Input the required information for mandatory fields (Quantity, Starting Serial, and Ending Serial)
  5. Click Save to proceed, Reset to clear all fields, or Close to quit


Figure 7: SIT Range Form - Receive

SIT Range Form - Receive.png  


Figure 8: SIT Range Form - Type options

SIT Range Form - Type options.png  


Note: After entering the mandatory fields, the Print Label pop-up for receive units is displayed. The user can fill in the mandatory fields to print the label or cancel to proceed with the receive task.


When ‘Manually Entered’ is selected, the following fields will be disabled:

  • Quantity
  • Starting Serial
  • Ending Serial

 A multi-line text box appears to be filled with the serials.

Input one or more serial numbers in the text box, one per line. The quantity field will be automatically updated with the serial numbers in the text box.

These serial numbers will be used instead of calculating serial numbers from an algorithm.


Figure 9: SIT Range Form - Manually Entered Type

Manually Entered Type.png


A new generic attribute (project:receive_sit_range_default_optional_attributes) will control which attributes will be prompted when receiving a serial number range.

  • Part Number: The user selects one part number from the drop-down list, depending on the selected type.
  • Batch Quantity:  Calculated if the starting and ending serial fields are populated. If the Starting serial and a specific quantity are entered, the system calculates the ending serial. If the starting serial and ending serial are populated, the quantity field is disabled.
  • PO: The Purchase Order of the range is being received.
  • PO Line: The Line Number of the Purchase Order above.
  • Packing List: The shipping number of the range being received.
  1. After all the fields are populated, a confirmation message is displayed.  
  2. Click on Yes to confirm the range creation or No to cancel. The created range is displayed in the SIT list.


Non-SN Batch

Always create a batch serial number. The batch serial number quantity is determined by the received quantity.

If the part number is assigned to an algorithm, the serial number will be validated accordingly; otherwise, no validation will occur.

The default attributes are LOT Code, Date Code, and MPN. These attributes can be: 


  • Added: Select the Add Attribute button, enter data, and select Update to commit.


Figure 10: SIT Range Form - Add Attribute

SIT Range Form - Add Attribute.png


  • Removed: Select the attribute, then select the Remove Attribute button. Finally, click on Yes to confirm.


  Figure 11: SIT Range Form - Remove Attribute

SIT Range Form - Remove Attribute.png


  • Edited with new attribute values: Double-click on the attribute name. Write down the new value. Default attribute values will be comma separated items, allowing for multiple default attributes to be configured.


Figure 12: SIT Range Form - Edit Attribute




Serial Numbers Tab

Users can visualize, export, or print serial numbers from the Serial Numbers Tab.


Figure 13: SIT Range Form - Serial Numbers Tab




Attribute Field


  • Receipt Date: Current date and timestamp
  • Date Code:
  • LOT Code:
  • MPN: Manufacturing PN associated with the PTS SN



Figure 25: SIT Range Form

Figure 25 .png




Receive Field


  1. Range Type is always Manually Entered. Because of this, the drop-down menu is disabled.
  2. Part Number: This number cannot be changed. It represents the PN associated with the PTS ID.
  3. Serial Numbers: Add Serial Numbers to associate with the PTS attributes.
  4. SN Quantity automatically populates based upon SNs added to the Serial Number field (above).
  5. Starting Serial: The first SN entered into the Serial Number field. This number is automatically populated based upon data added to the Serial Number text box.
  6. Ending Serial: The last SN entered into the Serial Number field. This number is automatically generated based upon data added to the Serial Number text box.
  7. Modify the PO, PO Line, and Packing List information if desired.
  8. NOTE: The Part Number, Date Code, Lot Code, and MPN will contain the imported PTS information and is disabled for editing.
  9. NOTE: If the generic attribute update_pts_data is defined as “Yes,” the Date Code, Lot Code, and MPN information will be available for editing as well.
  10. Select Save. This action (Save) adds the attribute information to the serial numbers specified.


Part x Sit Type

This section covers how a part number can be assigned or unassigned to an SIT type. To access the Part x Sit Type module navigate to the Serialized Item Tracker main page (Shop Floor Control Production ControlSerialized Item Tracker) and select Part x Sit Type.   Figure 25: Part SIT Type Figure 24 Part SIT Type.jpg
The SIT Type List page displays: Figure 26: SIT Type List Figure 25 SIT Type List.jpg
1. To edit a SIT type, check the box of a SIT type from the list and click Edit. The Part x Type list is displayed.

