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= Document Revision History =
= Document Revision History =

Revision as of 17:46, 17 May 2021


Crew Maintenance allows users to create and manage crews, add users and measure the time the operators spend in their daily activities.

To access Crew Maintenance, from the 42Q portal navigate to Administration > Crew Maintenance.

Figure 1: Crew Maintenance

CM 01.png

The next sections will give details on how the Crew Maintenance works. 



Crew Maintenance 

Crew Maintenance allows users to search for an existing Crew by Name or by Status and to Create a new Crew which they can be able to customize and manage, add and remove users as needed.

Figure 2: Crew Maintenance Search

CM Search.png

Note: The statuses will be shown in colors: Green for Active and red for Inactive.  


Activate or Inactivate a Crew

If the user selects one or all of the Crews, by selecting the square in the left or row by row,  the options to Edit, Activate and Deactivate will be enabled.


Note: If the Crew is Active the options Edit CM Icon1.pngand Deactivate CM Icon2.pngwill only be enabled and if the Crew is Inactive the options Edit CM Icon1.pngand Activate CM Icon3.pngwill be enabled.

See Figures 3 and 4 for reference.

Figure 3: Activate a Crew

CM Activate a Crew.png


Figure 4: Inactivate a Crew

CM Inactivate a Crew.png


Note: The options above to edit, activate and deactivate are also available in the crew row.


If the square on the top left is selected users will be allowed to activate or deactivate all Crews in one shot, the system will ask users if they are sure to activate them (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Select All

CM Select All.png


Add Crew

To create a new Crew, users must select the CM icon5.png button located on the top right corner; once selected, users will be able to customize theirCrew with the following fields:   

  • Name of the Crew
  • Password
  • Description

Once the information is in place, users can select Cancel or Save at the bottom of the screen.

Note: When the information from the new crew is saved, the system will automatically create a new type of user (Crew User).

Figure 6: Add Crew

CM AddCrew.png


Note: All of the fields are mandatory and the name and password of the crew cannot be greater than 12 characters each.

If users select Cancel instead of Save, the system will show a warning message as Figure 7 shows.

Figure 7: Are you sure you want to continue?

MC Continue.png

Edit a Crew

The Edit options are available at the end of every row, and on the top of the list once a crew is selected the edit option will be enabled.

Figure 8: Edit Crews

CM EditCrews.png

CM EditCrews2.png


Once  Edit Crew is selected, two tabs are visible: Crew Infomation and Crew History.

Figure 9: Edit Tabs

CM EditTabs.png


Crew Information 

The crew information shows users the name, description, and the list of crew members, as shown in Figure 10.

Note: User will not be able to see the Password, since it was previously saved.  

Crew Members 

This option shows the active members of a crew and allows search by employee Number, Name, and Search by Log In.

Figure 10: Crew Members

CM CrewMembers.png


Once users finish with the edits and select the Save button,  the system will let them know the Crew has been updated, as the figure below shows.   Figure 11: Crew updated

CM Crewupdated.png


Add a New Member to a Crew

To add a new member to the crew, users must select the button CM Icon6.png. Once this option is selected, users are able to search by Name or byEmployee Number.

Figure 12: Manage Members To Crew

CM ManageMembersToCrew.png


Crew History 

The Crew History allows searching  crews members by:  

  • Search by Number
  • Search by Name
  • Search by Date Log In 
  • Search by Date Log Out


Figure 13: Crew History

CM CrewHistory.png

Users are able to see the Edit History of the crew members, such as:Number, Name, Date Log In, andDate Log Out, and to Remove crew members if needed.

Figure 14: Edit History

CM EditHistory.png

Also, users can add a record in the history by selecting the CM Icon7.png button.

Once selected the screen will display the fields to fill: Number, Name, Date Log In, and Date Log Out.

Figure 15: Add History

CM AddHistory.png

Note: For more information on the Crew Maintenance functionality in Production Workbench and MESWeb Reports please visit: 

42Q-MES0145-C Production Workbench

SOP-5-I-MES0055-C RA1 MESWeb Reports


Document Revision History