Figure 27: Add Part x SIT Type

Figure 26 Add Part x SIT Type.jpg

2. To add an association, click on Add Part x SIT Type in the Tasks panel.

Figure 28: Add Part x SIT Type

Figure 27 Add Part x SIT Type.jpg

3. Select a part number to be associated and click on Save. The selected part number will disappear from this list and will be displayed in the SIT type list, for the previously selected type. To cancel this action, select Cancel.

Editing a SIT Type:

The rules for editing SIT Types are the same for COA, MAC or Manually Entered:

1. Select Edit to edit a MAC Address or COA Label Type. The Edit page is displayed.

Figure 29: Part x Type List – Edit Part SIT Type

Figure 28 Part x Type List - Edit Part SIT Type.jpg

Figure 30: Part x SIT Type Form

Figure 29 Part x SIT Type Form.jpg

NOTE: Unless the user checks the check box "Do you want to manage the LVM and VLVM?" this page will not be available for editing.

  • Low Water Mark: This is a value set by the user to trigger an alert when the available SN quantity for that part number is low and needs attention. This is defined when the user intends to manage the available quantity of SN. When the LWM is reached, e-mail alerts are sent for the registered addresses.
  • Very Low Watermark: This is a value set by the user to trigger an alert when the available SN quantity is very low and has become a critical situation. When the VLWM is reached, e-mail alerts are sent for the registered addresses.

2. After checking the "Do you want manage the LVM and VLVM?" box, the data can be edited.

3. The N&E Rule ID field allows users to configure a specific rule in the Notification & Escalation regarding sending e-mails. If there is a previous configured rule in the N&E, just type the rule name in this field and it will be executed. In the other hand, if there is no configured rule on N&E, the Default Rule already configured will be executed.

4. Type a user name and click on add icon for the LWM and VLWM CC E-mail. The e-mail list box is populated with the e-mail from the CC E-mail textbox. The user may also select Remove (All Items or Selected Items) for the LWM and VLWM CC E-mail. This removes the selected e-mail from the e-mail list.


  • Selected users will receive e-mails frequently unless they are removed from the list.
  • ACRON job must be configured to send the emails.

Figure 31: Part x Type List - Disassociating Part Numbers

Figure 30 Part Type List - Disassociating Part Numbers.jpg

1. To delete a part x SIT type, select a part number to delete and click Delete.

NOTE: This selected part number will not be deleted from database per se; it will just be unassigned from the selected SIT type.

2. Select Yes to confirm, or No to cancel.

Location x Sit Type

This section covers how a location can be assigned or unassigned to a SIT type.

To access the Location x SIT Type module, navigate to Shop Floor Control Production Control Serialized Item Tracker and select Location x SIT Type from the SIT main page.   Figure 32: Location x SIT Type Figure 31 Location x SIT Type.jpg  

1. To edit the Location, check the box of an SIT type in the list and select Edit.

Figure 33: SIT Type List

Figure 32 SIT Type List.jpg

2. Edit the location and select Save to confirm the updates, or Cancel to abort.

Figure 34: SIT Type Form

Figure 33 SIT Type Form.jpg

Note: If the SIT Type already has received SIT Range, it will not be possible to change its location (see the image above).

Appendix A


Acronyms are abbreviations, such as LDAP, MES, and SFDC, written as the initial letter or letters of words, and pronounced on the basis of this abbreviated written form. By developing these acronyms, it is not necessary to write the complete name all the time in the guide.


Certificate of Authenticity

Customer Order Processing System

Factory Execution Systems

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Shop Data Floor Collection


Appendix B


This glossary is a list of terms with definitions for them.


The System Administration has full access - all plants, all reports, all users.


A component is a specific piece of data that appears on a label, for example: bar code, part numbers, graphic images, line or text. Hence, label components are broken down into several different types: text, graphic images, MES database values, or a combination of text and database values.


In software development, a framework is a defined support structure in which another software project can be organized and developed. A framework may include support programs, code libraries, a scripting language, or other software to help develop and glue together the different components of a software project.


Low watermark – this is a value set by the user to alert when the available SN for that part number is low and it needs attention. It ’ s defined when the user intends to manage the available quantity of SN. Always when the LWM is reached, e-mail alerts are sent for the registered addresses. Packing List Packing List is the shipping number of the range being received PO PO is the Purchase Order of the range being received PO Line PO Line is the Line Number of the Purchase Order above SFDC Configuration

The rules used to define how SFDC collects data provides analysis, controls the processing, and maintains unit histories

Site Minder

Universal login of 42Q


The username is the site minder username (or a partial string)


Very low watermark - this is a value set by the user to alert when the available SN are very low and this is a critical situation.